I’d much rather have 2-2-2/role queue then the mess you’re proposing.
Role queue and 2-2-2 as I see them.
Role based SR probably MMR for QP (maybe one average SR between the roles)
You queue up for a role and cannot switch from it once in game. But it doesn’t stop you from switching to other heroes in your role.
With role queue you don’t have the problem of having 4-5 DPS, Support, or Tank mains on one team. The only problem then will be people who main the same hero.
As for TF2 6v6 and 9v9 aka highlander are formats only played by 3rd party competitive groups. Which make up a very small minority in the TF2 community because the rest of the players find those formats boring. Those comp groups made up their own version of playing the game so they’re anything but the “Standard Competitive Format”. Valve made their own version of competitive to try to appease those players. But since it wasn’t a carbon copy of their format they didn’t use it.
For months you’ve been making different iterations of the same idea. Please just give it a rest already.
I’ve come up with complex role queue systems. But I was reminded that if you have split queues, then you gotta avoid increasing queue times.
So maybe the real answer is to keep it really simple.
Select Competitive, options are:
6Flex (I.e. Normal Comp Queue)
Select 1-3 Roles to play
Can also choose to join both queues simultaneously for maximum queue speed.
Then select Join Competitive to start the queue.
Also as a safety measure, roles are disbanded instantly if you h…
I like this idea of RoleQueue which I built.
[Role Select] Finalizing this concept
But an alternative to a RoleQueue would be a DraftPick.
I figure the flow for a draft pick in Comp, would be everybody joins the game, then randomly select an order who gets to pick their Role/Hero first.
Go down the order of who picks first. Each pick you get 5 seconds to select a hero. If you don’t pick a hero in those 5 seconds, you get bumped to the end of the line. (Or maybe just have a button that au…
At the start of a match, randomly pick who gets to choose their character first, in order, 1-6.
You get 5 seconds to decide, if you don’t decide, you get bumped to the end of the line.
For Quickplay, do 3DPS maximum limit as the composition, no locked roles.
For Quickplay, do 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal as the composition, locked roles, 3 votes to unlock roles.
For Comp, do 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal as the composition, locked roles, 3 votes to unlock roles.
That way people with fiber+ssd don’t always get firs…
So when you click Competitive or Quickplay, you would be brought to this menu:
If you select StandardSelect, then the queue starts.
If you click CustomComposition, it goes to LFG.
If you selected one of the Green choices above, you’d get this menu:
Note: I might need to commission someone to make this look better.
A lot of people keep acting like RoleQ would mean forced 2-2-2.
But 2Flex-2-2 is so much better.
With 2Flex-2Healer-2Tank you got:
2Tank-4Healer- (lolwut)
If your Damage is bad, then you got damaging Offtanks/Healers.
If your Tanking is bad, you got Mei, and kinda Genji, or a flex roles player can pick a third tank.
If your Healer is bad, you can run self healers, and a good solo heals, or a flex roles player can …
I have never seen 3-3 in quickplay and I don’t think I ever will. People are going to play DPS there. I also rarely see it in comp in masters+. Not even once so far this season. 3-3 is barely a thing outside of pro play and even there it’s in decline.
If RoleQueue is going to take a long while,
I feel like 3DPS/2Healer maximum, would be a good first step towards improving the quality of typical team compositions in game.
This would also jumpstart the (possibly lengthy) process of balancing healers for 2Healer compositions.
And it would remove any concerns about GOATs/BOATs or similar comps, for Ladder or OWL, while many Healers would be receiving buffs.
Wonder what would happen if they made a queue like this:
3 character slots of “Any Hero”
2 character slots for Healer
1 character slot for “Rein/Orisa/Winston only”
Would put more burden on that Tank player, but that Tank player would have near instant queue times.
And you wouldn’t run into the dreaded issue with 2-2-2 or 2Flex-2-2 of “Well what if we don’t get a shield tank”?
Been thinking about what’s the most minimal approach to get the benefits people are looking for with RoleQueue.
And making it so that you have:
3 maximum DPS per team
2 maximum Healer per team
Would be the most simplistic solution, and take almost no time to develop.
RoleQueue will probably be great, but it might take 4-6 months to put in. And while it will work great for Comp. It probably won’t be a good fit for Quickplay.
And Quickplay has the majority of Players, and all of the New …
3TankorDPS,1Tank,2Healer with required RoleQueue
(i.e. Can Swap heroes between Tank and DPS midgame)
3TankorDPS,1Tank,2Healer with optional RoleQueue
Yup it’s not 2-2-2.
And if it had RoleBaseSR, you’d probably only have 2 of those.
(One for Healer, one for Tank/DPS).
But it would work without crazy high queue times.
Would have a lot more composition variety than 2-2-2.
Without a large redesign to gameplay balance. (Except for Brig).
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