...Okay i'm just gonna say it. Why the heck you made Normal island expeditions easier

…Blizzard? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, i enjoyed islands, i’m a werido. I enjoy running around killing things and collecting things. (Spyro comes to mind of doing this kind of thing better, but i digress) And the horde in a PvE setting with some pretty advanced AI is pretty fun to fight against, cause i suck at PvP and sucking is no fun. Rewards however, not so much fun. I lost track of how many pets i got and i think i might have 1-3 all of the pets these I.E’s can offer at normal. But i degrassi.

And before you say, “what are you going on about? they’ve always been easy”. Yes, they have, but before this change, the horde would come out at the near start of the island, and i always enjoyed killing them.

Since 8.2 released, the horde just stalled until were half way done. I know i’m sounding like i’m complaining about a change that made something easy and i should be happy for that, but I honestly enjoy finding the horde and killing them, which shakes up the gameplay here, and it gets pretty boring when the horde just shows up late and at that point normals are just almost a guaranteed win, even more so then before. I want there to be some challenge on normal. Also i know Heroic exists, but my experience with those have been nothing short but “slightly below average”.

They don’t need to be easier, is my point here.

If the other faction is stalling and not progressing their bar at all then it sounds like there is a bug at play.

I thought so at first, but months gone by and…

Either nobody reported that or Blizzard intended this to be a thing. :man_shrugging:

Won’t be the first time a bug is ignored for quite some time. Some bugs are just tricky to isolate and duplicate reliably. But seriously, if you’re progressing to halfway before their bar even starts, that does sound like a bug.

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I understand your frustration, you want to have fun.

But, if it is a bug, it could be one of those “ok, we tried it ten times, it worked three times.” sort of deal and that’s not enough data to begin bug hunting.

Because their bar not even starting … that just doesn’t sound like fun at all.

Actually, every time we (my friends) and i started a normal island expedition, the horde always stalls halfaway until we have 3000 azerite, and then they get out of the boat. This never happens in the other difficulties IIRC.

Sorry if i’m repeating myself, force of habit of mine.

Yeah, that does 100% sound like a bug. Which means all you can really do is file a bug report. The more reports they get, the more data they can sift through.

It happens, but not every time, and it’s not the norm.

Clearly, there is some kind of random roll going on in the background that dictates how aggressive the opposing team will be during an IE. This is an educated guess based on:

  • The fact that I’ve run hundreds of IEs since 8.2, so I’ve observed, and;
  • The fact that scores like 4500 - 0 only happen occasionally, and;
  • The fact that sometimes the opposing team will hunt you endlessly.

Your AI opponents got a few rolls between 0 and 10, that’s pretty much it.

If normal islands are too easy, then why not try out heroic? You get more AP and a slightly better chance at rewards.

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Well maybe i’ll give them a fair shot, see what’s changed. Last time i tried a Heroic, it wasn’t a great experience, with a mixture of bad pugs and not to mention a lot of the mob’s health been doubledish. Coarse that’s back pre 8.2, so maybe it would improve.

I would still like to see this issue addressed, besides being too easy, might also not accurately reflect the similar experiences you’ll have on heroic or mythic now that i think about it. :neutral_face: (not a problem for those who do islands heroic and up, but for those who play normal or possibly new to it.)