🌟 [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer

I’ve come up with complex role queue systems. But I was reminded that if you have split queues, then you gotta avoid increasing queue times.

So maybe the real answer is to keep it really simple.

Select Competitive, options are:

  • 6Flex (I.e. Normal Comp Queue)
  • 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal
    • Select 1-3 Roles to play
  • Can also choose to join both queues simultaneously for maximum queue speed.
  • Then select Join Competitive to start the queue.
    Also as a safety measure, roles are disbanded instantly if you have a Leaver.

Can’t make everybody happy. But you can make the vast majority happy. And this would make the vast majority of players happy.

P.S. It would be nice if Mei and Roadhog were selectable as both Damage and Tank.

Here are some additional possible features:


You have a pharah go up against you.

they are really good.

The only person who could take them is currently a tank.



We already have a way of enforcing peoples’ roles, it’s called LFG. Everyone who wants to force a 2-2-2 comp should go there.

Oh, wait, what’s that you say? People don’t use LFG? I guess people aren’t serious about wanting 2-2-2 enforced. I mean, they don’t even use the tool that lets them do it.


I’m just not in favor of a system that introduces new problems to the equation (Potentially more than it is attempting to solve).

I still feel that LFG is the best possible solution so long as it gets the proper support from the Developers. New Incentives, quality of life updates, better queue times, etc.

It would allow for those who want Role-Queue to use the system and those who don’t to enter Solo without splitting up the queue or introduces new problems to the game.


Where did you pull that loose statistic from? I wouldn’t say that the ‘vast majority’ of the community wants forced 2-2-2, it’s more of an even split.

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I dont necessarily agree with 2-2-2. But I think a tank, support, damage, then 3 flex would suffice. Itd still make sure you had at least one of the roles secured and allow for more diversity in comps with the 3 flex roles.

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The real answer is already here. The real answer is LFG. The more people will use it - the better it will become.


LFG is hot garbage. It’s pretty much only usable for players platinum and below. I’m a masters player I i’ve never even gotten diamonds in the LFG…

Like what? The problem with LFG is how fickle the player base is. You get a 6 stack together but you lose one game and everyone ditches. What incentives would help?

This is how we end up with a 1-1-4 DPS meta. I seriously believe that the Devs have no clue how to balance or encourage team play in their own game anymore.

It would not surprise me if next year OWL turned into a DPS only FFA events…

So? Have the tank go D.va. She is the most reliable counter.

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Prioritized queue times, exclusive emotes/voice lines for playing enough games in LFG, more quality of life features for forming/joining groups, etc. Just support and incentives to encourage the use of it as well as make using it as easy and accessible as possible.

Hell, maybe even something as simple as Earning credits per game played.

Play on peoples desire for fr33 st00f for all I care.

Hm, I guess not many people Diamond or above want to enforce a 2-2-2.

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LFG does not need support from devs. It needs support from players.
The only real reason why people don’t play LFG is that it takes more time to build a team and find a game. And it takes more time only because there are not enough people in LFG.
Just play LFG and it will become an ideal solution to all problems. Just play it. People should stop being dumb pretending that some stupid enforced roles or comps will provide them with ideally balanced and well structured teams and fast queue times. It will not. It will never work.
People should start using tools already provided by devs that already solves all problems. But people are lazy and stupid in most cases. They want to simply push one button and receive the best and the fastest result.

None of this will work though. Overwatch is a team game that no one wants to use teamwork playing. This is why LFG is a failure. Add to the fact you can just hide your profile while using LFG is absolutely stupid…

I would be fine with forced 2-2-2 but the problem then becomes the matchmaking and invalidating flexibility. Oh, you got two garbage DPS players so you have to lose this game. You can win with bad tanks or supports but not DPS. At least that’s the case in the higher tiers where I play.

Blizzard should promote flexibility and teamwork above all else but they don’t. They encourage one tricking and selfishness while allowing toxic BS like “aim is the only skill” to spread throughout the community. The OW devs are garbage because they don’t manage the community.

I don’t really see what any of that has to do with LFG. I am not at all fine with forcing 2-2-2 though.

problem with 222 is:
there are more than 3 roles if you count off tanks/heal.
big diversity in dps characters, being good hitscan wont make you good at projectile etc.
people tend to play specialties rather than ‘roles’.

therefore its possible that enforcing roleq 222 would cause just as many complaints as the current system, because you would still have to deal with ‘bad’ players.

i think the current system of letting the players sort out the comp themselves is the best you will get. if anyone can argue how roleq 222 would solve the issues i listed I’d be interested to hear it.


This is how we end up with a 1-1-4 DPS meta. I seriously believe that the Devs have no clue how to balance or encourage team play in their own game anymore.

I’d much rather have a semi role queue with a slight chance of 4 dps than a forced 2 2 2 that will turn stale pretty quick. A role queue with the 3 1 1 would be a decent semi fix and still allow some diversity in metas.

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i think you could enforce a dps limit of 3 that would stop teams completely soft throwing while still allowing comp flexibility.

The best system I’ve seen is a min/max roles per team system. Something that allows for swapping and unusual comps without being able to break the meta. The best one I’ve seen is like this:

DPS min-1/max-3
Tank min-2/max-3
Support min-1/max-2

A 4 DPS meta would become stale way faster than any 2-2-2. There’s no strategy to the game with 4 DPS comps. It’s just glorified FFA. The solo tank and support would get annihilated. There’s no synergy or team play required. That’s Call of Duty…

i think best compromise would be a role limit of 3. so you cant have more than 3 of any role in a single comp. im sure the data will back up that comps with 4 of 1 role have a high enough loss rate to be considered throwing, so the game should not allow it.

this is exactly what i want, solo queue, and then team queue, i should never have to face stacks as a solo players thats stupid