Further ower powering necro. You don’t seem to be consideret about others, who don’t like necro. I love necro personaly and even i think this is getting redicules.
It wouldn’t make a whole lot of difference to be honest. It might be kind of fun but it won’t have a major impact on anything. Of the few skills of each class in the game that actually have supported items that make them useful, most have only one rune that’s even worth using in the first place. Of the skills that have equal runes, many just change the element flavor, more than anything else.
This also suffers from the same major glaring flaw in the game. Most builds can barely find even 4 decent passive skills that work with the set up, let alone 6.
Just curious. Why season 26? If season 22 is any indication of future seasons, Season 26 will towards the end of 2022 and possibly 2023. By then hopefully we’ll have D2R and Diablo 4. Although Diablo 4 might be a stretch.
To be completely overloaded, all skills need to have all runes and activate at all times or when attacking/hit. If you’re going to go for it, reach for the High Heavens.
Then, they can nerf every legendary that gives added runes.
It is just I didn’t play that much others classes so I cannot speak for them. Also I wanted to keep the post size quite small. People often complain when I post too much details. Feel free to list any interesting combinations for other classes.
Aha nice, divergent opinions.
I think some combinations are interesting in their intrinsic modifiers, but surely not boost outrageously damage. Having 6 active skills modified by 12 runes can lead to unprecedented builds, and somehow change a little bit the way we play the game. I feel this proposal being balanced and reasonable for a seasonal theme. The very fact it needs testing is precisely because it allows lots of combinations, and this is precisely what Diablo 3 are returning to the game. To test, test, test.
I agree. With 6 slots you can slot more leech / defense / speed / CDR along with traditional modifiers. The 6 Passives are indeed focused on improving Quality of Life rather than improving damage.
All runes is unwanted because it would nullify the few items in the game (amulet, bracers) that already activate all runes.
Selected runes already activate when selected.
What do you wish for exactly ?
Nothing… I didn’t say I wanted it. But, if you’re going to go for overload, make every skill and every rune active always. That way you can build whatever you want and get everything. It’s the Season of No Choices.
And, I already said if that was done, the items that give runes would have to be modified.