Calling all crafters, gatherers, farmers, and filthy casuals!

You are needed :smile: Malicious Moogles would be very happy in a Moogle kind of way if you are interested in Crafting, Gathering, and Farming. Not everyone wants to participate in Raids and other activities, sometimes you just want to relax while you are playing, but still contribute to a larger goal! We will be Raiding, and beating the Horde down every opportunity we get, but we need people that want to Craft, Gather, and Farm. :slight_smile:

Raiding guilds are going to need more than just Raiders to accomplish their goals!

If this sounds like something you would be interested in then sign up with the Malicious Moogles, and all of our dreams will come true.

I will be gathering & crafting…For The HORDE!!


Noooooooo :smile: For the Alliance!!!

For the horde

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The only thing you Horde will get is some of this Alliance Steel.

back to Orgrimmar you dirty Horde!!!

For the Alliance!!!

For da horde!

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The anduin I know and love is a young boy. That didn’t sound great after typing it but I’ll live with it lol


“I’m Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC. Why don’t you have a seat”


Heh, he was just arrested for fraud I believe - bouncing checks.

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I read that and started crying laughing in the office.

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