Goats couldve been nerfed better ways than this patch. (This patch is pretty much delete tanks)

Like: Role q or even hero ban system. Both of those couldve give people more metas to play for not just forced to goats (in higher ranks) lower ranks people doesnt really play these metas. They do mostly what they want to do. Like go for the 4-5 dps and such (2-2-2 is rare but it happens sometimes). Sure 5 dps can happen in higher ranks like in diamond but idk.
I hope this patch will be changed before they put it live servers.

Now you guys understand why I was so freaked out earlier, and kept spamming that “No TripleHealers” idea.
I saw this coming, but I couldn’t stop it :frowning:
❌ OWL could disallow GOATs if needed

To be honest, it’s probably not that bad though, if they revert Reaper, and give him an upgraded ShadowStep instead.

IMO, i think goats is still viable in the higher ranks , but now team comps will be played dependent on the map , for example , control centre - Lijiang , goats will be very strong
route 66 , triple dps would work very well with the high ground
This patch(imo) allows all comps , dive , triple dps, goats , rein zarya 2 2 2 , bastion orisa to all work , dependent on maps