Would there be a way to merge 2-2-2 and open queue?

So lets face it we’ve been at eachothers throats over this for as long as we can remember

2-2-2 is the best thing ever! No more 6 dps comps!

Yeah but now we get stupidly long queue times, blizzard please fix this!

Learn to flex and queue times will be lower

I don’t want to flex. Supports aren’t fun and I don’t want to be a punching bag

Etc… The argument goes on.

So why don’t we just have One competitive card.

When pressed you’re asked if you want to queue into a fixed 2-2-2 comp or open queue.

Your team will then be matched against another team who could potentially be 2-2-2 or they could be full flex.

This would remove splitting the playerbase between two cards ( as everyone is queuing together ).

And everyone wins because those that want 2-2-2 can queue for 2-2-2 and those that want to flex can flex.

Teams that queue for 2-2-2 can vote during the match to remove the lock on 2-2-2 and allow the team to flex if they need to adjust their comp.


You can not have two teams facing each other under different rule sets. A 2-2-2 team will be at an absolutely massive disadvantage if the unlocked team decides to do something like run GOATS.

Being able to remove lock mid-game is also a huge opportunity for abuse where someone queues on their low rank role, but instead plays whatever role they are higher ranked on.


Yes I’ve done it earlier

We’d have to get rid of Role Based SR but it’d be worth it I think

Well they could do this:

✅ Competitive 222 vs Competitive Classic


1 of each role, and 3 flex


  • The game would be pretty much impossible to make fair and balanced - that’s why OQ was rejected in the first place.
  • Depending on balance, tanks would either be too weak solo tanking or OP in GOATS comps.
  • You’d get people playing above the SR for a role.
  • Low quality 3+DPS games would be standard.
  • Flex players (me) would never get to play DPS again.
  • and more…
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I agree with this, lets face it, lets finally see if that 4 DPS comps are that waaaay bad and loser…

Lets see creativity in the comp VS forced lock meta

Actually I still want it so you can’t get 222 vs 6flex.

But I just want them to feature both queues side by side, so that it’s better advertising for Open Queue to impatient DPS players.


As soon as you advertise it more, people start taking it seriously and some will think its the main competitive mode, when its not.

That’s easily solved by devs just saying they don’t intend to balance for that mode.

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How will that help? Only a very small number of people listen to the devs. New players just wont care enough to listen.

No because that removes one of best parts of 2/2/2 being the role based SR which also showed people are not as good at flexing as THEY think they are.

I dont think that is the way to go.
There is a few different options that i could see working.

The problem is that not enough players want to tank.
Especially not maintank.

To solve this you have to eather A: reduce the amount of tanks needed or B: make more people want to play tank.
If you want to go with A: 1-3-2 is the obvious solution.

But what can we do if we go with B?
First of we cant have must picks the way we have right now.
We have to get rid of that. No wonder noone want to play a role when you are forced to play one single hero or else evoryone screams at you to kill yourself.
Imo the best bet is to split the tank role into 2 subroles.
Main and offtank.
But the key here is to not force main + offtank evory game but to match 2x offtank against 2x offtank and main+offtank against main+offtank or else the queue times would be 3 times as long.
This would also get rid of the stops you get when main+offtank are up against 2x offtank. You could also rework a few DPS into tanks and possibly sym into a support again. And yeah obviously add more tanks and support.