Will Role-based SR = Role Que? (hopefully)

So in a recent interview, the Devs mentioned how they like the idea of Role-based SR. This got me thinking. As in order to implement this feature correctly, it would basically lock us into a form of Role Que. Reason being, two things would need to happen:

  1. You would need to chose your Role prior to teams being formed to allow the matchmaker to correctly group/match players based on their role-SR. As a player could be Diamond-level DPS, but only a Plat or Gold when trying to play support/tank.

  2. Players would not be allowed to switch roles mid-match. (Note I said role, not Hero). In order to prevent said Diamond-level DPS player from que’ing as Tank/Support and then switching to DPS right after the match begins and start mopping up, players would need to be locked into their roles.

Both of these would essentially guarantee a Role-Que of some form. And if Role-based SR = Role-Que, then I say bring it on.

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I play (by pickrate) sombra, orisa, Mei, Ana, Hammond, rh, mercy, solder, brig, winston
What role should I use for mm?

That’s the entire point of role-based SR. You’ll have a different SR/MMR based on DPS, Tank and Support.

So it won’t matter what you que as. You’ll be matched with similarly ranked players based on your role SR.

One undefined issue with this type of system.

How do you determine what team composition gets used?

Well, that’s the kicker, which is why I said some form of role-que. What that form is, I am unsure. Hopefully it’s not just baked into the LFG system but personally I’d be fine with forced 2-2-2.

I always play sombra/hammond on 2cp in attack. But in defence I play Mei/Ana/orisa. I want be able to switch role during match.

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If they indeed do implement role-based SR then you would not be able to switch out of what ever role you que’d as otherwise players would abuse the system.

I doubt it. I don’t think for most players SR will be so far apart between roles that they’d actually end up not be able to be placed in the same group. Maybe it would make a difference in GM where grouping limits are tighter, but then I guess that’s where it would be aimed anyway.

And what’s you point? I don’t like the idea. I also don’t know why unit lost and some other YouTubers try to force this system.
Probably I will never play rank anymore if limited role system will be implemented.

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Except it’s not just a lot of players that have been asking for Role-Que in “Competitive” Mode for some time now. The Devs themselves have openly stated they like the idea of Role-based SR and it could possibly already be in the works.

I prefer the idea: select some heroes (or all of them), press queue and then find the match where my hero pool is valid.

Well, the closest solution I got is this one:

  • 6Flex, normal Comp queue
  • 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal queue
    • Mei moved to the Tank role
    • 4 votes needed to unlock roles

🌟 [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer

Now here’s a thing, I think the Devs have gotten way too close to streamers and pros and such. The ‘influencers’ they’re using to influence to playerbase have way too much going back the other way.

I agree with you here, except for the subject of Role Que. I believe a large portion of the Competitive community supports Role-Que for Comp Mode.