Deal damage with Skeletons.
Bone Armor damage is increased by 1000% (2 pieces)Bone Armor grants an additional 3% damage reduction per stack (4 pieces)Bone Armor, while active, also creates a swirling tornado of bone, damaging nearby enemies for 1000% damage and increasing the damage they take from the Necromancer by 10,000% (6 pieces)
- Command Skeletons no longer explodes but instead its damage is increased by 10,000% for 10 seconds (2 pieces)
- Your damage reduction is increased by 25%. Gain 1% damage reduction for 15 seconds each time one of your Commanded Skeletons deals damage, stacking up to 50 times (4 pieces)
- A swirling tornado of bone increases by 10,000% the damage of your Commanded Skeletons (6 pieces)
Skills examples
- Command Skeletons / Kill Command
- Frailty
- Devour / Voracious (reduce essence costs)
- Grim Scythe / Cursed Scythe or Bone Spikes / Sudden Impact
- Blood Rush or any skill
Items synergies
- Jesseth Arms
- Bone Ringer
- Bloodsong Mail (125%)
- Tasker and Theo (50% faster)
Quality of Life
Two optional flavours to auto trigger Corpse Lance / Explosion at 0% weapon damage:
Lancer Bracers
Corpse Lance deal 0% weapon damage, and each corpse consumed fires a Corpse Lance at a nearby enemy.
Explosive Bracers
Corpse Explosion deals 0% weapon damage, and each corpse consumed fires a Corpse Explosion.
By equipping one bracer, and setting the other in the cube, players can combine Dead Cold (Freeze) and Brittle Touch (crit) side effects, without doing any damage !
More build options, and this is console-friendly.
Inspiration: Wudijo :
This is a quick and easy solution to implement.
Ideally, I would prefer the power to be distributed over lots of items, just like this proposal :