Okay, i'm just going to say it.. (scaling)

You know, i’m not opposed of putting scaling in games, in order to keep the challenge relevant and consistent everywhere i go. But in terms of RPG’s or in any games where the (not main, but relevant) point is to get more powerful, if you’re going to simply abandon getting powerful though sheer power in stats, then you have to make up for it by allowing skillful play. Or if you will, abilities that make the combat go faster to contiune on making you feel powerful.

Take Spiderman for example, you level up, but you will still take damage nearly the same. But how you dole out damage is entirely different since you have a lot more tools at your disposal to make taking out enemies quicker. Not to mention, your skill will translate into quicker battles.

There’s other examples like Elden Ring, Far Cry 6 (Yes, it’s techincally an RPG), and so on.

However, WoW doesn’t do that. It does give you plenty of abilities, but you don’t feel anymore powerful with them. You don’t feel more powerful though getting more stats, nor skillful play for most of the time. It weirdly normalizes in difficulty overtime where it’s not too hard, but it’s not easier as you go.

I’ve been ilvl 220 for quite sometime in Shadowlands, and it hasn’t been a whole lot easier in the base content. It’s as if i’m still somewhat ilvl 180 when i’ve first started at level 60. In the world mind you.

Edit: Okay, quick correct on that last part, i’m referring to the fact that mobs scale up in terms of ilvl as well. I didn’t notice the immediate difference between ilvl 180 and ilvl 220 in that example. So if there was an immediate difference, then i apologize for my ignorance. TY Buttercleave and Merry Thanksgiving.

I always have believed they would improve this in the future from Legion. Scaling can make a game better when implemented decently or wonderfully, as it’s a tool that allow us to go wherever and finish the story in a zone at their leisure. (Kind of the reason why i’ve defended scaling when it was first implemented) But given how Blizzard has implemented this, it didn’t improve much, infact, kind of made things worse in a few places. (Cough old content) And when i’m starting to long for the days where i can just outlevel a zone before i was even done with the first chapter, 5 levels in…

Got to be honest, the scaling in this game sucks. And the DF pre-patch while fighting enemies has made me realize that. :confused:


I mean I agree that scaling sucks in WoW, but the idea that we don’t get any more powerful with stats is just absurd. I will take my fully geared rogue over a fresh rogue any day. Also watch the top Rogues kill X mob and then watch some random joe kill X mob, skillful play does indeed matter ALL of the time whether it be PvP, M+ or Raids.


Hello, I see you posted a thread about scaling. Question: do you even play the game? You can buy gear from a vendor with a higher item level, haha! I agree though, scaling isn’t cool but at the same time, even at 220, most things in the world just fall over!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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I’d love to see someone develop an add-on that could collect the data needed to extrapolate the scaling used since Blizzard doesn’t seem to want to disclose such information.

It would also help to keep Blizzard honest - we know the first iteration of ilvl scaling was snuck into the game without notice and was much close to a linear relationship between player power and mob power than what we appear to have today.

I do not trust them to not tinker with scaling in such a way as to disadvantage players.


That would be nice. It’s always felt inconsistent with either little difference to major leaps in mob hp and damage. The jump from, say, 59 to 60 could be smoothed over substantially.


I strongly dislike all of the manipulative mechanics. Scaling, phasing and sharding, pvp ilvl adjustments. Its all bunk.


I feel like it’s a overblown issue. The scaling stops at a certain point and you can continue to gear far past that point to where the mobs become trivial again.

these games are literally DESIGNED to keep throwing more powerful stuff at us as we get stronger thereby negating the ‘more powerful’ thing.
not to mention total reset every frikkin expansion…same as it was long before scaling was ever a thing in wow.
This topic has grown stale and boring.

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Granted, WoW scaling sucks rump compared to ESO, but the game didnt have the advantages of knowing better like later games did.

A bird should be a bird…a bear a bear…and a dragon should be a dragon.
Players arent supposed to be gods and shouldnt be able to kill gods or kill as if they were gods.
Totally ruins the fantasy adventurer aspect of this RPG.

It is all anti MMORPG.

WoW is supposed to be a MMORPG which is why WoW has an identity crisis. Lets hope DF goes back to its roots.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Well in the event if you don’t believe me, take a look at my achievements and what i’ve done in the world. (Yes, playing world content is still playing the game) If i haven’t played this game, then i wouldn’t have some of them at the time.

Except the old system has a possibility that exists that you can out power the powerful enemies. With scaling, that almost never happens.

Tbf, i’m not sure how else to handle something like that, other then step back and sidestep by giving what is essentially a different starting zone.


The moment when every mobs level up when I level up, the entire game feels unreal already. Now I have this feeling that every player is working on some excel spreadsheet every expansion.


Worst part of it is that it makes you feel like each level you gain and each talent point you spend as superfluous in the grand scheme of things.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


There were quests in the game that you couldn’t complete at high lvl without a foam sword or a dragon blaster gun made by an engineer. I’m guessing this is one reason why they did this. I was working on loremaster and as soon as i got to level 36 I started one-shotting everything in classic zones that scaled to 30. It was a very weird and abrupt shift.

Overall, I agree. Scaling (in most cases) hurts the experience of a game. They even added ilvl scaling, for what ever reason. Doomsayers will say it’s because they don’t want to add more content, but I don’t know. I also don’t know how they would go back from here.

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I agree 100% I dont need world content to be a slog. I grinded out gear for a reason, not to be put on a treadmill.
This is one the great parts of classic, you come out of raid and demolish everything in world.