Good god this game is ruined

Sounds like a cry for roleQ!

Let’s get in there and help!

If by blow up you mean some of it will be really happy, then yes.


It will blow up of every emotion on the spectrum.


But what about optional RoleQ :slight_smile:


And like the Junkrat who mispositioned himself while ulting, it will die.


It depends on how that system would work.

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How about…

  • 2AnyHero-2Tank-2Heal optional RoleQueue, matchmakered against 6AnyHero Queue, with the option to unlock roles for the RoleQueue with 4 votes.
  • AccountMerging instead of RoleBasedSR.
  • 2HealerMaximum for OWL/Contenders with no other limitations.

No big deal if you got a throwing Healer/Tank.
No DPS huge queue time issues.
Less difficulty preventing decay for high ranks.
A lot more composition variety than 2-2-2.


The game was marketed with all heroes being viable and working as a team.
4+ dps comps should be extremely viable.


I would go with Account Merging, which would also flow nicely with the playerbase.

The Account Merging is my spin on “Does what RoleBasedSR does, and more, but allows for switching heroes midgame”.

And because you can switch midgame, you can switch from 2AnyHero-2-2 to 6AnyHero, midgame.

And the 6AnyHero queue would soak up the excess DPS players.

I would also prefer account merging for the sake of combining cosmetics and credits.

I’d also be surprised if every GM account doesn’t have atleast 2 alternate accounts already.
Keeping those updated without dealing with decay, would be nice.

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Hi Senpai,

Didn’t you make this same thread yesterday? Don’t take competitive so serious and you won’t be disappointed. Have fun and don’t worry so much about rank.

dont take competitive serious



Do not take competitive so seriously and you will have more fun.

If only there was a way to keep the casuals somewhat separated from the tryhards…

Delete this post - #55 by GreyFalcon-11737

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No it wasn’t. It wasn’t marketed like that at all.


No one who has ever played a game on the internet before would be so naive as to expect a group maker tool would solve anything.

You are still an evil person :).

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That’s why it’s got a bunch of failsafe mechanisms built into it.

Such as DPS being able to switch to Tank or Heal.
Healers/Tanks already have higher damaging hero choices.
And worst comes to worst, 4 votes would unlock the roles.

I figure people are happier when they can control their experience.

If they are in the mood for tryhard queue, do that. In the mood for casual queue, do that. They just want any game as long as it’s fast, do both.