Another Your Overwatch hot take

Yeah hot takes… something like that.

This is why people need to formulate their own opinions

There’s nothing wrong with Baptise’s kit, the only issue he really suffers from is at the speed his heal projectile travels. Blizzard needs to increase the speed of his heal projectile while retaining the arc to make him good.

Playing OW2 PvP, with how long it takes to take down tanks, Ana’s nade needs to retain the 100% anti-heal unlike in OW1 where the tanks drop like a rock in 2 seconds.

Whenever I play Ana in OW2 PvP, I rather have a shorter CD with shorter durations, or have 2 charge with long duration that can’t be chain one after another for at least 3s.

Right, but I guess my view point is primarily on solving queue times.

And a certain amount of this video just comes off as “Support queue times wouldn’t be a problem if I just spam the phrase GIT GUD a lot”.

Truth is neither I or you know what they will do, in some cases damage may go up, or other abilities tweaked for certain kits like heals in some cases.

Ah yes, another “lets just remove tanks and supports and our problems go away” post :roll_eyes:

They most certainly in shape or form made a suggestion that “to get more kills” is what they meant by shaping supports.

Really, where are you all suddenly coming from, emboldened because DPS got the game greased for them so everyone else suddenly is not good at their roles? LOL

Ive never heard anything about the queues or something remotely resembling that message in the video. IDK where did you get that from but thats not something in the video I think :man_shrugging:

I guess.

But to me, the whole fuss about Supports not being fun enough is directly equivalent to their queue time issue.

Granted I’m probably more obsessed about queue design than pretty much anybody else who doesn’t actually work at Blizzard.

✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept
✅ [Quickplay] Opt-Out of RoleQueue
✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

✅ Competitive 222 vs Competitive Classic

That’s kind of the opposite of what is being said though…

Well now they can and the discourse around these forums is that they don’t want supports to be glorified DPS, they want to healbot (emphasis on they, i want to deal damage as a support and heal when appropriate) so… Something is not being communicated here

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That’s literally the point of this video

You make a good point about the “feel” of playing the role.

And with Supports, they do have impact in OW2, but the issue is that they don’t feel impactful as Supports, by having the “action of supporting” feel impactful.

This is what I mean by their “action of supporting” not feeling impactful in 5v5.

So, in 6v6, as a support, you have 5 targets to support & there is almost always someone that needs help with healing up, & everyone is almost always grouped up close by.
(More targets on the map to shoot at. More targets to get shot from. More damage being thrown around. Etc. Etc.)

The whole point there: There are more opportunities for supports to keep busy, by helping the team heal up.

In 5v5 though, as a support, you have 4 targets to support.
Only 4 targets, mean less to supporting required, in general.

But on top of that, the 4 targets you can support, now have more freedom to position far away from each other, making the less amount of supporting you need to do, suddenly require more effort.

That being said, with 5v5, supports have less supporting to do, making their “action of supporting” feel less impactful.
And the less supporting they need to do, is replaced by needing to put in more effort in order to allow yourself to do the supporting, by trying everything in your power to stay alive.

In other words, there is less focus on supporting as Supports, and supports are forced to focus on surviving long enough & hoping the 4 teammates don’t go too far around from the rest of the team, in order to actually support the 4 targets.

Because, if the support tries to stick with 1 or 2 targets to support them, there is suddenly even less supporting to do, in that moment in time.
And the focus just becomes more on self survival, than actually playing the role of a Support itself.

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What is Hyperbolic?

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I understand what you’re saying, it makes sense, though I think all of that depends on the support being played & the team being played around them.

At least in my experience I feel like nearly every support is constantly active (no less than 6v6) with

  1. Zen constantly discording & harmony orbing, volleying & shooting, snap kicking when he gets dove now, transing as he would in OW1
  2. Ana is still constantly sniping, sleep darting enemies, antinading allies & enemies, nanoing etc.
  3. Moira is probably busier than ever, succing and spraying, orbing constantly, often being a huge contributor to damage and healing in OW2
  4. Brig is still packing teammates & whipshotting enemies as often as needed (which can happen more often with 1 less allied tank to peel) and bashing more often with more efficiency now that it goes farther & has a shorter cooldown & does more damage, rallying as she would in OW1
  5. Baptiste is still a great support in good hands, effective at damage & supporting with immortality field still being a life saving ability with amp matrix making him as lethal as anyone and able to heal his team quickly too
  6. Mercy I would say is the most underwhelming, though she still does her thing
  7. Lucio is the best support in the game, able to duel better than ever with 1 less enemy tank & almost zero stuns to peel for him, still speeds, heals & beats for his team

