Season 23 - Idea - Transferable Archives

Season 23 - Idea - Transferable Archives

In this Season, the Archivists Council release two additional Kanai recipes, allowing Nephalems to transfer Legendary powers and Set powers to any items.

:safety_vest: Transfer a Legendary power

Seasonal Kanai cube recipe n°1
Cost: Affordable
Transfer the Legendary power from one item to another.
Remove any class lock.
Source item will be destroyed.
Destination item preexisting Legendary power will be replaced.

:shorts: Transfer Set powers

Seasonal Kanai cube recipe n°2
Cost: Affordable
Transfer Set powers from N items to N other items.
Remove any class lock.
Source items will be destroyed.
Destination items preexisting set powers will be replaced.


Transfered powers will be reinitialized at the end of the Season.


:package: UI

  • 1:1 items for Legendaries
  • 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 6:6 items for Sets

Need to

  • Create 2 recipes
  • Enlarge Kanai cube space
  • Split into 2 spaces (left/right), when new recipes are selected


Enlarge & Split Kanai cube on demand looks easy to code & skin.


:dart: Explainer

  • Thousands of new builds
  • Allow class-locked items powers to be transfered
  • Gears of Dreadlands, The Shadow’s Bane 2 pieces, Nayr’s Black Death, Istvan’s Paired Blades, Hunter’s Wrath, Storm Crow, Vambraces of Sescheron for everyone
  • Hellskull, Flying Dragon powers on Barbarian
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt, Mask of Jeram, The Grin Reaper, Madawc’s Sorrow, Markings of Savages 2 pieces, Vo’Toyias Spiker powers on Necromancer
  • Set Helm can become a Set Belt (ex: easier multi-set)
  • Set Shield can apply Ancient Parthans Defenders
  • Set / Legendary Shoulder can apply Winter Flurry
  • Set / Legendary Pants can apply Henri’s Perquisition
  • Set / Legendary Belt can apply Thing of the Deep
  • Set / Legendary Boots can apply Nemesis Bracers
  • Set / Legendary Helm can apply Stone Gauntlets
  • Set / Legendary Gauntlets can apply Messerschmidt’s Reaver
  • Legendary Bracers can apply Swamp Land Waders
  • Legenday Source / Phylactery can apply OathKeeper
  • Legendary powers transferable on any Ancient means easy Legacy Of Dreams
  • Trash Primals can be usefully transformed, thus playable and enjoyable
  • Swords can apply Scythe Legendary powers, leading to better transmogs


:zap: :zap: Necromancer, but not limited to, apparently benefits from DOUBLE 6 pieces bonus Set synergies:

:zap: :zap: :zap: Another version of this proposal suggest to mix Transferable Archives with extracting Set powers in the cube. In this version, as extracted Set Powers can also be selected as regular Kanai cube powers at bottom (the 3 slots), Necromancer, but not limited to, apparently benefits from TRIPLE 6 pieces bonus Set synergies:


:gem: Another Seasonal Idea:

This sounds cool.

But wouldn’t this make it so that you can easily equip more than one set? And not like a two piece/3 piece with RoRG. Won’t you be able to equip two six piece sets? Wouldn’t that be way to strong?

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It sounds interesting. I’d like to know what other players think about this :slight_smile:

Not even that far ahead yet , smfh

Has possibilities. Reminds me of the Diablo2 Wolfhowl barb helm which transforms barb appearance into a werewolf druid plus a few druid abilities.

Defense: 332-377 (varies)(Base Defense: 105-150)
Required Level: 79
Required Strength: 129
Durability: 35
(Barbarian Only)
+120-150% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+2-3 To Warcries (Barbarian Only) (varies)
+3-6 To Feral Rage (varies)
+3-6 To Lycanthropy (varies)
+3-6 To Werewolf (varies)
+8-15 To Strength (varies)
+8-15 To Dexterity (varies)
+8-15 To Vitality (varies)
Level 15 Summon Dire Wolf (18 Charges)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

:zap: :zap: Yes, the possibility of usable DOUBLE 6 pieces Sets exists !

Examples of such exceptions :

  • Masquerade + Tal Rasha (Cold Spear)
  • Masquerade + Inarius (Near Bone Spear)
  • Pestilence + Tal Rasha (Auto Cold Lance)
  • Pestilence + Trag’Oul (Auto Blood Lance)
  • Pestilence + Inarius (Auto Near Lance)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Tal Rasha (Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Trag’Oul (Blood Mages)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Rathma (Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Inarius (Near Pets)
  • Rathma + Trag’Oul (Blood Mages)
  • Inarius + Rathma (Near Pets)
  • Inarius + Trag’Oul (Near Blood Mages)
  • Gears of Dreadlands + Inarius (Near Primary skills)
  • Gears of Dreadlands + Tal Rasha (Cold Primary skills)
  • Inarius + Tal Rasha (Near Cold skills)
  • Invoker + Tal Rasha (Cold Thorns)
  • Invoker + Inarius (Near Thorns)
  • Invoker + Rathma (Pets Thorns)

If Zunimassa’s Haunt apply on all pets (class unlock) and Thorns of the Invoker 6 pieces bonus changed to “The your attack speed of Punish and Slash are is increased by 50% and you deal 15,000% of your Thorns damage to the first enemy hit” (class unlock).

