Why not deal with minimal sharding?

Yeah, I get that argument, but you lose out on so much more if you don’t play on a PVP server. In Vanilla I played every day with people, and I don’t remember ever questing by myself, so I never had any issue like that. I did have a great deal of fun though. Playing on a PVE server is so dumb when you have Alliance and Horde just wandering around each other and they don’t or can’t PVP. Not every time we came across the enemy did we battle, and that made it special, because you knew at any moment you could get attacked.

And I’m sorry, but sharding and PVE go hand in hand. They take the consequences of the world away. You don’t have to worry about battling for that gathering node, don’t have to worry about wandering into enemy territory, and you don’t have to worry about anything. The game is called World of Warcraft!

If you come play with us on a real PVP server, and experience WOW like it was meant to be experienced, we will have your back, and you can learn what real teamwork is like. I’ll personally gather the forces of good (Alliance), and we will beat back those nasty Horde for you, and you can camp their bodies if you so choose. :wink:

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14 years ago you had people playing WoW on poopy dialup connnections- the cheapest of the cheapest net connections were most readily available. That’s a huge reason why people lagged out or were disconnected. I remember 12-20 minute wait times but I dealt with it.

Also, there must be something wrong with me because it seems like half the people in this forum cannot detect the sarcasm in my OP

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What, of any value, do you miss out on? Ganking lowbies after muddling my way past being the lowbie in the gank the lowbie equation isn’t my thing…

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I miss the sounds created by the old modems when you connected online :smile:

I’m actually ok if they just shard in the starting areas, but most of the community is against it, so I just sided with the community as far as this argument goes. I’m also ok with partying up with my friends, new and old, and trying to get through a chaotic launch with no sharding. It will be frustrating for a lot of people, and I get that, but it can also be fun if you just relax and socialize, which is what Classic is for :sunny:

Biggest issue I currently have with sharding is that Blizzard probably wont make the game robust enough to handle high pop events once you remove sharding. So we will be dependent on sharding in the future as well.

The alternative is that they build the game and server infrastructure strong enough to handle high pop events and we will be fine without sharding at launch and also in the future. But of course, that would take more resources and I’m sure there’s not much available to the classic team.

If you don’t understand what you will be missing out on then I can’t help you at this point. Ganking lowbies, while it does happen is not even what I’m talking about. No one in my Guild will be ganking lowbies. If they do, then they will be kicked. We don’t play that way.

From reading in between the lines of your posts, and other posts you have made, plus the people or alts who like your posts. You seem to be a negative person in general. I doubt that you have ever played on a PVP server. If you had you would know what I’m talking about. You’re just another person who can’t be bothered to group up and socialize, you just want to wander around solo in care bear land doing what you want with no consequences. Luckily for you, you can do just that, but don’t kid yourself. You will never experience anything like you could have if you played on a real server.

When you want to take the kiddie cuffs off and play WoW like it was meant to be played. Give us a try :smile:

The main issue I personally have with pvp servers is simply this:
There is absolutely no way to effectively drive gankers from a zone. You can do no more than boot them to the nearest graveyard. To those who gank lowbie zones there is truly no downside to it, no actual risk.

Some will say that calling in high levelers to deal with it is an option, but how long till those high levelers feel the futility of the practice? Again, the most they can do is bump them to their nearest graveyard. It becomes crying wolf very quickly.

I am willing to play pvp regardless, but the system does have some horribad design flaws. Cannot judge those who choose to avoid them.

The simple act of pounding a scrubby ganker repeatedly is satisfying enough to make the practice worth it. Sure there will be some very persistent gankers, but most will at the very least take a break after they get sent to the graveyard ten times by the same guy.

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oh learn to defend yourself. Me and my boys in mid 30s where killing backpeddling 60s in stv. As long as you have a rogue that can land a kidney, amother melee, and something to pass a heal your fine.

The beauty of vanilla is that people can’t fly after you, the run backs are nasty, and melee can land stuns. When I’m on my 60s on northdale messing around, of the lowbies won’t defend themselves and each other it just makes me camp harder. Grow a pair in game and lift some weights irl

Not really. Take a zone like Redridge. A rogue ganker can do what they do virtually non-stop and at will. Rogue sees a hunter? He just avoids track and moves to another area in the zone, ganks, stealths and moves to another area of the zone. How long do you imagine our brave anti-ganker will hang around attempting to play whack-a-mole with a ganker? With zero tools to remove the ganker from the zone my guess (and witnessed in practice) is not long whatsoever.

Try reading what someone actually posts before vomiting your bad posts onto the forum in response. I have every intention of rolling PVP, and I often play the anti-ganker. Nothing I posted was not the truth about the situation. There is ZERO downside to ganking and no way to effectively combat it.

I doubt very much that you and “your boys” were skilled in PVP any more than you are skilled in spelling.

So you have nothing that a PvE player is missing out on, that’s pretty much what I thought…

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There were certainly people playing on dial up but I would wager they would have been a small percentage of the overall base. Namely broadband might not have been offered in their area. I wouldn’t cite cost as a barrier because if you’re willing to pay 15 a month you’re likely to pay for faster internet. I also wouldnt say that dial up had any reason at all during the launch period but rather not having enough servers and poor optimisation on Blizzards end. This is easily evidenced by the several realms that were subsequently created. What they didn’t know was this eventually caused dead servers as the population stabilized. This exact reason is why sharding was proposed.

You and I must have played in different dimensions because i had 1k queues to log in > 1 week. This is also well documented.

U cant be this dense… shard become the basic feature of the server structure, u cant avoid it.


Lol, I wrote 2 full posts of information for you, and you troll posted with 2 sentences, so yeah, whatever I could tell you just goes to far over your head for you to ever “get it”

Feel free to troll me some more, but I won’t be responding to you anymore. Have a good day.

You made a post whining about how you can’t defend yourself in open world. How there is zero downsides to ganking lowbies.

Typically a downside is getting reverse camped and mocked for it. That’s how you stop someone. After some 60 gets killed by a group of 30s, resurrects and gets killed again by them, then they head back to rez again while ghost and they see the 30s jumping around doing a laugh emote I assure you it breaks their spirit a bit.

60 intrusion makes lowbie areas amusing, and everyone gets camped at one time or another.

Give blizz a inch and they will take a mile.


Im still waiting to see it magically happen in a big world brawl and someone catches it on recording. The 7.3.5 client gas it built it and they want to use it so that they can dabble in other features.


The problem is trust. Activision (Blizzard doesn’t exist anymore) has lost the trust of the majority of its consumer base with BFA and proven they will put profits over players. They can say “We’ll only use sharding on a limited basis during initial launch” but they have proven time and again that what they say and what they do are often two different things.


I was not aware that anyone was “forced” onto any specific server. As far as I am aware, every player had the option to choose their server.

A recommended server might be shown, but to the best of my knowledge, the player had the option to choose another server.