So what will it take to save WoW?

That’s too broad of a question to tackle.
With at least a million players at any given time, you really are addressing too many styles of gameplay, too many needs/demands/wishes.

It’s done, games sometimes get their 15 mins in the sun, WoW’s time was over a decade ago. It’s past the point of no return and will continue to sail into the sunset.

You haven’t been able to see ‘hundreds’ of players since crz was introduced.

Moonguard is more alliance. Has been for a long time. But rpers have really gone more within their guild from my observation. Alliance is dwindling and also we are in a pause where a lot of people have no reason to stick around or don’t find SL fun atm.

It’s past the point of being ‘saved’.
It’s been deemed dead or dying or doomed for over a decade.

You can salvage it by doing a 180 on it’s current design template and getting more competent devs than Ion and Co but past that, it’s a game that is never going to regain that moment it has back in tbc-wotlk.

That’s over and done with. Enjoy what you can and realize that this game ain’t gonna be bustling with 10 mill like before or whatever.

You’ll be better off.

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