Role queue, forced 2/2/2 and why we need it

This game has a very low number of quality games played, or even games played on the hero type you want to play as, and it must SUCK to be a DPS player in Goats meta >.< And this change should be unilateral, coming with each separate rank like they talked about on emonggs stream, such as you could have a diamond dps rank a masters support rank and a GM tank rank.

I think it should 100% have a lock 2/2/2 for both QP and comp.
The game is OBVIOUSLY balanced for 2/2/2, and then compositions like triple tank and goats come along, and everyone HATES it because they are straight out more powerful than a standard team composition. To even balance goats because these PTR changes, which the pros are playing on still say, yeah no GOATS is still best, how broken does the fix need to be? The tanks are relatively balanced on their own in a non 3/3 environment, so if you nerf that, tanks just becomes unusable across the board, if you nerf healing, well the tanks also take a hit, and become unplayable, and if you buff DPS, they will alienate their own role because they are a liability that can’t utilize any healing because one shot and they’re dead and gone and as we know, no one picks liabilities because that’s an easy way to lose.

So they should straight up just lock down 2/2/2 so they can actually balance the game, and leave the non 2/2/2 to arcade and custom games. Plus coming up on their next season of OWL, goats is very boring to watch, and has also left a sour taste in the mouths of players, and players are their core demographic when it comes to watching their E-sport because of the complicated nature of the game making non players say " like wtf is going on ". So they need to fix that in order to get the best out of their second season of the OWL. I don’t want to see OWL fail for one reason, under activisions cost cutting and “this isn’t making enough money” EA like methodology that is going on right now, it’s super important that we don’t flub it otherwise activision may pull support from Overwatch just like they did with HoTS, and I don’t know about you but I REALLY LOVE OVERWATCH. It’s a must to get it right at the moment because it’s so much feeling like a tipping point in activision blizzards tensions, while I would prefer blizzard follows suit with bungie taking themselves and their game back into their own hands, It’s currently a toss up right now to whether they do it or not. But for now we have to deal with the fact that they are still under that activision thumb.

Edit: Another idea, if DPS queues become too long to realistically queue for it, think multi queue on this same template, where you can queue for multiple roles, and click preferred on one, like DPS, and every game you don’t get your preferred role you get a priority level added to it, to ensure the fairest distribution of playtime to anyone who wants to engage in said role, and still retain the ability to have a single option picked and just tank the longer queue times. c:


Continuing to add more and more barrier to play is not a good direction


Wheres the barrier? The concept of 2/2/2 role queue is plug and play, you click a button and you get in, I’d argue a more damaging concept is the one we have now, entire chunks of a roster being cut out completely in the META game, and the barrier that stops us from playing consistent good games of overwatch, and the barrier that stops us from being able to play what we wanted to going into the game in the first place.


As long as I can still run No Limits all Lucio comps, I’m fine.


Instead of a 2-2-2 role queue.
I prefer a ?-2-2 role queue.

🌟 [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer


I’m sure no limits will stick around in arcade as always C:

Yay! And we still need to type 20 characters.


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Why do we still need to type 20 characters? I have no idea.

Yeah but everyone unilaterally hates triple support or triple tank or trip tank/sup comps anyway, it’s a major issue in overwatch so I couldn’t possibly enjoy that concept of role queue, nor feel good about it’s implementation because it should be fixing more issues of the game rather than adding a funneling structure, especially as we add more tanks and supports going forward, theres soon going to be 3 large aoe healers, and more barriers in the future, and that assuredly ends up in another GOATS situation.



Oh, you don’t have to. No need to hold it over me.

I think the devs did enough of a sledgehammer nerf with this patch, that 3-3 comps are much less of a problem. Especially outside of Pro play.

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Everybody needs 20 char, but you can hide it by typing < abunchofrandomletters >, without the spaces.


It still doesn’t work.

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But that hit’s the final point of my post, the OWL viewership and the looming threat of activision since GOATS is leaving a sour taste in the mouths of players, they HATE this composition, and they will suffer in viewership for having it stuck to being the main meta you will see for the majority of games played.

That and Goats is seen commonly enough in diamond and masters to be an annoying aspect that nearly every game with goats in it the players are forced to mirror it, and they talk about how stupid it is and how much they hate it. It’s not just a professional problem, everyone above diamond won’t feel the brunt of these reaper changes because we know relatively how to mitigate his damage so he does NONE, and therefore nothing really changes versus reaper because he cant start utilizing that lifesteal on the tanks. So it’s still a problem for almost half of the playerbase, and the entire OWL viewership, the cash cow of overwatch that keeps it out of activisions angery stare.

Here’s my question what would forcing a 2-2-2 meta bring? You’re forcing players to do something that the majority don’t want which will hurt your player base more, it won’t open up metas just limit them.

If Blizzard knew how to buff/nerf in the first place we wouldn’t be here right now…


How many of these topic do we need? There have to have already been 20 of them made in just the past month alone.

It will get abused. People will get around it by changing heroes once they get in the game. Queue times will go though the roof and people will then complain about that. Just let people play what they want. If YOU want to enforce roles then start your own LFG.


Well, if they were doing it for OWL, they wouldn’t need to force 2-2-2. They’d just need to put in a maximum of 2 Healers per team.

That’s the minimum needed to prevent GOATs and similar comps.

But instead of doing that, the devs went the sledgehammer nerf route.

Try it with letters, not numbers.