Calling all Crafters, Gatherers, Farmers, and Filthy Casuals!

You are needed :smile: Malicious Moogles would be very happy in a Moogle kind of way if you are interested in Crafting, Gathering, and Farming. Not everyone wants to participate in Raids and other activities, sometimes you just want to relax while you are playing, but still contribute to a larger goal!

Raiding guilds are going to need more than just Raiders to accomplish their goals!

If this sounds like something you would be interested in then sign up with the Malicious Moogles, and all of our dreams will come true.


We have spots open for everyone. :evergreen_tree: :man_factory_worker: :construction_worker_woman: :worker


What do you mean how to conduct myself? Everyone has different opinions on how to conduct themselves. Will i be told to watch my language? I mean, we are adults right? Some people don’t like “strong language”.Some do. It goes further than that but maybe y’all should outline what conducting yourself means to you so we know what you’re looking for.


We are looking for people that know how to conduct themselves. Since you don’t know what that means, we wouldn’t be a good fit for you. I think I made that pretty clear. :wink:


My point is that you didn’t. Everyone has different ideas of what that is. I guess you just don’t want good players. I hope everyone sees how you handle simple questions.


Nah, it’s pretty simple to understand how to conduct yourself. I think you having an issue with it says more about you than me.

I haven’t had one person have an issue with it, and if they do, and they are joining up with us I would have no issue breaking it down for them.

I’m not sure why you decided to troll me, but your comments are pretty sad. We run a tight ship with a group of amazing people. There was no reason in a recruitment post to be so negative towards me, and take something you are not even interested in out of context, and to make accusations. maybe you didn’t notice because you were so busy trolling, but you are not even responding to this post, but rather our Guild Recruitment link. Maybe next time you comment about something in a link, you should actually click on the link and read the whole statement, and you wouldn’t look so bad. I’m not sure what got you so frustrated where you couldn’t even post int he proper thread, but I would appreciate it going forward if you would try not to toll me anymore. There are enough of your kind running around this forum. You had your say, now time to move on.


Here is the line from our Recruitment thread. if you had actually responded to the correct thread, then maybe you wouldn’t be having such a hard time figuring things out. You have to be the biggest fail troll I have seen in a while. Commenting about something in the wrong thread says it all for me. I guess you have a problem understanding the quote below???

“If you have issues with black people, gay people, or any other hang up, please don’t waste our time. We have a good mix of all people in our clan, and you will be welcome.”


yeah i see how y’all treat people.


Hey buddy, try replying to the correct thread next time. Most of us understand what

“If you have issues with black people, gay people, or any other hang up, please don’t waste our time. We have a good mix of all people in our clan, and you will be welcome.”

means. Were sorry if where you come from that doesn’t make sense to you.


I don’t troll people. I abhorr trolls. I asked a simple question as to what you mean by conduct yourself. The backlash is telling though. Thanks.


Yeah, what you are doing is totally trolling. You took a comment from a link and went off. To top it off you didn’t even read the full comment because you are to busy trolling. I’ve asked you nicely to move on yet you persist. You are the pure definition of a TROLL.


Racial and homophobia is obvious. Please don’t imply I am either of those things because I’m not. I always have a great reputation with anyone i play with. I asked a simple question. I wanted clarification on language that this forum mutes. I’ve been told in guilds before to watch my language for saying a$$. If yall have this much backlash for someone asking questions on the forums no thanks.

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Yet, here you are blowing a gasket because you were to busy trolling and being rude to actually read the link from another post you were reading.


Wow. I’m not blowing a gasket. I’m clearly not talking about racism or homophobia. Why do you even have more than one post? I get it. I’m a troll because you say I am. It’s super eaay to brush someone off whi ask questions as a troll. Why make 2 posts if you can’t answer questions on both!?

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SJW guild. Funny how that ideology is meant to be inclusive but instead they shame anyone who doesn’t think and act just like them.


Yeah, were sorry if we have an issue with people who say words that offend gay people or black people. Shame on us. I’ll be moving on now. You guys that don’t know how to conduct yourselves can have this thread. :fire_extinguisher:


This guy has 5 accounts so he can click like on all his own posts. Funny.

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This guy has a lot of friends. We have over 2000 people in our gaming community. I’m sure having friends is something you’re not familiar with, or if you do have friends, I’m sure they are not the kind of people we would want to hang out with.

I thought the OP was clear enough without having to give you a precise rulebook. If you’re asking what you can get away with without being sanctioned, he doesn’t want you. Why was that so hard to understand?


Yeah, shame on those guys for not being inclusive to racist and homophobic morons. :roll_eyes:

Now I’m thinking of joining them myself.