I install overwatch on my laptop

I mean, 2Flex-2-2 can run GOATs if they want.

Literally any composition except the ones with soloTank or soloHeal.

You know the DPS players will be all up in arms the next time a goats game is given :slight_smile:

Why is DPS the only one which is 2flex? we all know the reason why, but they will complain anyway.

But people complaining about stuff they should know better on the forums is kinda part of the overwatch experience isn’t it?

Sometimes I think I would have enjoyed the games more if I never join the forum. It has made me a lot more cynical, and I’m closer to my 50s then my 40s, so it takes a lot these days.

Still not sold on it, I hate overstacking of any role, it’d be nice to have the streamlining of it, but if I have to play GOATS after all of that still (which in my personal opinion is the absolute worst most boring meta of ALL TIME both playing AS and against it, and the various problems that stacking healers and tanks together would require in the balance department to not be viable ruining tanks and healers just in case the 3/3 was run making them running in 2’s a much worse time) I would probably just drop overwatch altogether, 3000 levels later.

Like I’m committed but the changes that we want just aren’t coming, and I’m getting even more of a narrow view of how the game should change. I used to be open to ideas because I thought yeah let the devs figure it out. Now I’m just set on getting a flat 2/2/2 or at least 1/3/2 experience because 80% of my comp games now that I’ve hit GM are just goats forcing the other team to mirror goats and it just is not engaging, or fun. It’s not the version of overwatch I fell in love with basically.

At least 1 of each role, and no more than 2 healers. That’s my ideal overwatch.

That isn’t a roleQ problem though, that is a Blizzard screwed up balance in hero interactions problem.

I mean, it is still overwatch though, and we will end up in this situation in the future. But, we could have a boring 2/2/2 meta as well.

Dive got dull in the open REAL fast, and I only had to put up with it for 2 months in the open. I don’t know how you all handled it for 1.5 years.

Well, speaking of GOATs.

What you figure would happen to GOATs if LucioHeal+BrigInspire didn’t stack, and they got rid of Brig stun.

And in return give Brig an additional 4sec Inspire on her ArmorPack, and 50 damage back on shield bash.

I think Brig would be a dumpster pick because everyone will run Lucio, and either 2 sniper or dive would return in a vengeance.

Or dive would stay, and Moira would likely replace her, as she was the original in Slambulance.

My hopes for Mei to become meta, as a Goats counter never happened. She is always going to have garbage pickrates. Blizzard is too scared of her becoming Meta, much like Sombra.

I mean, why have heroes in the game, which you are too scared that they would become *gasp* popular…

I just feel that overwatch was an exercise in wasted potential.

Well, make Mei selectable as a Tank in RoleQueue and you will get a lot more Mei.

no you won’t. Not with her complete inability to do damage.

All of the tanks, and some of the supports out damage her.

People do more damage per game as the ranks go up.

Jardio does less damage per game than the average gold Winston does.

And Winston isn’t a hero known for damage.

Geoff has stated they can’t tweak her much, because they are scared she would become meta.

I’m unsure about how that would feel really, i don’t think her stun is actually a problem, I feel like it’s the burst healing on her repair pack that shuts out alot of non burst dps heroes, and the AOE heal stacking wouldn’t be all that bad if you couldn’t run a third bloody healer to give high health pool heroes that big constant single target healing.

Coz repair pack, basically it shuts out dps that aren’t widow or hanzo or similar from being very effective, and the only ones who can survive that kinda time alive and do decent damage to eventually rip down the hero that got healed are tanks.

Brigs survivability is another concern, it annoys me that unlike rein, if you press yourself to her model but you aren’t rein, you actually can’t shoot past through the shield, all she has to do is point that at you, and in that direction she is an 750 hp tank with a self heal, forcing Reinhardt as a counter meta pick even more than just his synergy with her.

The more I think about brig the more my brain scream “WHAT A STUPID HERO”.
It’s not because of her stun at all though, I’d say having the damage would be even worse because she still stays tanky meaning she does alot of damage over a long period of time. Basically just give her a constant heal rather than a burst heal, and put that shield a tiny bit more forward so you can press into her model and actually shoot her instead of shooting the barrier to open up more viable picks against her.

