Idea - Necro Set - Leoric's Legacy - Ossuary Skeleton King

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Waiting for your constructive feedback on this.


this is much better than expected

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Let me go ahead and embed that for you…


Hope you send it to the devs. And than pleas post their reply, i need a good laugh.

Isn’t this the terrible set idea you wanted to sell in the shop?

I’m simply and humbly suggesting build ideas.
I recycled old items and skills into something new and consistant.

Multi 6p set on Necromancer is unprecedented.
Damaging with Command Skeletons is also new.

LoD, Grace of Inarius, Trag’Oul’s Avatar and Bones of Rathma should benefit the most from this modifications.

Dark Mending can now be used with Trag’Oul’s Avatar.

Frozen Army allows permanent minions to do damage with Bones of Rathma.

Skeleton Archer is now useful (especially on Rift Guardians).

Bone Spirit / Possession is now a buffing skill for permanent minions.

Thorns can be used as Thorns damage, or just as a trigger to perform regular damage and/or heal. Heart of Iron gives you basic Thorns. Using Hatred Spikes, you can generate Thorns damage faster, at the risk to face very angry monsters. You just need enough permanent minions to handle them.

I added a “Triple cursed” mechanic. To trigger it, you can use either Cursed Vambraces, Simulacrum / Cursed Form, Cursed Scythe, or cast 3 different curses.

I added Skeletal knowledge stacks for immediate damage, which is a reward for succeding in landing Thorns or Critical damage.

Skeletal Golem slow bonus + Decrepify slow bonus is able to proc Krysbin 300% damage bonus.

I also added a “Fatal Damage” mechanic for fun.

Moratorium and Pauldron the Skeleton king will be helpful to sustain this “Fatal Damage” mechanic, as keeping safe Hardcore players.

I reworked the 3 most unused Legendary Gems and made them special : You can slot them in your helm. It should promote their usage.

Finally, Golden Georget of Leoric rewards Primal hunters for their patience by granting them additional damage and defense. Of course, there are dedicated recipies so trash Primal you found can now be recycled into something usable. Great for the first Primal you will get on your first seasonal GR70.

What ever your goal is, it’s not likely going to hapen. And why are you advertising it to us?

Dont’ be so sure :slight_smile:
In the past I suggested many ideas (good or bad).
Some them has been implemented in one form or another (ex : The mechanic using Grim Scythe and Bone Spear for Masquerade of the Burning Carnival, or the variable size of Sweeping Wind for Patterns of Justice - which was initially suggested for the swirling bone of tornado for Grace of Inarius).
While it might not seems to be the case, in reality Developers and Community Managers are reading the forums and interacting with us through shadow accounts.

Ok good luck.

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