I'm quitting Overwatch, wondering if others feel the same

I know that as an insignificant single player. my decision to stop playing won’t really have much of an impact, but I want to ask if other people feel the same way about it that i do.

I’ve been playing for about 1.5 years now, and the first year was pretty great. I just played with my friends, occasionally venturing out into soloqueue if no one else was on. I’d seem to have an even amount of wins and losses, and it was generally a good time. But a few months ago, I started to really feel like the game went bottom-up. Every game was a stomp, and the ones that I won felt really bad because the other team obviously had no idea what they were doing, so victory was empty.
On top of that, I found myself becoming increasingly toxic as time went on, so much so that I got hit with a warning yesterday because I had been reported so many times. That’s when I woke up to the realization that Overwatch just wasn’t fun anymore. I would always log out of the game feeling really really upset, even if it ended on a win.

I’m not one to pay attention much to patch notes, so I’m not sure if this was one specific patch that turned it bad, but I just wanted to see if other people have the same feelings about this game as me.



I feel like the devs are doing a disservice by making the entire experience for players level 1-25 be 4DPS, 1Healer, 1Tank or worse.

Quickplay with RoleQueue in comps like 2Flex,2Tank,2Heal would make people feel like this is a team game again. Not just in Comp. But also in quickplay.
🌟 [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer

As is, I almost never play quickplay unless it’s with friends, warmup for Comp, or I know I’m too tired for good Comp games.