If you don’t understand what you will be missing out on then I can’t help you at this point. Ganking lowbies, while it does happen is not even what I’m talking about. No one in my Guild will be ganking lowbies. If they do, then they will be kicked. We don’t play that way.
From reading in between the lines of your posts, and other posts you have made, plus the people or alts who like your posts. You seem to be a negative person in general. I doubt that you have ever played on a PVP server. If you had you would know what I’m talking about. You’re just another person who can’t be bothered to group up and socialize, you just want to wander around solo in care bear land doing what you want with no consequences. Luckily for you, you can do just that, but don’t kid yourself. You will never experience anything like you could have if you played on a real server.
When you want to take the kiddie cuffs off and play WoW like it was meant to be played. Give us a try
<Membership over 300 Kupos!> Motto: “To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.” Raid Times: 8PM to 11PM EST Wednesday/Saturday Expected time before first raid: 3 months after launch Raid Group 1 is at 65 Kupos! Raid Group 2 days/times: To be determined Loot System: Suicide Kings for Tier items (Each Class will have their own SK list & DKP for normal items Guild Officers Leggs, Arrow, Satlin, Goodassporkchops, Byrnoth, and Maxxgold W…