"WOW SUCKS! Also i want WoW to suceed!"

People globally are becoming more immature and unable to communicate.

This is a cultural phenomenon. As we transition into a more centralized authoritarian and consolidated society with a larger lower caste devoid of agency and personal responsibility.

Hopefully you don’t fret about this too much and keep speaking power to the truth. Your criticism of the community has been constructive.

Butt, don’t get your hopes to high :dracthyr_tea:


I’m a bit confused as to the purpose of this thread.

Is this a dialogue for yourself about self-reflection and how you want to improve your feedback or is this a longwinded way of saying that most threads on the forum are bad?

I also disagree with “two types” observation. It neglects fan-boys who will approve of any garbage, and then I still wouldn’t categorize myself in such a way.

Sometimes I’ve argued over a topic so much that all I have the energy left to say is “No, it’s a stupid idea.” But that’s come after months of constructive feedback. See any thread about Covenants during Alpha/Beta and compare it to post-launch.


The OP started off this entire rant with insults. Welcome to my ignore too.

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It seems like you are the one who thinks that the majority agrees with you. I don’t think people like things just because they didn’t speak up, because (as I said above) most customers will just leave if they feel the product is not worth their money anymore.

In a game like this, an MMO that ought to contain massive numbers of players, there are many possible different player demographics. No player can make decisions for Blizzard on which should be served. It is up to Blizzard whether it decides to try to go back to being an MMO, which means it tries to support more than one narrow playstyle and then does a surprise pikachu when players not belonging to that group lose interest and leave.

Blizzard calls all the shots here. They can do real marketing research about their customer base, as responsible companies do, or they can make assumptions based on what they want to believe and ignore what is happening until it’s too late to respond.

This is totally false. Blizzard knows who its customers are. They have access to our playing data and our personal contact information. Trying to regulate what is posted on the forums is silly, because they don’t take feedback from the forums. And they shouldn’t, because real research doesn’t involve reading the opinions of random players and trolls.

I guess you are still convinced that it’s up to players to create solutions to problems that Blizzard implemented with their poor planning. You have not convinced me that this is feasible. And in any case, most people who want all comments to be in depth, incisive, and analytical are just trying to distract people and waste their time.

The game is sold on its emotional appeal. Stop appealing to a big part of the playerbase and they don’t sit down and write textbooks for you. They leave. Does Blizzard do follow up to ask players why they left (and I don’t mean a short survey)? No, they don’t. It’s up to them to do real research and stop collaborating exclusively with hand picked yes men who they know will agree with them.

Are you seriously saying that censoring players who post goodbye threads is constructive?

Completely ignoring why people have left the game over the past decade is why this game is struggling to maintain what is left of its playerbase. Asking people who didn’t leave why those who left are gone…seriously?


Completely your choice, but the OP didn’t personally attack a particular person and gaslight them as if there’s something wrong with them mentally.


How is decribing people “Arrogant and ignorant”?..

What am i ignorant about a group that i’ve not only seen, but parttake in their conversations enough to see a pattern emerging?..

This isn’t an Attack. I don’t think you know what “Attacks” mean.

But you seem to be guilty of doing the veiled attacks yourself, giving your trying to gaslight me into thinking that wanting constructive criticism is somehow bad.

I didn’t “Overgeneralize”. It just sounds like you have a problem with me personally that i want more valid feedback instead of poop. And you’re taking that as me saying “The game’s perfect” when i’ve explicitly said none of that and even agreed with some of the constructive negative criticism or even actively partake in making constructive negative criticism myself.

Nothing here is “attacking”.

It actually does. Even if you think they only listen to the money, that gets effected indirectly by constructive criticism since people will take that into consideration and vote with their wallet.

Again, you’re doing this thing here that you think i’m saying the game is perfect when in reality, i didn’t. So mind stop being disingenuous?..

I already have. It’s called “explaining yourself why you think it sucks, not attacking other people who disagree with you, and learning when to move on”. I suggest you take your own advice here. You’re acting pretty immature when you could’ve just ignore this thread tbh.

Actions speak louder then words.

And people have the right to have issues with your issues if they do nothing to improve or worsen the product were also paying for.

And again, you’re doing this disingenuous black and white thing where conflating unconstructive posts with hating negative feedback. When my post meanwhile was separating that, and even encourage constructive feedback on something they have an issue with.

Maybe ya should’ve read my thread before jumping to conclusions if you’re really looking for a discussion. :man_shrugging:

I even got a TL;DR section just for you. :slight_smile:

You told me to go outside, instead of actually refuting anything i’ve said.

Oh no, how dare i care about improving the feedback to improve the game. That’s bad. /s :roll_eyes:

I can ask you the very same thing since you cared enough to come into my thread and be nothing but agressive and trying to ruin the thread’s discussion. If you dislike it, just ignore it.


You told me to go outside instead of actually caring about the game.

Your Ad-homs are not criticisms. All you’ve done is just trying to start drama.

