Finding a guild

Yeah, I mentioned that in my original post. Like I said, it’s still hard to find a guild who has some openings.

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Forum advertisements on absolutely terrible way of finding the people you want to spend that much time with.

My plan is to run guildless for a while and pick from the guilds people are in that help me in game or are actually friendly or appreciative when I help them.

A bunch of people showing up to conduct a cold ruthless camp of the despicable Alliance person that killed a Horde player Is a definite plus!

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I’m burnt out on guilds. Many are needless drama centers, others are just so the guild leader can have a ego trip at the expense of others enjoyment of the game. Yeah I’m salty, but this salt has been created over years of guilds promising the moon and delivering a boat ride across a pond.

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are you EST, PST, ??ST ?

This is pretty accurate of the recruiting right now. By which I mean promising the moon. There are plenty of recruitment forums. Between here, Barrens Chat, Reddit, etc. But just be cautious. The majority of those posts are big dreams. By all means find a guild, but keep in mind nothing is set in stone until you start playing together.

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We are not actively recruiting anymore because we have our numbers, but we are not turning anyone away, and I’m sure we will have spots available.

Everything is set and waiting to go. Like the poster above said, almost all of these recruiting threads are just people that are hopeful to have what they are advertising.

If our hours fit your schedule post in our recruitment thread.

Just hoping to find a big social guild that’s raid friendly not raid focused. At best I can only raid every other week anyways because of my work schedule. But at least with a social guild I can help and get help with other things like questing in the world, dungeon runs, some WPVP if it happens. I plan on playing on a PVE server.

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I have no IRL social connections to gamers, I am outside the age loop for it. So I plan to roll on a server in my time zone for best ping, PvP, and work on getting to 60 and just see what happens along the way.

In the end my end game is casual PvP and soloing content so a guild isn’t a necessity, but nice to be in one if it happens.

How do you plan on WPVP if you play on a PvE server?

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I am part of a rl circle of friends coming back for Classic. We’ll be (hopefully) rolling on an RP-PvP realm. Horde. Casual. EST weekend raid times. Talent how you wish, just be effective (does not mean “optimal”) at your class.

In vanilla I WPVP’ed in every zone on a PVE server. Almost always a defender. I always kept my world defense channel on and responded to any attacks I’d see going on for a few minutes. Not sure how much it will happen in Classic, but it happened plenty in vanilla. At least on my server. Also if I was just running around in the world and saw a flagged horde that wasn’t grey level, I would instantly attack him.

I think you’re getting ahead of yourself a bit. I’d suggest letting it happen naturally, via just start playing, and as long as you’re not a jerk you should find a leveling guild along the way.

When you hit 60, if your leveling guild isn’t cutting it, then start looking for a raiding guild. I expect there will be people advertising guilds in cities and on the forums.

This is my plan anyways.


I edit my post. I am PST/PDT

I am even consider creating my own guild if I can’t find a morning raiding guild. hehe

[About Redline]
Redline-Thrall is an end-game raiding progression guild that has a vast amount of veteran players, some with raiding experience back to Vanilla. We expect everyone to come to raid prepared, be knowledgeable(Class and encounter), and be punctual.

Our team brings a great amount of personality to the guild that keeps raids and our community lively. Our members work with each other to help everyone achieve their greatest potential. When not raiding, several guild members are putting together higher Mythic+ Keys, PVPing together, and running Alt raids.

We are always looking for skilled and determined people to raid with. If you’re a skilled player or want to app for a raid spot, do not feel shy! Even some of our best players started off small and worked their way up.


  • Uldir (Mythic) 6/8
  • Battle of Dazar’alor (Mythic) 7/9
  • Crucible of Storms (Heroic) 2/2 (World 5th / Server 1st)

[Raid Times]
Progression: Wednesday-Thursday 12PM-4PM EST
Heroic/Alt Runs (Optional): Tuesday 12PM-4PM EST

[What we look for in a raider]

  • Having a strong knowledge of your class
  • A positive progression-oriented mindset
  • 90% attendance
  • Being a team player

[Current Recruitment]
· Tank– Closed

· Healer – Medium
· Paladin (Holy) – High
· Druid (Restoration) – Medium
· Priest (Discipline) - Low
· Shaman (Restoration) – Low
· Monk (Mistweaver) – Low

· Melee DPS– Closed

· Ranged DPS– High
· Warlock – ☆Very High☆
· Mage – ☆Very High☆
· Druid (Moonkin) – High
· Hunter (BM or MM) – High
· Shaman (Elemental) – High
· Priest (Shadow) – High

Apply on our Discord

Battlenet Officer Contacts
Bigwhardy: Whardy#1990
Teeanya: Hartske#1816

Im not even looking. Gonna do it Vanilla style and log in, play the game and go where the wind blows.

We are running a guild but won’t actively recruit until we are actually playing the game.

As a player, I’m not sure how I’d feel about joining a raiding guild that issues blind invites and, as a former GL, I’m not sure I’d want to deal with the incredible hassle of blind invites.

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The best advice

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If you wait till August for name reservations and an idea of what servers will look like and who will be playing where you’ll most likely have a very good selection of guilds to pick from.

imagine being level 60 and you have to realm transfer because you can’t find a guild with your available raid times. (at least for me)

I would want to look for a guild now to help grow it, but then I would risk wasting some time if the guild dies (like what happen to me on Northdale).


Everyone who raids makes sacrifices for the guild raid time. Do you honestly think that there are 40 people on the same server with the same schedule?

Raid nights are almost always Tuesday (the weekly reset) plus 1-2 other nights. Finding a raiding guild that doesn’t raid on Tuesday is going to be a real challenge

Otherwise, you will need to join a social guild.