But even if it wasn’t brigitte, GOATS or any 3/3 comps, they will just drive me absolutely nuts because I have GOATS-Derangement Syndrome, where anything goats related makes my eyes burn and become in dire need of therapy. Post Goatmatic stress disorder is real. :stuck_out_tongue:

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upvoted PURELY based on an accurate diagnosis of a real condition :slight_smile:

I HOPE people have learnt that making a hero to counter a meta is bad, but…

We still won’t see a nerf to mobility, so…

We will get a Brigitte 2.0 soon as it will still need a counter, but she will be unplayable once they manage to shake Goats loose.

Or… worse they will think - Hey… Brig worked, Dive is not longer a thing, lets do the same for goats

and we will get an anti triple tank support. Which, I’ll let that bad boy roll around in your head on how stupidly overpowered it would have to be to end that meta by itself.

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It is a real condition, the overwatch addiction exacerbates the condition and makes it even WORSE because even though they hate it, they still subject themselves to it, it’s like a form of self harm to a degree. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well. The main problem I see with GOATs is that you can’t kill it at range without a silly Bastion comp.

So the answer one would think, would be assassinating some healers at close range.

Or of they didn’t have a stun to work with. Then Hammond would smack them around like bowling pins for free. Making them easy to focus separately.

Like a chocolate allergy, with someone addicted to chocolate?

So remove stun, but then you have to deal with mobility heroes somehow…

So you have to put stun back in…

Armor pack does that.

Pair that with some Zarya bubbles.

And flankers are going to have a rough time.

Imagine though, if you were locked to two healers MAX, there is no second AOE to set it off in being too good, and they can’t recover from said long range damage because it simply won’t be enough healing and they will get whittled down easily making it a bad composition to take because of a lack of counter ranged damage.

The third healer is catalystic in breaking the tank role and making them OP.
So do you nerf tanks and healers to the point where they stop being effective in 3/3 even though they were relatively well balanced outside of that? Or do you just cap the healing to make 3 tanks less effective and the relative balance is left undisturbed?

exactly like that yes.

Well if you’re gong that far, you just make it so Diamond-Masters-GM-Pro games can’t use more than 2 Healers per team.

Like I said 3 months ago.
❌ OWL could disallow GOATs if needed

See I don’t think it was stacking AOE healing which caused this mess. Hear me out.

When we ran Slambulance in the open, Lucio was on speed boost the entire time.

Limiting stacked AOE healing doesn’t do a damn thing to stop that, since Lucio isn’t there to heal.

If you had a tank which gave AOE speed up, Lucio wouldn’t be in the match at all, you would have yet another tank in the lineup.

It isn’t stacked AOE healing which causes goats, it is a different AOE healer which isn’t Lucio which causes it.

Vs bastion, Lucio is on speed boost, because closing the gap quickly, is more important than healing while the gap is closed.

At least that is how we ran it in the open, I don’t play up in the higher ranks outside of scrimming, and playing in a team in the open, so you may have more experience of Lucios running healing more often in those matches.

But we only had him healing between combats, not in them, because extra mobility gave us the upper hand in focusing targets.

I think it’s important to have consistency between all the ranks so we all effectively play the same game. So people won’t rank up leaning on that then get stuck falling back in at the barrier.

Well yeah, but the AOE healing with the speed boost is what the lucio is doing most of the time in goats too. So yeah even without the stacked the speed boost plus those tow things is ridiculously empowering to tanks who can take a full benefit of AOE healing comparatively.

You should build a new PC with your son. It’s a fun experience that kids don’t forget. Then you will both have a PC.

Yeah, i just think that him of speed boost is strong enough that removing AOE healing wouldn’t end Goats.

You get so much value out of the Zarya / Rein / Dva combo, when everyone can engage quickly. The amount of damage those 3 can soak when working together is madness.

Their problem is they need to be close to the enemy to really do anything as a group, thus lucio :slight_smile:

I don’t think the healing is the issue here.

But, you play in that rank more than I do, so I’ll defer to your experiences.