Mok’nathal are once again already (softly) part of the Horde and they have a beautiful model in Rexxar to work with.
Mok’nathal for the Horde!
Mok’nathal are once again already (softly) part of the Horde and they have a beautiful model in Rexxar to work with.
Mok’nathal for the Horde!
Yea I know right. I mean we haven’t really saw him in like Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria and Wrath of the Lich King in which would have been a perfect time for him. Such miss storylines for Cata, Mists, and Wrath for Rexxar.
so basically Taller Orcs vs Short mechanical humans called Mechagnomes?
i mean… sure, why not. we have half a million Elf races.
If I remember right the Mok’nathal clan includes Orcs, Ogres and half orc half ogres.
Be a nice way to bolster orc and ogre numbers in the Horde while giving the Horde a new race.
That’s like combining a Chihuahua and a Saint Bernard…
That too. Heck atleast the Years of Mok’nathal requests would be over once the Mok’nathal Clan is finally added.
Having some interactions between the mok’nathal and the ogres in the Stonemaul clan could be interesting. Even if it’s only to talk togother or to exchange their point of view.
Ogres and Mok’nathal are both options that are sorely missing from being playable.
Yes I agree with that.
With the Lightbound coming in Azeroth one day, I hope we could see Rexxar and the other mok’nathal fighting them with the Horde. Maybe we could even see some mok’nathal in the Lightbound fighting us.
I’d love to see the Mok’nathal have a part to play in the future whatever course it goes along.
With these new npcs coming with the Trading Post, I hope we will see some mok’nathal in Orgrimmar. They are a part of the Horde since BC. We should have some of them in Orgrimmar as all the other races of the Horde.
I would like to see more things between the mok’nathal and the Horde.
One of the most commonly requested races alongside Ogres the Mok’nathal even have a very nice model in Rexxar that could be used.
Mok’nathal for the Horde!
Man I wish Op worked for blizzard this game would have 55 million subscribers
With a Surprise from Blizzard with Character Customization Options I would love to see a continuation of the Allied Race like Mok’Nathal into Orcs someday much like the Wildhammers.
Wildhammer should be their own AR.
So too should mok’nathal.
I’d certainly like to play one.
I’ve got an orc hunter I’ve yet to play, that I’d make into one pretty quick.
Mok’nathal have great hunter skills and they are good warrior. They could get a important role in the Horde with these skills They are good hunter like orcs and trolls. They are strong like taurens too. They could definitely be a commando unit in the Horde with all of that.
Stop spamming your own damn thread with alts.
Yeah! Stop upvoting yourself too! It’s weird.
Wish we would get these over Ogres tbh.