Welcome to the Unofficial Playable Mok’Nathal Discussion Thread
The goal of this thread is for the discussion about the mok’nathal as playable race but also about the mok’nathal in general: lore, cities, mounts, heritage, class choices, customization, etc
Allied Race or Core race? It doesn’t matter. I only want to see them added to the game as playable race.
Feel free to share your opinion here or what you think about this or just to say a little “hello”: everyone is welcomed here.
Please keep in mind this thread is a work in progress. I will try to update this post when I can with new information, artworks or other things.
This thread is in several sections.
- Who are the Mok’Nathal?
- Mok’Nathal Tribe
- Which Faction?
- Racial Leaders
- Racial Capital
- Racial Mount
- Racial Crest and Tabard
- Heritage Armor
- Recruitment Quest Ideas
- Class Choices
- Hunter Pet Possibility
- The Model
- Customization Options Overview
- Racials
- Language
- Dances
- Do female Mok’Nathal exist?
- Other thing
- Other threads
Who are the Mok'Nathal?
The Mok’Nathal are half-ogre, half-orc hybrids. They possess the strength of ogres and intelligence of orcs. Most mok’nathal are part of a clan found in Outland, though it is nearly defunct.
Their last remaining settlement is Mok’Nathal Village in the eastern area of the Blade’s Edge Mountains.
(Mok’Nathal - by Cosmin Ţîrlea)
Mok'Nathal Tribe
The mok’nathal settled in a remote corner of Gorgrond after the Battle of Bladespire. Resources were scarce, but they were able to live in peace. They swore off fighting, only taking up arms to defend their meager lands from threats.
Mok’Nathal Village is a settlement situated in the eastern Blade’s Edge Mountains, just north of Vekhaar Stand, inhabited by the Mok’Nathal Clan. The Mok’Nathal are a clan of half-ogres of brownish hue wearing distinctive shoulder armor.
The village is guarded by Mok’Nathal Hunters and has several notable characters such as Leoroxx, father of the Champion of the Horde named Rexxar. The village hosts a couple of buildings and a watch tower, and its inhabitants are friendly to Horde members.
Which Faction?
The Mok’nathal Clan are already part of the Horde and most half-ogres have already joined the Horde.
A race descended from two current Horde races: orcs and ogres.
Other named half-ogres who may or may not be mok’nathal include Mag Bearmaul, Tagar Bearclaw, Gorsh Talonfang, Maxx Rocmane, Gaz Boartusk, Mok Rocksnout, and Gish Eagle Eye. (Warcraft III)
Racial Leaders
Leoroxx is the leader of the mok’nathal, a clan of ogre-orc hybrids dwelling in Blade’s Edge Mountains, and the father of Rexxar, Champion of the Horde.
Leoroxx has a companion lynx named Tethik.
Rexxar, Champion of the Horde, is a half-ogre, half-orc beastmaster of the Mok’Nathal clan. He is one of the founders of Durotar
Due to his mixed lineage, he is a towering and massively muscled warrior, and he wields his two huge axes with tremendous skill and ferocity.
He is a friend of Thrall, Rokhan, Vol’jin and Cairne Bloodhoof and they are founders of Durotar too. He doesn’t hesitate to fight for the Horde or to protect his friends or animal companions.
Racial Capital
Mok’Nathal camp (Durotar)/OrgrimmarRacial Mount
Warp stalkerRacial Crest and Tabard
(Something like that, I think you get the idea)
I don’t have ideas for a tabard so if you have an idea for that, let me know.
Heritage Armor
(Example of a heritage armor for Mok’Nathal - Hearthstone)
(Example of a heritage armor for Mok’Nathal - by Samwise Didier)
Recruitment Quest Ideas
Rexxar has seen the Horde changed between the Old Horde and the current Horde. Now this Horde has more noble purposes than the other ones. Rexxar is well aware that Mok’Nathal can’t live hide and in safety all their life in their village. We will see how Rexxar will convince the other Mok’Nathal to follow him in Azeroth to give a new star for his people in the Horde.
Class Choices
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Shaman
- Mage
- Warlock
- Death Knight
- Monk
Hunter Pet Possibility
WorgThe Model
Use these models of NPC from Maldraxxus
(Beastmaster Leoroxx - Hearthstone)
Customization Options Overview
- Skin colors
- Eyes colors
- Face forms
- Hair/Beards
- Earring
- Jewellry
(ideas from Hipnos allied race concept)
(Mok’nathal skin tone explorations - by Ramavatarama)
- Free Spirit: 5 minutes cd, 6 secondes duration. You are immune to root effect.
- Nomad Dexterity: Decreases the damage recieved by poisons by 10%
- Animal Bond: 6 minutes cd, increases the damage of your pets by 15% for 6 secondes
- Tribal Knowledge: Leatherworking skill increased by 5 points and crafting speed by 25%
- Strength of the Wild: Increases your main stat (Strength/Agility/Stamina/Intellect) by 1%
(ideas from Hipnos allied race concept)
- Orcish
- Ogre
Female dance:
(Dance from 0:26 to 1:41)
Male dance:
(Dance from 0:06 to 1:34)
Do female Mok'Nathal exist?
