I don't want to be that guy

… but can somebody explain to me why their making leveling more meaningful but then negate that effort by making the leveling very fast in shadowlands? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :man_shrugging:

This is the one thing i never quite get since the announcement and news here on after. If i’m incorrect about something, let me know also.

A valid argument is it takes too long to get to 120. Some people can breeze right through it. Other people hit walls. It’s fine that Blizz wants leveling to be meaningful, yet quick.

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Don’t know what the leveling in Shadowlands is like, only the past expansions are known to be faster.

I’m all for faster leveling. Charging for a max character is a bad money grab when you make leveling a long miserable experience.

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I’m all up for a pretty good leveling experience. Retail’s leveling is fine, but it could use a lot more… ways to level, less dead space in between levels when you get your rewards per level, etc.

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I think they mean making it more meaningful by getting upgrades at more regular intervals. Level squish means you’re twice as likely at any given level to get an upgrade. That’s what they mean by more meaningful, that more levels actually do soomething, not that it’ll take longer which as classic has proven to me doesn’t make the experience any more compelling, imo.

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Who cares seems to be the most common answer on the forums. You’ll still give them money.

I thought the only fast leveling in Shadowlands was after you already went through it on your main?

It doesn’t negate it. Speed is one issue, not having anything unlock each level is another.

Increasing the speed in leveling cures one part. Reducing the level so you can gain something each level cures the other part.

making it more meaningful…to me would make it potentially somewhat more difficult but also faster.

i mean…it being a very long grind does not make it more “meaningful” right now

I’m not saying it would surprise me, but I’ve read pretty much everything written on this in the last week and I have seen no evidence of your claim. Care to share?

The 50-70% faster reference is in terms of 0-50… and that’s primarily because they are allowing you to level across 1 expansion vs. 7… 4 or 5 zones vs. 15

I agree. Though i don’t think making it shorter would make it more meaningful as well.

Basiclly, unfun leveling is unfun leveling regardless if you shorten it or not. And i wish they strike a balance between Fun and Length with Leveling. A too Short leveling experience that is fun would be somewhat disappointing and too long leveling experience would just make it feel dragged out. My ideal leveling would be 2-3 weeks, but that’s just me and not everybody else.

I also wanted there to be more ways to level up, rather then more places to level up. That way i can enjoy leveling more with more gameplay variety. World Quests while leveling come to mind, as well some minigames and puzzles etc. It is neato that it does get faster after your main goes though it the first time, but you know, what in the world.

There’s a reason why i kept replaying games like Skyrim and Far Cry 3, even though most of the ways on how you level up is kill, kill, kill.

i think most people would like a much shorter leveling period overall…just saying

Less daunting a task for new players.