I get all of these people telling me I won't like classic

The content is fixed. The players are not. The game will be as boring as the people you play with.

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While this is true for some people…one fear I have is that with all the info and vids out there and most having already done the content…that it might feel like starting a new DnD pnp adventure with your friends by handing them all a copy of the DM only info before you start. Avoiding this feel will be important to some.

i do that pretty much with every expac. i dont read what to do and just try to figure it out on my own . i’m old enough that i’ve forgotten alot of classic details. this should be interesting.


I miss the game :sob::sob:


Lol ty for revising my math Banjaa, in this case i am glad you corrected me as the actual amount of 180 billion is nothing to take lightly as a buisness model.

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If you don’t have a Guild when you start Classic, then give us a try. We have people from the top down that have no issues helping lower level people clear content, and just having a good time playing. You would be a perfect fit for our mindset. Most people that play whether they want to admit it or not are just playing for themselves. They say they want to be helpful, but once they have it done, you never see them around.

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Eventually I am sure I will end up getting bored without a doubt. But I am also not just no lifing into it. It will be fun for a good long amount of time until I probably have Naxx on farm. But what will make the game keep me playing really is the social aspect that will be present. With any luck it will go into TBC in the future which will hold me even longer.


Agreed. If this takes off, there’s no reason not to make servers for all of the previous expansions.

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I agree a lot of these people pretend they were playing classic. when classic was around in its hay day or they totally miss the point of a post because they never experienced classic like some of us have. I agree with you classic was fun sure things were different sure they were harder but it made the game what it was fun. I had a similar experience running people through dungeons guiding them through a quest they had a hard time with , or even walking my group to SFK so they didn’t get ganked or killed by mobs.

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I miss all of the things people claim we’ll dislike about Classic. I won’t get tired of it anytime soon, either. I plan on leveling no fewer than 5 classes to 60, and with my schedule that’s going to take a long, long time.


Mildly curious if “all of these people” have names or is it just one giant composite character (fiction) for the purposes of telling the story.

So you have to have a list of names of people in order to validate something in your eyes. the purpose of a story is to validate that classic is not all the terrible things that people say on youtube, twitch, and forums. im sure youll find something unless you’ve been living under a rock this whole time.
Or maybe you post things like this to have someone talk to you, what ever the reason I hope things get better for you soon.

but would that mean it would just make its way back up too BFA?

Oh, if you bring Classic up at all in GD and say you’re looking forward to it, you’ll get multiple responses from people telling you why you won’t. This has been going on for years.


That’s just the way the forums are around here someone jumping on with a negative response to things. other peoples kids I tell you.

Yeah, but sometimes it’s fun to commiserate with each other about it. Know what I mean?

Maybe retail players are scared of a popular form of the game and want their version (retail) to be far superior.

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we’ve actually been told this by any number of retail players.

isn’t that the problem? people at this point expect new content all the time for almost every game. have you never had a game you loved playing and played it multiple times? hell I have an old PlayStation 2 game called dark alliance, I still play it a lot. there isn’t new content but its always fun. my point is just because its an MMO with no new content it doesn’t mean your experience will be the same every time. farming, exploring, dungeons, giving someone a run, hell anything. if you enjoy it you will find something to do.

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Retail will still be more popular just because that is just how this generation seems to enjoy it. What I am curious to see is how many will stay faithful to Classic compared to Retail. Cause one thing has been fairly obvious since MoP in that the audience is pretty fickle. See a spike in subs for the first month or two and then it plummets. Even when we can’t see the new sub counts since WoD, it is apparent when it happens.

If I have to give an educated guess, Classic will experience something similar in that people will come to try it and then likely quit for any given amount of reason while there will still be a healthy playerbase going forward. But where does it go from there?