Yes, female Mok’Nathal are confirmed in lore.
But, for now, World of Warcraft does not currently have any female Mok’Nathal model in-game (they use the Orc female model)
Other thing
This thread model is based about the Fenelon, Zitga and Bagzak threads. Thanks to them for this.
Other threads
Here I put 2 lists:
- A list for Allied Race threads
- A list for Customization threads
Other threads for playable races:
Ankoan and Jinyu thread - by Rorrand
The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread
Arakkoa thread - by Lore
Unoffical Playable Arakkoa Discussion Thread
Broken thread - by Mianyaue
Unofficial Playable Broken Discussion Thread
Dragonmaw Orcs and Wildhammer Dwarves thread vs
- by Keldar
Megathread: Twilight Highlands Allied Races - DRAGONMAW Orcs and WILDHAMMER Dwarves
Drakonids thread - by Keldar
Megathread: The Other Half of the Dragon Fantasy - DRAKONIDS
Ethereal thread - by Lore
Unoffical Playable Ethereal Discussion Thread
Forest Troll thread - by Zurogrusel
Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread
Furbolg thread - by Fenelon
Unofficial Playable Furbolg Discussion Thread
Haranir thread - by Daisy
The Official Playable Haranir Thread
Kelfin thread - by Ruff
The Gilgoblin/Kelfin Megathread
Kelfin thread - by Gnomest
The kelfin love/allied race discussion thread
Mok’Nathal thread - by Mianyaue
Unofficial Playable Mok’Nathal Discussion Thread
Naga thread - by Leotheras
Unofficial Naga Playable Race Discussion Thread
Rajani Mogu thread - by Mianyaue
Unofficial Playable Rajani Mogu Discussion Thread
Saberon thread - by Lore
Unoffical Playable Saberon Discussion Thread
Saurok thread - by Bagzak
The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread!
Sethrak thread - by Nadezhdha
Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread
San’layn thread - by Fallynn
San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} (part 2)
San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} (part 1)
Stonemaul Ogre thread - by Bagzak
The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!
Taunka thread - by Zitga
Taunka Allied Race Megathread
Tuskarr thread - by Mianyaue
Unofficial Playable Tuskarr Discussion Thread
Tuskarr thread - by Jorreno
Unofficial Playable Tuskarr Discussion Thread
Vrykul thread - by Mianyaue
Unofficial Playable Vrykul Discussion Thread
"Subraces” customizations for core races - by Mianyaue
Give us more “subraces” customizations for core races
Various ideas about allied races for the Alliance and the Horde - by Mianyaue
Allied races for the Alliance and the Horde
Various ideas about allied races - by Mianyaue
New allied races
Allied race thread from WoW Community Council - by Kretias
Call for Allie(d race)s
Other threads for customizations:
Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin’dorei) - by Kyuu
Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin’dorei)
Blood Elf Customization thread - by Veras
Big Blood Elf Customization Thread
Dark Iron Dwarves/Mag’har Orcs thread vs
- by Grymes
Dark Iron Dwarves/Mag’har Orcs next on the table for expanded customizations?
Draenei/Lightforged customization thread - by Averyx
Draenei/Lightforged customization Feedback Thread. Currently the new options are lacking in fantasy
Forsaken/Undead Customization thread - by Baalsamael
Forsaken/Undead Customization Megathread
Human Customization thread - by Anansi
Human Customization Thread
Kul’tiran Love & Customization Thread - by Morbann
Kul’tiran Love & Customization Thread
Kul-Tirans and Zandalari Customisation thread vs
- by Kyzendra
Kul-Tirans and Zandalari Customisation ideas?
Mechagnome Customization thread - by Coaxial
Mechagnome Customization Requests Thread
Night Elf Customization thread - by Elesana
Night Elf Customization thread
Nightborne Customization thread - by Ellinia
Nightborne Customization Thread
Troll Customization thread - by Baalsamael
All-Troll Customization Megathread
Void Elf Customization thread (Ascension of the Ren’dorei) - by Fenelon
Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren’dorei) (part 2)
Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren’dorei) (part 1)
Vulpera Customization thread - by Fokuro
Vulpera Customization Thread
Worgen Customization thread - by Keori
Worgen Customization Mega Thread
Customization Suggestions thread - by Drede
Customization Suggestions Megathread (Edited for 9.2.5)
Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff - by Baalsamael
Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff
Dark Iron Mole Machine update - by Onijitsu
Dark Iron Mole Machine update
Upright Forsaken Models thread - by Banshih
Upright Forsaken Models - Overdue Character Customization
"Subraces” customizations for core races - by Mianyaue
Give us more “subraces” customizations for core races
Customization thread from WoW Community Council - by Dynja and Maizou
Character Customization - We want more! (Dynja post)
Character Customization - We want more! (Maizou post)