[OW2] How to impressively fix Queue Times in Beta #2

Well that’s the other catch, it’s a beta with a relatively limited amount of players. Heck the devs may have even proactively focused on pulling in more people who main Support through the “Sign up for the beta and randomly we’ll let you know if you get in”.

My guess is that things will be quite a lot different when the PVP goes Live. When it pulls in more FPS players.

Especially when the PVE launches, which will drain away a bunch of Tank/Support players.

Then need to get queue times as low as possible to gear up for those potential and likely issues.

And just in general because worst comes to worst it just gives Overwatch back a bit of it’s “Worldwide Rockstar” status, and the PVP launch is more of a resounding success.

It’s actually pretty straightforward if you slim it down a bit.

  • Quickplay, Role Limit, 1Tank/2Support max
  • Open Competitive, Role Limit, 1Tank/2Support max
  • Competitive, Role Queue, no changes
  • DPS Only Mode, Literally any ruleset that has a lot of DPS, and could be skipped entirely, or shoved into the Arcade.

But overall the idea here is that 3 of those 4 modes would on average have extra DPS players, which would drain excess DPS players away Role Queue.

Leave open q alone.
Its should have no limits at all, if someone want to play goats there let them in peace, yes some people LIKE GOATS i know suprising for you guys.


To be honest, they can quit.

There’s not enough of those people to matter, and they’d lose (or not gain) more people by having bad queue times.

They are running a business, not a charity.

And it’s detrimental to have too many queues, and dilute matchmaking.

Still if you want to limit open q its no longer open q, especially with that harsh role restrictions, its just itteration of role lock, that actually should just replace qp not arcade mode to make q times faster.

I look at it this way.
It’s better to lose 2,000 players, than it is to lose 200,000 players.

Welp, from corpo stand point. im customer and one of this 2000 tho :smiley: so i will voice my opinion, as i did before role lock was implemented that it will be bad for how this game is…

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And I feel like the vast majority of Open Queue and QPC players would be just fine with at least a 1Tank maximum, if not a 1Tank/2Support max.

And that for the extreme fringe left over, there’s either custom games, or maybe they throw some limited time modes into the arcade.

If anything, No Limits (i.e. Repeat the same hero) would probably be good for the Arcade, just for people to try out new heroes without getting to aggro about demanding to play the new thing.

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Correct. It’s a better iteration of role lock for queue times to replace the hard queue currently in quickplay. Honestly, there’s absolutely no reason this couldn’t exist alongside QPC if it’s a replacement to current role queue in QP.

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Tbh, I also don’t see a reason to keep QPC either.

Since most of those players would be headed to this “Very similar to QPC” mode.

The whole point of all of this to not have a bunch of excess tank and support players in other queues.

Also from a corpo standpoint, not putting in Role Limits sooner, probably cost them anywhere between $50 Million to $1 Billion dollars in lost profits and devalued sunk costs. (Keeping in mind OWL sunk in about $2 Billion dollars in costs)

And may have been a big reason for why Overwatch experienced a 3 year content drought.

❌ OWL could disallow GOATs if needed

Eh, from watching streamers, hardly anyone was let in based on the sign-ups, and the vast majority got in from the twitch streamining.

Also: Smaller sample sizes mean inherently longer queue times, and queue times were definitely weighted against tank/DPS because support had no reworks and no new heroes.

So I do think the faster queue times are a good sign.

The only thing they need to do to “fix queue times” in the next beta is release a new support hero.

Well yeah, but do we honestly expect devs to release a new Support hero every 3 weeks after PVP goes Live?

Because otherwise that stops working after the hype wears off.

When they released Role Q simultaneously with Sigma, the Q times where actually pretty good for about 6-8 weeks.

It is basically impossible to completely fix the Q time issue without causing a lot of other problems, but releasing more Support and Tank heroes instead of DPS heroes has a positive effect on Q times not only in the short, but also in the long term.
The bigger the Tank and Support rosters get, the more likely it becomes that people find heroes in those rosters which they enjoy to play on a regular base.

Tank and Support players get more heroes to play and DPS players get shorter Q times, so it improves the game for everyone.

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I figure, do both.

Fix queues by doing the changes I listed up above. AND release more Support heroes.

For instance, instead of DPS hero, Tank hero, Support hero.

Make it so every other hero release is a Support hero. DPS hero, Support hero, Tank hero, Support hero

But that’s still probably gonna be like a 4-to-7 month gap between Support hero releases after PVP Launch.

This is an actually good solution. Didnt expect to see one of those and the forums of all places

Support queue times are not a problem in the current live game. I think the only reason they were in the closed beta was the lack of new heroes/updates to support role. In the short term adding a new hero will fix this in next beta. I don’t at all think it will require a new hero every 3 weeks or whatever you’re suggesting.

Worlds number 1 supporter of “free” and “open” queue here……

OW2 needs tank limits……

limit mind you, not requirement….if people want no tanks that’s on them….but they’re just too strong individually now to allow for more than 1….you are just flatly gaining by adding tanks in OW2…I don’t like it either….but it is the reality of the situation

and then force everyone back into the 4-5 dps no thanks.

Making too much sense there buddy. Some people just need their special bubble where they do not feel “forced” to get on support or tank for the team.

They’ll gladly throw on those roles thou, when the SR separate from their “main” role is the only thing being lost. Gotta farm them tickets🤷‍♂️

Well, the point with with having most the game modes allow for excess DPS players, would be so that Competitive Role Queue has a lot less DPS players.

So for people who value the quality of their games, they also get to have reasonable queue times.