Is goat really the current meta? i dont think so

I dont understand why most people on this forum talk about how “goats” is played in every match and how they hate it because of that…
I mean, in high plat where i am playing, goats is nearly nonexistent.

Honestly, in the last month i have played against a goats comp or played goats myself only 2 times max.
Thats it.

I dont know how it is in diamond and above or gold and below, but in plat people still play the classic 2-2-2.

Dive was more prominent then goats is, imo.


I guess it kinda depends what your definition of meta is.

Feel like some people already explained this before.
Me for example, I never said Goats is everywhere, but when people do switched to it, the other team either get steamroll or force to do the same.

Especially in plat, everyone wanted to be dps dps dps. There’s no way they willingly go goats unless they are losing the game.

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well, people want tanks and healer nerfed because of goats.
i can just shake my head because i dont encounter goats at all.

To be honest, I see GOATs often enough in Plat/Gold.

But it’s an uncoordinated zerg brawl, not a coordinated Spartan shield wall with lasers.

I usually swap out one of the tanks for a heavy damage hero, because people can’t seem to grasp the concept of stun->focus fire.

Even in console Diamond I have not encountered GOATs more than a couple times. And there was one time I saw a GOATs team get crushed by a Symmetra-Bastion comp, and actually switched off.

People look at the pickrate stats for heroes like Tracer and Winston during the dive meta, and compare it to Reinhardt and Zarya pickrates now, and this assume that GOATs must be more prominent than Dive was. The problem with this idea is a lot of people play 2/2/2 still, and characters in GOATs can also be popular in 2/2/2. Dive characters were a specific 2/2/2 comp, and I honestly think that Rein/Zarya have always been more popular to most people than Winston.

As a matter of fact I heard people begging teammates to switch to Dive comp many times, more than I have heard for GOATs to be played. And this I have seen it less. I do remember Dive being fairly prominent, stats be darned.

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That’s why I think a simple rule change for very high tier and tournaments would be better.


  • 2 maximum Healers per team.

❌ OWL could disallow GOATs if needed

This seems like a good idea.
Otherwise we would have the typical nerfs to certain Heroes because they are a problem in very high tiers, but are totally fine for the majority of the playerbase.

I support a minimum of one from each role for tournament play myself, but the concept is the same.

I probably see Goats a lot more than most of you, as I scrimm regularly and we have one guy who is a Goats fanatic. He calls for it every time his turn for shot caller comes up, regardless if it’s a good idea or not. :slight_smile:

goats has been a thing for months yet ive maybe seen it twice bronz to high plat. stupidity comps is more common