What, why, how, can u end up fixing one day

Hello, why the crap i get banned for abusive chat while your game is still full of throwers??? Maybe that is the reason i get toxic!? Literally had 10 games in a row with bad team comps cause you havent fixed your game by putting role queue yet. You do unneeded patch as a reaper buff??? While your game is dying because of bad team comps. Why OH GOD WHY do you have to scratch this beautiful game Why arent you good devs that make relevant content instead of unneeded patchs for high lvl players only? We are suffering of 4 dps and a hammond and instead of adding community content you try to buff and nerf again? Like wtf are you doing srsly. Make this game worthy of playing for atleast half the games i enter in and then ill stop being angry of the hammond 1 trick and moira 1 trick on my team. LFG Is dead cant you see?? Fix your game and add role q already. God how hard can it be. And like holy man If i ask someone to switch off the character hes being bad at and hes in a 4 stack im going to get reported by that full 4 stack cause i want to win the game. I dont understand how i have to be the one banned while theres so many outthere that are way worst then me. I never sabotaged a game even tho half of the game are sabotaged by someone else. Like WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY dont u ban for gameplay sabotage more then abusive chat. The reason whypeople abusive chat is bc of gameplay sabotageMAYBE JUST MAYBE if you ban those people the community wont look like league of legends community lmfao. Simple logic imo -.- You probably wont even read this cause after several years of playing your game i very much feel like you dont care about anything but money. Im sad ive spent so many hours on this game thinking you were brilliant devs. Thank you very much for wasting my life.

Got any thoughts on this RoleQ idea?
🌟 [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer

I tend to find people who are near to quitting are refreshingly direct and honest with their feedback.

No excuses for toxicity. The issue here is you can’t control your anger and you’re affecting negatively other players with your behaviour.
Add that on top of the supposed gamethrowing by another player? Not helpful.

If this game makes you so frustrated you can’t control your anger, maybe you need a break from the game.

A lot of things are wrong with the game, but you cant fix that.
You can, however, fix your behaviour.

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2-2-2 Would be best i guess. Having some way of letting people switch chars by votes ing could be great. And for domqe Im not angry i love this game. My behaviour is fine im sure of it. This game is tilting the fk out of me even tho i enjoy it so much. Devs makes 2 buff and nerf per 2 months while their game is dying . SO MUCH could be done to help but nothing is. All im saying is gameplay sabotage should be punished way harder then abusive chat since it is literally the reason of. Im still sad devs doesnt give a damn like wtf