I spent 40 minutes trying to get to this ledge. No joke

And i finally got to it.

I actually did catch the chains with my engineer glider and i finally got it down because the chain thankfuly didn’t needed to be used at a stand still.

While i’m glad i can FINALLY get to that, after the first time i failed to get to it, it does make me wonder, why would Blizzard put these items out of reach if there is no real way to get to them? And yes, you would say “It’s for demon hunters and glider people” but at no point in Torghast, requires a specific class or professions to get certain animas. At least not from what i’ve seen.

Oh, and you know what’s ironic?.. The anima power i got from that was Negation Well. …Touche Blizzard… :face_with_monocle:

I’ve noticed there’s a lot of unreachable places like that for the anima power and if that’s what blizzard wants, fine. I get it. But there’s no backtracking to a previous floor, or a way to find this power consistently. :confused:

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