Can We Stop Trying to Predict Metas? 🤨

Oh no, some buffs/nerfs rolled in the new patch… Guess were’ going to have:

2 more years of dive.


Quad sniper meta


Tracer 100% pickrate meta.


McCree FTH 100% pickrate meta.

… just to give a few examples of the worst predictions I’ve seen on these forums lately. Why do the forums bother trying to use scare tactics to rile up people over a meta that’s not even guaranteed to occur, or is worst-case scenario?

Pro players have such a bad track record of predicting metas that it’s a wonder how people believe or come up with these doomsday scenarios on the forums every patch.

Well, like I said in the other thread. I’m just glad we have backup options 6 weeks from now, if we’re 2 weeks away from OWL season 2, and GOATs is still meta.

Boring eSports = Bad eSports

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Hi im Eddy the Chump with your Overwatch and today im bringing you my predictions with the recent Bastion buffs and his effects on the current meta. Before the recent patch Bastion was mainly used just for pirate ship but now im predicting with his lessened spread he will replace widow as the top hitscan

But its fun, and fun is AWESOME