"WOW SUCKS! Also i want WoW to suceed!"

Well there is more then two, but i rather focus on these two, since the thrid one is similar for the first one.

…Take it away, Bari. :point_down:

I wouldn’t know how to give constructive criticism in detail for any game. I know what I like and what is fun to me. I am sure there are people like me but as far a detailed explanations I am not one to do that.

I don’t know about the devs listening or not. I think they gauge public opinion by now it’s probably done with a algorithm. I think there is nothing wrong with trying to please all styles of game play.


People aren’t going to mass unsub unless Blizz does something really stupid.

Which hasn’t happened enough to make people jump ship in mass.

Telling people just to unsub single file won’t do anything.

If everyone did unsub at once the suits would shrug and say “Guess its time for another Diablo immortal 2: Warcraft Edition”

It doesn’t have to be strictly only in detail really.

People actually never happy , just look at the forums its mostly 99% of complaining and not talking about the game

Ok, you are trolling and waste mine and other peoples time also I see, I see the trend. Have a nice night. I’ll just say, I’m astounded how there are people that seem to have a secondary conversation away from what the main points were.

Keep having a conversation with yourself.


I guess you have no other valid arguments other then you trying to harass me and say i’m trolling while you can’t stick to the topic yourself. You might want to remind yourself of the rules here since you seem off-topic alot yourself, hence why you’re accusing me here.

  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts

And oh, what’s this?.. :point_down:

Also this bit where you tell other people to stop speaking for so many people… and then you speak for so many people in another thread.

You were in the first category all this time. So that makes sense that you were offended by me, and try to excuse it with “i’m jUst CalLinG you out!”… All ya did is called yourself out.

I can see why you have your post history hidden, you don’t want to be honest with your true intentions here and much rather lie, troll and harass people who disagree with you or more accurately, whom you simply dislike. And from the looks of a quick search, you seem to do that a lot to other people who liked WoW. :thinking:

And flagging me and trying to have any posts of mine removed does honestly nothing. All it did is confirm it to me and hold my position. And i don’t know if you noticed but… i have a twitter account.

“WOW SUCKS! Also i want WoW to suceed!”

Criticizing WoW and wanting it to do better are not mutually exclusive.

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Oh joy, another one of my posts flagged. Does honestly anybody really believes that if they flag me, this will change my mind? Especially since… oh, i have twitter and can save this to the wayback machine?.. :roll_eyes:

That’s not the issue and i’ve detailed this in my Op and separated what makes constructive feedback and what isn’t.

The “I want WoW to succeed” phrase is always made to excuse or justify the cognitive dissonance in the words and actions they partake that show that not being the case. Or simply put, always said after questioned on why their subbed to a game they think it sucks. Never once, i’ve seen this phrase used in good faith.

These are the same people, btw, that go on a rant, proclaiming doom and gloom for the game, essentially saying it sucks while offering not much criticism, while being antagonistic to those who disagree and categorizing them or mischaracterizing them as thinking the game is perfect (As in no flaw’s problems or anything). While still being subbed to the game they claim to hate, claim to want to succeed, and claim anybody who disagrees as shills or whatever label their feeling like that day.

While ALSO, SOMEHOW, for some BIZZARO reason, are the same guys who THEN turn around to say to me that… “All feedback is valid” when their trying to defend their unconstructive feedback. … After they dismissed me by accusing me of fanboy behavior or… “Thinking the game’s perfect”…

…Do i even need to say anything else to them at this point? I think my OPEN post history speaks for itself for the numerous of examples of this. :point_down:

I have been following this thread because what the OP says is valid. However at the same time some of us not all mind you can not articulate feedback in a way that it would be noticed. I have been in the camp that says WoW sucks but I want it to succeed. I know the OP dislikes that but it’s the truth. I don’t really think WoW sucks what I really think is why can’t improvements be made. There are many who are in a subset of people who look at their preferred class and feel disappointed, upset and let down. I respect that and I also realize not everyone can express or detail a fix for a class. I also respect those who can have well thought out solutions to areas of this game. I personally think it’s enough for blizzard to know some people are unhappy. With that knowledge they can come up with solutions to gain players confidence again. It’s really not my job to detail a solution.
As I said I can understand the OPs point of view and agree but I can also understand the other side where the expression of WoW sucks can mean I just got killed by a glitch or another player whose class is better buffed. Try not to judge others too harsely for their lack of expression. Have a great day and mostly have fun in game. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Again, it can be a casual discussion.

Really, a lot of my discussions are pretty casual.

I dislike only the cognitive dissonance, or it being used as an excuse to simply be unpleasant. You so far, don’t strike me as that.

I’m not asking for you to come up with solutions.

In all honestly, the “solutions” i’ve seen are fan requested anyways.

Just the criticism really.

This thread doesn’t have a problem with a lack of expression.

This thread was more or less the dishonesty of the “WoW sucks” people, and why the constructive critics are more honest about their feedback. I mean, honestly, i’ve been fairly consistant railing against others in the community about being dishonest and hypocritical.

And can i go back to the “I want WoW to succeed” for a second here? What bugs me also is the implication they’ve (not you) created here. In that being, if we disagree with them, that means we wouldn’t want them to succeed?

Everybody wants WoW to succeed. Yet, they feel the need to make them the moral arbiters of who gets to want it to succeed or not?

Their only given to those who read this thread and understood. (Not to be confused with agreeing)

The taco bit’s a joke.

I only read the part about giving me a taco, I’ll be waiting for it to arrive.

I also think it comes down to feeling threatened by someone else opinion of how things should be. Maybe in all of your constructive criticism people see a truth in there that touches a raw nerve. Honestly I use to feel that way but I really don’t anymore. Do you know why? Because I realized it’s not the end of my world if I’m not the best or brightest or the person with the most. I can honestly say now I just want to enjoy my time in game and when I log out I don’t worry about anything pertaining to a game.

As if Blizzard will take the time to read any forum feedback.

It’s a numbers game. If their numbers don’t align then it won’t happen. Doesn’t matter how much feedback is sent.

Classic Wrath is a prime example.

They want LFD tool.

Blizzard instead sneaks in the WoW Token.

Oh trust me, i know.

Snorke, i like you in a “You’re cool” sort of way, but the hyperbole here is rubbing me up the wrong way, ngl.

I just think the discourse should be better, because it, one way or the other, effects the game i enjoy and i would like to see improvements. But how things are, it would just be more likely to better the discourse so the game can be better, indirectly or directly. And the feedback isn’t just for Blizzard to listen.

The Feedback isn’t just for Blizzard to exclusively listen too. The people who play or don’t listen to this as well. Since unsubbing or buying will have an impact on their Proverbal wallet.

Do you know what “Voting with your wallet” means?

I’ve already explained this to other people, and even you.

Vote with your wallet.

The forums are awash with feedback flowing in every direction. No matter what Blizzard does it will very likely correlate to something that someone, somewhere, at some time suggested. Correlation does not equal causation.

Thanks! I hear you, I did vote with my wallet from shortly after garrisons came out to about 5 days ago. I was gone a long time. I resubbed out of nostalgia. I may unsubscribe after next month or when I get bored again. But right now I’m having fun again. I totally get your point though it’s a fair point and a truthful one. Peace out!

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Np. :slight_smile:

And Honestly, that’s what i do too. I just break and resub when i want to have fun with WoW again and have fun.

Gives a Taco. :taco:

WoW went from the game I played during Wrath to just another game I played during Cataclysm, then back to the game I played during Mists of Pandaria, then back to just another game I played during Warlords of Draenor, then back to the game I played during Legion, then to a game I don’t play anymore.