<Membership over 300 Kupos!>
Motto: “To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.”
Raid Times: 8PM to 11PM EST Wednesday/Saturday
Expected time before first raid: 3 months after launch
Raid Group 1 is at 65 Kupos!
Raid Group 2 days/times: To be determined
Loot System: Suicide Kings for Tier items (Each Class will have their own SK list & DKP for normal items
Guild Officers Leggs, Arrow, Satlin, Goodassporkchops, Byrnoth, and Maxxgold
We are a United States based Guild, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time-zones! All are welcome, but most of our members are in the US, and on in the Eastern time zone.
If you are not older or at least mature please don’t waste our time. If we have to explain to you how to conduct yourself, please don’t waste our time. If you have issues with black people, gay people, or any other hang up, please don’t waste our time. We have a good mix of all people in our clan, and you will be welcome.
Discord will be a requirement: We use it to schedule Raids, Dungeons, Events, and anything else that can be scheduled.
There are no cliques in our Guild that will prevent you from getting everything done that you would like to. We schedule events, and you as a member decide which events you will participate in. You then simply click which event you want to attend and you name is added to the list. Of course we all will have good friends that we like to play with, but this will never prevent anyone from joining in on the fun.
We will be a Casual/Raiding Guild, which basically means that we will be enjoying the game while not rushing to end-game content. We will complete all the Raids, but we will do it on our own time. All Toons will be accepted, and you will get Raid clears with you Moonkin, or your Druid. We will not be min/maxing nor will we be excluding any Race/Class. So feel free to play whatever class/race you like with total freedom to complete everything in-game.
If you would like to join, then leave me your battle-tag or add me: Maxxgold#1846 and I will send you the Discord link. When you log onto Discord you can check the #events channel to see how we run our Raid events for other games. You will automatically be given the [Malicious Moogle] tag when you join. After you join, read the #welcome-read-first channel, and feel free to post in #classic-general text channel, or hop in Discord for voice.
Molten Core
Raid Schedule is now posted in our Discord in the #events channel. I know it’s early, and we don’t have an actual date, so this is just a place holder, but this is how it will work when we do get started. Feel free to click the check mark and add yourself to the Molten Core
I have run many Guilds, Clans, Free Company’s, and Corporations. I am retired ,so I have plenty of time to run the Guild full time. Our guild is already put together. Guild Officers: Kim, Satlin, Goodassporkchops, Byrnoth. We have a working loot system that is open and fair, and our Raid times for our first 40 man group is set. If you desire a leadership position we will have spots available after Classic launches; leadership positions will based on your knowledge and participation! We already have a good mixture of people that are ready and willing to play, so feel free to join up with us to journey back to Classic WoW.
Come Join us for our journey back to Classic!!!