6 pieces + 6 pieces = 12 pieces on 13, you are full.

With Ring of Royal Grandeur :
5 pieces + 5 pieces = 10 pieces on 13, you can add another 2, 3 or 4 pieces bonus.
Examples :

  • Horde of the Ninety Savages 2 pieces
  • Helltooth Harness 2 pieces
  • The Shadow’s Bane 2 pieces
  • Captain Crimson’s Trimmings 3 pieces (for cooldown)
  • Blackthorne 4 pieces (for defense)
  • Masquerade 4 pieces (for defense)
  • Trag’Oul 4 pieces (for life)

That said, it is quite rare to find such useful 6p + 6p combinations. Sets are generally intended and tailored to work with specific class items, or buff a dedicated skill for the class they were designed. In most cases, it would require the player to deal with multiple buffed skills.

I see natural limitations:

  • Skill bar offers a limited number of slots
  • Gameplay implying multiple buffed skills would require some coordination
  • Buffed skills simply do not synergize between themselves

If testing proves this possibility to be over powered, developers can:

  • apply an additional gradual difficulty after Parangon 800 (where casual players generally stop to play in Season)
  • limit gameplay to only 1 active Set, but we would miss something huge as multi-6p-set & others bizarreries can be quite innovative and interesting

In the end, equality is preserved since everyone has access to any item, so everyone can power up with its favorite class, have fun trying to reach GR150 and maybe perform on leaderboards.

“Fresh meat !” to test :slight_smile:

That’s the spirit ! :slight_smile:


Also, as players will probably need other classes items, this Seasonal theme will challenge players to play each class to find required items to perfect their builds, leading to a x2 x3 increase of played hours for an average player.

The idea to transfer legendary powers to other items is cool. I think it would bring more versatility to the builds and also could finally make some use of all the trash powerless legendaries or also the useless primals that have good stats but do not have the needed legendary power.
But it should be with some sort of limitation also, or else the items will just lose identity and will become just shells with powers that are continuously changing… I don’t know if I would like that. It could be that on an item you can transfer a new power only once (or a limited amount of times).

Instead I don’t like the set idea. If it can make you use multiple sets, even full sets, on you, the game will just be broken.


  • Hard to keep the count in the UI
  • Error is not allowed on the last try


  • It would make the surgery precious
  • Players would think twice about it before applying a transfer on a Primal

Says the guy who is rushing the Kanai cube at each Season start :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The whole proposal is about extending the Kanai cube mechanics, just like achieved by the very popular Season 20 - Forbidden Archives. It just moves few steps further.

I was totally down with two new cube recipes for a seasonal theme. That could be interesting, depending on what those cube recipes were. Reroll an affix range on an item? Reroll an ancient item’s stats (but guaranteed ancient?)

The problem (or perk?) of this is it’s not power creep. It’s simply more power, faster. Is this good, or bad? Would this be an interesting theme?

Good idea.

Rerolling an item while preserving its exact quality could be nice addition to the list of recipes.

For example with such a new recipe, you could reroll :

  • an Ancient, with the insurance to get exactly an Ancient
  • a Primal, with the insurance to get exactly a Primal

Only Ancient and Primal items could be accepted in such a recipe. Cost should be identical to the non-preserving recipe, because the challenge is to get Ancient / Primal items first.

That said, I would not make this kind of recipe a seasonal theme. It is ain’t fun nor breaking the game. It is more designed to be a tooling / quality of life addition, so designed to be a regular recipe.

I thought “transfert” was a typing error.

I see you like it that way. It makes more sense to you :laughing:

Thanks. Fixed. Frenglish typo. :sweat_smile:

The transmog system would probably be the easiest bootstrap to add this code. It could also be removed at the end of season to not pollute NS play after season end.

I’d definitely play season 23 if this was a thing.

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Yes, that could also work !

Like you said there should be a limitation. What about that you can only wear 1 item that has been changed like that and therefore this item has 2 legendary affixes (its original leg affix + the added one) ?
It keeps its own identity and adds another affix to it.
Sounds interesting enough to me for a seasonal theme.

Not gonna happen probably due to all the programming changes that they need to make. Just sayin. They are only going to do “Plug and Play” type seasons that are pretty simple to deploy. Your idea sounds interesting…but not gonna happen.

what do you mean by rushing the kanai cube? I don’t see how this is related.
If you move a legendary power to every other item, without any limitation, it won’t matter anymore what items do you get, you will search just for the needed legendary power to combine with the right atributes you need… I’m not sure how good this can be for the game’s economy and aestethics…

Another thing also, will this transfer be limited to the same category of items (weapon legendary power, to another weapon legendary power) or it will be without any limitation (you can move any power, from any item, to any item) ??

A simpler version to code, especially for sets, could be to limit the power transfer on the same type of item (shoulder to shoulder). But you would lose the ability to apply a set to different items type (ex: Set Helm can become a Set Belt)

Another option could be to limit the power transfer on the same category of item (armor to armor, weapon to weapon). But the Season 20 - Forbidden Archives brought us so much fun with the ability to combine several weapons powers that it would be a shame to not go few steps further in future Seasons.

