10 min DPS wait time in comp

I actually expected worse. Having played WoW where 3/5 of every dungeon group is DPS and queue times for DPS were still often 25-45 minutes for me, ten minutes is way better than I thought it would be. People really shouldn’t be surprised or upset by the queue times if they wanted role queue at all in the first place.

I mean streamers are waiting so long for one match.

It was to be expected however they need to find a solution.

Depends on how many. Right now It wouldn’t hurt me to lose 10-20% of them.

Blizzard is owned by Activision which is owned by shareholders… They don’t just drop 20% of revenues to fix a problem with the game design.


Im a support main primarily, and ive been playing DPS MORE since role queue has been around, role queue just makes DPS so much more fun, and the 10 minute queue time doesnt change that.

Nah. It’s fine.

This would fix it.

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This is in comp. How is one supposed to do DPS placements?

If you believe DPS players are the problem then you are one of the reasons we have the problem in the first place.


Tank can support players, those of us who never play DPS, could remove our presence from the forums. We could only talk to other tank and support players in game. We could all segregate ourselves from all damage dealer players and their problems. If that happened, the damage dealers would still be left with all the problems and complaints they have right now.

Saying “If you believe DPS players are the problem then you are one of the reasons we have the problem in the first place.” means that somehow we, the tanks and support players, have the ability to solve the problems you all face. We don’t. Since we don’t have the ability to solve your problems, then believing DPS players are the problem is 100% relevant. You are the problem that you all have to solve.

I know you, if you are truly a DPS player, know there is nothing we, tank and support players, can do to fix the queue times for a role we never select. Or at least select very sparingly.

You’ve read far to deep into my statement.

The entire reason we have a dps queue time is due to PLAYERS ( not tanks or supports) believing that dps mains were ruining their experience.

Would you rather have a game absent all tank and supports then?

The way the game had been traveling, that is the location it would have ended up.

I see no objective proof of this being the case.

I am a tank player, and had 2/2/2 not been implemented, I would have stopped playing.

My friends list used to be full of other tank and support players. I thought 2/2/2 would have brought some of them back. Only one has returned so far.

The game has been bleeding tank and support players for quite a while. Though there is no “hard evidence” I can tell you, as a tank player, I would have stopped playing the game with all of the changes over the last year.

When there is no longer people who want to play tanks and supports why would those who don’t do it start?

I just read a massive anecdotal dump.

I see no objective proof that tanks and supports were disappearing.

I never said otherwise.

We didn’t have an issue of “too many DPS” before GOATS was the META.

It really makes no difference to me whether the game stays alive at this point or not. Making someone open their eyes to see how fewer and fewer people were playing tanks and supports in general is plainly a waste of time. It was happening whether you want to believe it was or not. I, a player who has almost 1000 hours of tank time, would have stopped playing the game if role queue wasn’t on the horizon. Do you think I am singularly the only person on the planet who thinks this?

Even so, the numbers, which I am not going to bother to find, had Quick play at 18-22% tank 22-26% support and the rest DPS for the average match. This composition was getting old to tank and support players. Not all of them obviously, but enough of them for Blizzard to notice apparently.

At the end of the day, Blizzard can choose DPS or tanks and supports. If they choose tanks and supports, some DPS leave. If they choose DPS there won’t be any tanks and supports left.

Just watch a video, play stardew valley, listen to a podcast, complain about wait times on the forum, or anything else while you wait. You could even do something productive look at what streamers are doing.

Stating things as facts does not make it so. You’ve convinced yourself of this and allowed the dissent of others to reinforce it.

That is all. It is objectively unproven and unfounded. To claim “It was happening.” without proof makes you nothing more then chicken little.

You were hit with something from above once or twice so you concluded the sky was falling.

So get this, these dps players will be leaving comp because of the wait time, they will see the wait time is way lower now and will be like, “hey, wait is lower lets play.” So that will be almost every dps player that left comp and then after all those dps players come back for the shorter wait times they will get long again.

There is no fixing long wait times.

EDIT: sorry for trash grammar.

I am saying I noticed it. At this point in the games life cycle, instead of finding the information to back up my claim, I’m just not doing that. I don’t care enough about it anymore.

I like the direction the game is heading. I am not concerned about “chicken little” arguments. The game is fine for me at the moment.

What I noticed is in fact backed up by numbers, I am just not going to find them and post them here. You don’t want it to be true, because if it is then tanks and supports cannot be blamed for long DPS queue times. My queue times are fine, how about you?

here its 8 mins, and the last 10 matches have all been losses, great game blizz
Noticing more and more players are selecting support and dpsing, not even healing the team anymore.

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