Sounds like projection on your part. And you’re really doing nothing to stop the sprea.d Infact, you attacking me over trying to start a discussion on this, trying to encourage better feedback, is making the problem worse. Doesn’t help the fact that you’re also attacking anybody and possibly harrassing other people who disagrees with you.

If you honestly can’t distinguish me from other shills, then it might be possible… that you wern’t actually paying attention. Riddle me this Christian Bale, if i were such a super-duper fanboy, why would i disagree with those who are known corporate shills on the forum, or even disagree and criticize a lot of Blizzard’s decision, such as them removing the game time options? Nothing you’ve said here makes any sense.

My post history is open for everybody to view and do their own homework with. Proper education.

Basically, it is not the players job to fix the game. Good developers, like the original team that made the game, were good at parsing issues with the game. The original team had a lot of great insight and talent when it came to making video games.

It has been painfully clear the current team creating and maintaining WoW over the last several expansions either lack talent, or just lack good leadership.


Oh man, this is a rant. Have fun, I’m out of here.


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Good luck to the constructive critics. There’s too many losers who get personally offended on behalf of multi-billion dollar companies.

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I mean, World of Warcraft DOES suck, have for awhile.
I also do want it to improve.
But it has sucked for quite long now, despite my desire for it to improve. It is not so long ago I bought Dragonflight, two months ago, I think… perhaps less, can’t remember.

I thought WoW had improved… but it hasn’t.
And no, I do not take the words of people who played Shadowlands seriously, when they say Dragonflight is good. I can agree that it is probably better than Shadowlands (I did not play Shadowlands) but the bar has clearly been set so incredibly low, that WoW’s staunchest players do not know what ‘good’ is.

That said. Blizzard tries to improve, I can support that. I’ll see if the expansion following the expansion after Dragonflight will be worth buying.

You clearly not understand how complaints work and just writing off people if they don’t have the right post that you can deem worth of a critique.

You answer your own question my guy.

You sure ain’t welcoming nor trying to have a discussion.

No, I make my intentions known. I have no reason to attack you, just calling you out on your BS.

Oh boy you ain’t serious with this, really learn your craft before you try to tr0ll.

Yes you did.

Then make a thread that says that,

In a normal, mature manner… but you couldn’t do that, you couldn’t help yourself.

Stop projecting dude, when you want someone to be more constructive, ask them to.
But they aren’t obligated to.

If they hurt your fee fee’s because they just said an aspect, patch, etc, sucks in this game without expanding on it… DEAL WITH IT.

Yeah, waiting on that from you. Gonna be waiting a LONG TIME.

That makes no sense.

Are you sure you know what you are writing… lol.

You are clearly annoyed with people saying ‘‘this sucks’’ without adding more to a post.

Are you new to life?

It exists, it happens… not everything needs to be a neatly drawn up constructive critique of said product.

Do you put on blast anyone that talks negatively on your favourite restaurants, places, etc… no you don’t… so maybe use that same approach here because you are just making yourself look all goofy.

I feel ya sometimes. It can seem like nothing would really works, but i learn to have patience, and learn to just simply move on, or break it for a bit until it improves.

It’s wanting better feedback.

Well it’s because it sort of overlaps with the first category really. Minus the negativity.

…Where is this coming from?

Which falls under the constructive catorgory as i’ve mentioned. They know when to move on.

Let me stop you right here.

One, WoW is always been an MMO.
Two, you tell me that blizzard should support more then one playstyle, but then tell us it should go back being an MMO, which i would imagine in your mind, it’s vanilla. When isn’t the amount of playstyles is narrow as it is, given the fact it has less classes, races, and customization in it’s talents? As well a strict difficulty curve that strongly encourages grouping?

Why is it false? You do know by this thinking you’re proposing here can be applied more then just the game here with disastrous results, right?

With this thinking, you’re practically saying we can’t trust reviews on amazon because it’s a small amount of people out of the large amount who didn’t post a review. So what? Just spend your money, hope it doesn’t suck, and if it does, just buy it again, hoping it doesn’t suck the next time since there’s no reviews to speak of? Because that’s the “Small people voicing their opinions don’t represent a larger representation” argument there.

I’ve seen this quite a lot, and this is mostly coming from people who thinks Blizzard not listening to one feedback, meaning their not listening to all feedback here. And this just strikes me as that. Which is disagreeable, considering Blizzard has listened to feedback here. It’s not, all the feedback.

Where have i said “Come up with solutions”?.. What are you talking about?

I’ve said “explain your issues in a constructive manner”. How’s that “coming up with solutions”?..

You’re welcome to subjectively think that.

Where did i say they need to any of that? If anything i’ve asked the people to do, it’s to simply… not attack people who disagreed with you. You’re now conflating with that to asking people to be indepth, incisive and analytical?

You can have it be short and to the point without attacking people, and/or you can be indepth as you like.

Well that’s kind of insulting to people’s intelligence, don’t you think?