This is why this proposal goes with the 100% flexible & limitless version, which lets the player ajust the balance between attack and defense, as it likes, with zero constraint.

The only counterpart the recipies apply is to destroy the source items.
You have to be sure of your transfer.

I think if you just kept it to orange Legendaries using the transmog system through the cube, it would be pretty simple to code.

Limited to Legendaries it works.


Let’s see how Sets can be handled :


:white_check_mark: 1) New recipes + Extract Set powers in the cube

  • 1:1 items for Legendaries
  • 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 6:6 items for Sets
  • You don’t need to hunt again a Set once you extracted it.

Need to

  • Enlarge Kanai cube space
  • Split between an extracted powers selector (left) and a Kanai cube space (right), when new recipes are selected
  • Create icons for 2-pieces, 3-pieces, 4-pieces, 6-pieces of all Sets in the extracted powers layer
  • Allow these icons to be available for all classes in the extracted powers layer (unlock class and class-effects)
  • Be OK with the fact that these extracted powers will also be selectable as regular extracted Kanai cube powers (the 3 ones at bottom of the cube), which breaks even further the game. :rofl:

:arrow_right: Harder for developers
:arrow_right: Easier for players (don’t need ro re-hunt Sets once extracted, Sets also selectable as regular Kanai cube powers)

:zap: :zap: :zap: It means we could be able to have TRIPLE 6-pieces Set bonuses :joy:

Let’s list some of these exceptions :

  • Masquerade + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Near Cold Spear)
  • Pestilence + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Auto Near Cold Lance)
  • Pestilence + Trag’Oul + Inarius (Auto Near Blood Lance)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Tal Rasha + Rathma (Cold Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Trag’Oul + Rathma (Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Trag’Oul + Inarius (Near Blood Mages)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Rathma + Inarius (Near Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Near Cold Pets)
  • Gears Of Dreadlands + Inarius + Pestilence (Near Primary + Near Auto Lance)
  • Gears Of Dreadlands + Inarius + Tal Rasha (Near Cold Primary)
  • Invoker + Rathma + Inarius (Near Pets Thorns)
  • Invoker + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Near Cold Pets Thorns)
  • Invoker + Gears Of Dreadlands + Inarius (Near Thorns Primary)

If Zunimassa’s Haunt apply on all pets (class unlock) and Thorns of the Invoker 6 pieces bonus changed to “The your attack speed of Punish and Slash are is increased by 50% and you deal 15,000% of your Thorns damage to the first enemy hit” (class unlock).

I once proposed the idea to extract Sets powers in the cube. I updated the description to reflect the Transferable Archives proposal.

  • Put 2-pieces of Pestilence in the cube, extract Set Powers, 2-pieces bonus is extracted
  • Put 4-pieces of Pestilence in the cube, extract Set Powers, 4-pieces bonus is extracted
  • Put 6-pieces of Pestilence in the cube, extract Set Powers, 6-pieces bonus is extracted

To apply a set bonus with the recipe you would need the exact of pieces as the bonus required, like put 4 pieces in the cube if you want to apply them a 4 pieces bonus.


:warning: 2) Mystic / Transmog

Transmog system works for Set items, since Set items are available in transmogs. Like you drop a belt, then select a Set shoulder, apply, and bam the belt count as 1 piece Set.

Without any restriction, it means you only need to get 1 piece of a Set, then apply it on 6 normal pieces to complete a Set. That looks a little bit too easy.

With an item type restriction, meaning the belt is now qualified as a shoulder and you cannot have more than 2 shoulders, you would have to collect 6 pieces of the set before being able to completely transmog it. That is a little better, but it complexifies the algorithm. The belt have to be counted has a shoulder, no more than 2 shoulders to enable Set powers. Previously this limitation was handled by the inventory system. Now you have to add additional controls since a belt can be seen as a shoulder.

In addition, you do not need to collect a Set each time you want to transfer its power, just collecting it 1 time is enough. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. I’m suppose I’m ok with this, based on the transmog mechanism where you don’t have to re-collect items just to apply a skin. That said, applying skin and applying powers might be seen as different actions in terms of gameplay balance.

Finally, I’m not sure there is a 1:1 between legendaries and their skins. Maybe the Mystic transmog system as it is now is fine. Or Maybe developers will have to ajust and make it looks like more the Kanai cube (icons + item name rather than skins). But if it has to look like the Kanai cube, why not put it directly in the Kanai, cube, eh ?

:arrow_right: Too much unsolved questions for the Mystic / Transmog


:white_check_mark: 3) New recipes

  • 1:1 items for Legendaries
  • 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 6:6 items for Sets

Need to

  • Create 2 recipes
  • Enlarge Kanai cube space
  • Split into 2 spaces (left/right), when new recipes are selected

:arrow_right: Easier for developers
:arrow_right: Harder for players (since you need to re-hunt Sets)


Enlarge & Split Kanai cube on demand looks easy to code & skin.



If possible, go for 1) :joy:
Else, go for 3)