Idk, I feel like “feeling” like supports are less impactful is sort of a… wrong feeling? :laughing: I know that’s not the right way to put it but…

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the data from today’s blog post kinda destroys the title of his video

the blog post says support deaths in low ranks are basically static, and deaths in higher ranks (especially GM) are way, way up

so it is actually him that’s bad if he’s having an easy time


The queue times are most likely due to dps and tanks getting some toys and supports getting… nothing notable that I can tell.

The role is fine, the beta was just poorly thought out.

Of course, it’s just my assumption but given that they want a faster paced game, I doubt they’ll increase healing abilities output. I mean there’s still that belief that on OW1 “nothing would die” because of high amount of healing (according to the forums).

If they buff the healing ouput, this would lead support haters and pro Beta players to throwing a fit.

I like OW1 but people want it gone. Having a PVP 2.0 that isn’t meant to have support and tanks will lead nowhere. That’s why I think OW1 and OW2 should be separate games. From what I’ve experienced on the beta, OW1 game modes and roles feel too weird to exist there (in a 5 V 5 setting).

I was mostly a support main on OW1 and I didn’t mind the healing.

That’s what I stated and what would be logical in a faster paced game that revolves around Deathmatch.

Because people that want Overwatch to be more DPS-oriented won so might as well make it so that everyone has a good experience on PVP 2.0.

Since the 6 V 6 team-oriented and strategical game won’t be no more after the 2.0 update, why insisting on having supports roles with strong healing when this becomes irrelevant ?

I’d rather have my support heroes be buffed in terms of damage so I could match DPS heroes in 1 V 1 more equally. All support and tank players can do now is adapt or move on to another game.

I still think we can convince the OW team to keep OW1 as a separate game somehow. We just have to make them understand that many players like OW1 the way it was conceptualized and that half of the playerbase won’t play another basic shooter game (since we already play such games in a much better quality than what we saw on the beta).

OW2 will never match other classical FPS games. The only way for Overwatch to thrive is by focusing on what it’s good at : an hybrid FPS game that is inclusive and diverse (in terms of playstyle).

wow shocker you mean to say most supports deal more damage and have stronger cooldown than most dps or even tanks? wild. Of course supports are insanely impactful in overwatch 2. They don’t need buffs. But yeah they’re not very fun at the moment.

i think she’s always had a fun, unique playstyle. Mercy shouldn’t be played like other supports. She’s all about management. Her “damage” comes from blue beam.
Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, but I enjoy her highly positional playstyle quite a bit.
(Lucio/Support enthusiast here)



  1. I actually think things like SleepDart/Biotic Grenade provide way too much value for a cooldown ability. And that it’s inappropriate for them to be that way compared to all the other CC/Debuff nerfs on NonTank heroes.
  2. The issue with Supports is primarily that Ana and Mercy are too easy to kill by flankers.
  3. And also simple balance stuff like Baptise grenades are too slow, and Brig Ult needs a bigger green health number.
  4. But also to circle back to Mercy, she no longer has the option of slow healing tanks as they chill behind barriers. And while running away constantly from flankers may be effective, it isn’t that fun, and GA is kinda useless against spawn campers.

youroverwatch have always had awful opinions, and there was that year where they kept saying “balance is a myth” and overwatch shouldn’t even try to achieve it, which tells you all you need to know about how invalid their opinions are


So many people can’t see through Youroverwatchs BS

This ^
I stopped listening to any opinion youroverwatch had the second he said he wants more expensive microtransactions in OW because I feel like the devs would listen to us more if we are constantly buying stuff (this is an actual opinion he holds). That opinion alone is enough to tell me that this guy has some of the most backwards thinking ever. I guess you gotta clickbait somehow though and making an actual video addressing people saying they aren’t fun wont get as many as insulting people.

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