You’re talking out of your behind. This afternoon I have personally witnessed every single mid masters DPS game to have a queue for longer than 15 minutes. Please do not comment on something you have no knowledge of.
Literally confirmed what I just said. So, no you are the one not only talking out of your ‘behind’ but even going back on you saying it isn’t a 30 minute que. Interesting.
Please act like you have knowledge you don’t have, lemming. Now take your princess attitude and go elsewhere.
Well since they are balancing 2-2-2 comp classic would be more of an arcade thing like Lucio ball competitive.
It would turn into some version of competitive mayhem depending on how the balance changes end up.
- The wolould be a huge balance gap between the two modes of playing.
- the game’s player base would be separated even more.
- Creating a separate Competitive Classic game mode would mean that the majority of DPS players would most probably queue for that game mode and not 2/2/2 role - lock, but most probably not most Tank/Healer players, which would result in very high queue times in both game modes and even in low/mid - ranked queue, where such problems did not exist in the first place…
It’s really not a good idea, at all…
If there was any dominating meta is comp classic, you get no balance patches to change it. All your balancing patches would run on 2/2/2.
I understand the driving reason for this, but there is a reason most games and team sports only have one rule set.
Your SR in Comp classic would be meaningless compared to 2/2/2 and you’d have people arguing constantly about which of the two SR’s was “more valid”. They’re very unlikely to support two different ways to play their game at the competitive level.
- It’s an arcade mode, balance isn’t that important
- Keeping the casuals away from the tryhards isn’t such a bad thing.
- I’d argue that making it so there’s less DPS in the Comp222 queue would lower DPS queue. Where as Tank/Healer queue is already pretty low, so if it goes up a little, it wouldn’t be that bad.
Okay, I missed that part about this game mode being in Arcade. Sorry for that.
Since it’s an Arcade mode, then yes I agree once again.
Yeah, it’s true that there’s a huge flaw with my logic here. The queue times for 2/2/2 role - lock would actually decrease for DPS, as a lot of them would move to the Arcade game mode. Classic Competitive would not have long queues as well, as there’s not role - lock there, but I’m pretty sure most matches would consist of 4/5, maybe even 6 DPS.
So yeah, with all that taken into consideration, this is a really good idea actually.
What about editing your post to say “Bring back Competitive Deathmatch”? Because that’s what it will be. MOST (to my knowledge) Tank and Support players don’t want 4-1-1.
That’s kinda the point.
To get more DPS in that mode.
hey bro, can you add No Limits Competitive in there too?
I see that, and respect it. I just feel as though it would be better for it to be Comp Deathmatch instead, because then everyone could practice their mechanics & what-have-you.
Im pretty sure that’d be better than DPS hoping they get a Tank or Support. It’d also guarantee every player to an even playing field.
Oh yeah, let’s split the playerbase, that’ll help the queue times.
You’d think that initially. But DPS queue times would go down by a lot, and Tank/Healer queues are already really low.
Probably for around Diamond, but I have my doubts about GM+
I’m actually curious if this even true… because the vast majority of the games that i play in quick play classic are still 231 or 132 or even 222…Yeah I’m pretty sure there are plenty of DPS opting to do classic instead but there are seemingly plenty of tanks and heals there also… which honestly makes me question the necessity of intervening like blizz did… at least from the standpoint of making sure that there are always tanks and supports
Ah, now that’s actually something which you might be right about.
But possibly they could just block this mode for really high ranks.
Also really high ranks might need other things to lower their times. Such as making it harder to gain/maintain high SR for DPS.
Love the idea ! I use to play comp all the time almost exclusively , and now just can’t … I love to swap and seeing half of the roster blacked out is sad…
Because role-separate SR. For me it was the whole point of 2-2-2, and unless you want to introduce separate SRs between normal and… not-normal comp, it’s gonna be a disaster.
And even with separate SRs. Imagine the throwfest in what is going to be DPS-only competitive. Imagine the insane SR fluctuations that’s going to happen there. Imagine amount of reports that will fly around. It will be a toxic cesspool. Well, more than normal comp is anyway.