Plus, i’ve written a TL;DR, and some people still don’t want to read it, so why should i cater to them if they don’t care enough to read it? I rather stay true to own opinions and how i debate with people and assume they are smart enough to understand the basic concepts i’m giving. Rather then dumb my posts down to twitter length one-liners and assumed everybody is dumb. If that’s what you want me to do, then i think i rather pass.

Especially since the length of my comments, or how you feel reading my comments because of it’s length, doesn’t have anything to do with what i’ve said in them. Some of the best arguments made from very lengthy posts here. That’s not to say you can’t have best arguments that are short.


I’ve never said that, and you know it. I’m talking about constructive people vs the “WoW sucks” nonconstructive posts. How you don’t understand this just shows you haven’t read the OP.

“I can recognize that if i want something to change, i have to put in actual effort myself to convince those to make those improvements and not just say “It sucks” over and over again and/or attack people who calling me out on it or who likes the game. If it doesn’t work in the end, then i must know when it’s time to move on. Or learn to make peace with it in someway.”
emphasized text^^i quoted the op

I just wanted to say, I had to classify myself as a WoW hater for a while. I was gone for years literally. I just resubbed because nostalgia. I have been running around doing all the expansions I missed and quests. As far as your statement goes I think it would take the players to turn things around by being more tolerant, be willing to take some time to be friendly and helpful. It maybe wishful thinking on my part but the game developers can actually foster that atmosphere too. Do I think it would happen sadly my gut tells me we are too far down that other road to turn around. But I can control how I act and what I say and that is all it would take if everyone stopped and thought before they spoke.

I guess you’re fine with being wrong then. :man_shrugging:

'Cept i do. But i guess you rather deny that and pretend you’re not being biased here.

Me telling you don’t know what “Attacks” means atfer you constantly misuse it while attacking me yourself, means i’m not welcoming or trying to have a discussion?

Plausible Deniability much?

Except you aren’t doing that. You’re personally offended that i want more constructive criticism and going ahead to attack me.

You can say “Oh i’m calling out on your BS…” but we all know that’s not what you’re doing.

Disagreeing with you isn’t trolling. Why are you on this thread if you’re just going to cause drama instead of discussing? Because you seem upset that i’ve described the nonconstructive people i’ve mentioned in my OP.

No i didn’t, and lying about it, and just spaming it over and over doesn’t magically make it true.

I already did, it’s this thread.

I don’t know why you’re denying that.

That’s what i did, but apparently that’s not good enough for you. :laughing:

It’s not my problem that you take a subjective offense to what i’ve said. That’s on you.

I don’t think you know what projection means Khrony.

That is litteraly what the thread is all about.

You’re the one to talk, considering you seem massively offended by what i’ve got to say. And i’m not even one of them shills who defend WoW like it’s their baby, but trying to sepperate the two and ask for better feedback.

Khrony, how much longer ya gonna keep up with the childish “I know you are, but what am i” insults, lol? This one doesn’t even make any sense when thrown back to me. Waiting on that from you… what? You expecting me to unsub or something? I don’t hate the game. I don’t particuarly love it like it’s my baby. I think it’s okay, could be improved.

Except they it does. And you’re only denying it because it’s the truth.

If you’re posting your opinion on something, expect people to post opinions on your opinion on something. That’s pretty much what i’ve said. Amazing how it escaped you when you’re currently having an opinion on my opinions on wanting better feedback.

I can ask you the same thing.

Strawman. All i’ve simply said is to not attack people like making your critique or to those who disagree with you. If that’s all you took from that, then that’s on You.

You have a problem with reading comprehension, and i recommend you educate yourself on that. Starting with my TL;DR.

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Oh dear.

Management isn’t even listening to their best talent, what on God’s green (ish) Earth would possibly make anyone think that they listen to constructive critcism? Stamping our feet is the only thing that has a chance of working when people leaving their own damn company doesn’t do a lick of good.

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I don’t know how many times i need to say this, i guess i need to write it in my OP at this point, but…

…If all they listen to is the money… then the constructive criticism effects that indirectly, because it will effect people’s opinion and unsub based on that.

And as for the stamping of feet thing… If you’re stamping your feet, but all the while, still paying them, you think their going to change a thing?

I couldn’t imagine being so unhappy in life that I’d force myself to play a game I don’t enjoy or to spend time on a game forum of a game I don’t like. I feel sorry for these people.

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You can say it all day long, it doesn’t magically make it true.

This would work with a SmALL iNdIE CoMpAnY but Activision-Blizzard is not one of those.

And hey, I’m not giving them a dime. My sub lapsed on the 24th and I’m still here able to voice my distain for their crappy management and the people who coddle Blizzard with kid gloves.

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Have fun crying on a forum thinking you’re making changes, I guess. People come and go often in the business world, especially in an industry like the gaming industry.

lol what an absolute lie. You cannot post on the forum without a live sub. This bug ended a long while back.

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