Role queue, forced 2/2/2 and why we need it

There is this thing called LFG. More people should try it.

LFG is 100% dead in OCE, no one uses it, for a pretty large number of players, that is 100% not an option, if you check OCEs LFG at any point in time, it’s been so abandoned that no one even tries to use it.

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If true then that’s a shame. LFG is the role queue that some people are looking for.


It’s very much true, if i could post links i would take a gyazo at mid day and 10 o’clock at night to show you the relative peak times for play, and there is never anything there. It is a crying shame. Like not even one failing to be put together group is there, it’s just empty. :s

Cause this whole game is built around switching. Let me ask you these questions, how is a flex player supposed to switch classes with someone? What about trolls, griefers, throwers or DPS instant lockers? These two problems arise cause a support wouldn’t be able to switch with DPS cause those heroes would be locked over forced 2/2/2.

If the comp is goats snipers are not a factor and most goats do run D.Va or Zarya which does counter Junk but I also said buffing other heroes so Pharah and Bastion could also be buffed since they counter goats.

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I got a few answers to those questions:

🌟 [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer

They aren’t, reason why is because they will be separated into three respective SR brackets, like gold dps, platinum support, and diamond tank, having the switches would destroy that system, and would open it up to having high rated dps players smurfing as they queued up for their silver level support and vice versa, it would be detrimental.

There will always be rule breakers, just as sure as there are now. But there is a fact that MOST people, just like now will be in there to try and win, and you won’t have people funneled into roles that they can’t exactly perform in at the same level thanks to the matchmakers inability to know what you will be doing going into the game, so arguably, this would alleviate that common issue and gripe with the matchmaker.

Just like the junkrat argument, the same rule applies, bastion is easily countered, and can only be used in niche circumstances that his counters are ineffective, and pharah is also countered by heroes who can instantly dispatch her like widow and hanzo, and doesn’t work across the board on all maps, and can be ignored by goats compositions because the only problem they will have to deal with is her ultimate, which dva will completely block it, or even a rein shield can tank most of it while the others destroy her, and then there is the aspect she will be a bad pick from her relatively low damage to high health targets anyway making her ineffective and buffing her would make her too dangerous for low health heroes again alienating portions of the roster again. The snipers portion is an extra point for just saying junkrat won’t be a viable pick even if you buff him, even outside of the goats environment, just to clear that up.

Also, hero switching is still available by the way, 2 of each class will give you able opportunity to counter anything, the only thing being taken out is class switching.

Ironically, with forced role queue they can actually make more barrier tanks (yes, i know that’s not what you meant) to the game without the fear of barrier stacking.

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I appreciate puns in all their forms :wink:

I don’t know how far you got down the post, but i actually addressed that with future supports and tanks introducing their own sets of problems if they aren’t locked likely making new super metas that alienate the DPS category entirely.

If you didn’t read that far down, and you came to that conclusion, you are very smart :slight_smile:

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mb. I just read the first and last paragraphs, and the response. And yeah, I’ve said it before in other posts. Just Browsing in between of OW matches.

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Equinox with the big brain. :slight_smile: RTX brain tracing enabled


I do the hard thonk :thinking:


anything that leads to less chances of being the last to pick in a team that has zero healer and zero tank yet. FeelsBadMan.
fix QP

How are people supposed to flex when they are locked into classes mid game? You guys assume that everyone in a 2/2/2 is doing their job but ladder is not like that. What if the DPS is not pull their weight or throwing? You’re stuck with that player playing DPS, yeah it’s like that with the current system but at least you can try to make up for them.

So you’re making a new match making with each hero having their own SR… Combine that with the forced 2/2/2 that’s a good way to kill this game.

By forcing you are making people playing what they might not like and can’t switch out of it. So I don’t see how this fixes my problem.

Bastion does counter goats tho, that’s the thing with this game. If they’re running snipers then you run a comp that counters them same with the sniper team trying to counter your comp. Not every hero is going to viable against every comp or should they, but forcing 2/2/2 would also mean heroes need to be balanced to be a viable choice for said comp, which means more balance patches that take months. Like I said instead of forcing a 2/2/2 how about we try buffing heroes that need it?

That’s what I’m saying with my first problem. This forced 2/2/2 thing as a whole will make more problems with this game then it fixes, if you guys can’t see then I don’t know what to tell you.

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I’m confused.

You make the statement “Everyone hates GOATS”

I play OW. I watch OW. I don’t hate GOATS.

I know I’m not “everyone” but I am “one”.

Your perspective is yours alone.


Because it’s not 2-2-2.
It’s 2Flex-2-2.

Which is flexible enough for almost all popular composition styles.

I don’t want forced 222.


It’s still going to be 2/2/2 unless players are allowed to switch classes which then why even have a system like that in the first place if the current one allows it.

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Well for one you wouldn’t run into 5 dps teams anymore which are awful to play even if you win. I honestly don’t see why the devs can’t balance OW properly without forcing it into 2-2-2 for comp/qp but if this allows them to actually be competent in changes then I’m all for it. Cuz as of now this current tank nerf coming up is unfair and complete BS. It’s not tanks fault blizzard kept adding one-shot heroes into the game thus making a tank heavy comp viable. If anything that’s on the DPS. Nerf one shots so that DPS can actually live and goats in itself would go away.

2Flex-2-2 could be:

  • 4-2
  • 3-3
  • 1-3-2
  • 1-2-3

Only typical option missing would be 3DPS-1-2.
And I figure you could make Mei be selectable as a “Tank” to approximate that.