Widowmaker is what is wrong with this game

It is sad that people do not understand how to play around a Widow, I agree.


I think what’s wrong is a lack of Tanks in Quickplay.

Since it’s mostly just sniper heroes, genji, and doomfist.

Once you get up to about Masters and above, the Widow issue is mostly just that Dive isn’t as strong as it could be.

That said, this would fix the Quickplay portion of the problem:


Honestly… A lot of this sounds like a personal problem. It sounds like you simply don’t know how to position against a good widowmaker. If you feel like you can get oneshot at any time that means you aren’t in a safe position. I don’t know if you are a support player but I’ll assume that you are based on how you typed and your icon. If you are positioned in the Widow’s line of sight and die it’s your own fault tbh. You have to stay out of her line of sight and have a plan if you do get into her line of sight.



@ the people who think all the tanks and supports needed to be nerfed into oblivion


Not really relevant. Tanks are still as strong as ever. Doesn’t mean people want to play them in quickplay lol.


Meanwhile I’ve been saying we could have avoided this all back in December :stuck_out_tongue:

❌ OWL could disallow GOATs if needed

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This. This. And also this. Widow has only been nerfed in the past 2 years. Insert git gud statement here

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That’s a lie. They buffed her grapple, her venom mine and her scope speed (back in 2016).


Yes. It is now 2019 if you havent heard.


The scope speed was the only one buffed back in 2016, the other two were buffed within two years ago.

Also, if a character has primarily gotten nerfs, that doesn’t usually mean they are underpowered, quite the opposite.


Okay, I was off by 2 months.

Yes, but why was no one complaining about Widow for the last 2 years or so? That is my point.

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Widowmaker is not what is wrong with this game. She mostly remained constant, if not even constantly growing weaker for the last 2 years.

She is just the living evidence to how this game turned around to discourage any kind of DPS that doesn’t kill instantly.


I’ve never been a fan of Widowmaker. A long range sniper specialising in killing things in one shot beyond the range of most characters in such an extremely low numbers game where a single pick can be a lost objective is bad design in my opinion.

I enjoy playing snipers. Sniper from tf2 is by far my most played hero (keep forgetting to download rf2 again and see the numbers) and Widowmaker is one of my top played in OW alongside tanks and mercy (I also like tf2 medic), but I just don’t think she fits into the current game fairly. If OW had archives style mechanics where everyone could “res” each other where a sniper pick mean the main tank had to reposition to cover someone else resurrecting a friend, that’d be great!


People were always complaining about Widow, even back in 2016, even on the old forums.


I mean… I can play around a McCree… he’s infront of me and he’s going to be infront of me unless he takes the time to manually reach a ‘better’ position… given how so many heroes with mobility can quickly challenge him on highground the juice is not often worth the squeeze in his case. very manageable.

A hero with a OHK and omnidirectional mobility… now that’s infinitely harder to ‘play around’, and I’ll agree with the OP that it is often ‘suffocating’. If McCree, who can’t even OHK could, every 10s, quickly take the high ground or throw himself into the air creating a new sight line the same would be said of him.


Indeed. But they were far, FAR in the minority. Two or three salty kids that hate getting sniped.

But nothing in this game has 100% consensus anyway.

Nah, Taimou was having trouble getting matched to QP games because so many players avoided him. Game was brand new and he was getting 20 minute queues. :joy:

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Widow was actually OP at release, won’t deny it.

She really isn’t much different now, they compromised on quick scoping and I’m pretty sure her first scoped shot charges slightly faster.

Quickscoping 150 damage is still insane. Even more so considering it killed Tracer and Zen instantly anywhere on the body.

First shot doesn’t charge faster.