So I am noticing that a lot of people donât really realize that the new Symmetra âreworkâ is actually a completely different hero.
A lot of people donât play Symmetra so -
When they hear that Sanjay (Sym 3.0) has a âTeleporterâ, they think itâs an improved Symmetra Teleporter.
When they hear that Sanjay has a reworked Photon Barrier, they think itâs an improved Symmetra Barrier.
But the problem here is that the skills Sanjay has are fundamentally different from Symmetraâs skills. His skills serve very different purpose in the game.
Saying that Sanjayâs Teleporter is the same as Symmetraâs Teleporter is like saying Reaperâs Teleport is the same as Mercyâs Resurrect.
Saying that Sanjayâs Photon Wall is the same as Photon Barrier is like saying that Mei Wall is the same as Reinhardt Barrier.
Saying that Sanjay and Symmetra are the same hero is like saying McCree and Soldier are the same hero.
Yes both McCree and Soldier have similar themes of Hitscan guns that shoot well at Mid range and Auto-Aim Ults and Mobility, they are fundamentally different hero.
Yes Sanjay and Symmetra have similar themes of Turrets, Barriers and Teleporting but the way in which they do it is completely different from each other and fulfill a different purpose on the game.
Sanjayâs kit sounds pretty fun, and he could be added to the game as a new hero instead of as a replacement for Symmetra.
What makes me angry and disappointed is that he is replacing Symmetra, replacing a part of the Overwatch Roster, rather than Adding to it.
What should be making us all happy (addition of a new hero) is making some of us very bitter (because Blizzard is removing a hero from the game, that is the favourite of many players, to add that new hero).
Because we all have our favourite heroes in the game, and if these heroes were one day removed from the game, weâd be upset.
Imagine if Genji was one day removed from the game, the same day when a new Hero was added.
Imagine if Soldier was one day removed from the game, the same day when a new Hero was added.
Players would have legitimate reasons to be upset.
They might even enjoy the new hero but they will be bitter that they lost one they loved to play.
The same is happening with Symmetra.
But Symmetra is not everyoneâs favourite so players think itâs fine if she gets removed.
But in doing this, you are setting a trend of âI like the New hero so I donât care whether the hero you enjoy gets removedâ.
Itâs not a healthy for the game to remove heroes like this.
And itâs not healthy for the players to have this indifferent attitude towards other players who are passionate about certain unpopular heroes.
This is not what Overwatch should be like.
As OW players we should not support these types of changes, that seek to remove a Hero rather than simply adding a new one to the game.
In case you are wondering what the difference between Symmetra and Sanjay is, below I will go through each skill of - Symmetra and Sanjay (Sym 3.0) - in depth and explain how they play as two different heroes.
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Who is Symmetra?
Primary 3-Level Melee beam
Secondary Barrier-piercing and Hero-piercing orbs
Ability 1 - Sentry - 6 Turrets to create Turret web
Ability 2 - Photon Barrier - frequently available barrier that moves and blocks lethal CC and lethal damage
Ultimate - Teleporter - Reinforcements/Flanks
Shield Genetor - Health buff, team-wide tankiness
So since Symmetraâs Primary is Melee can deal upto 120 dps in 2 seconds, the key is to try to maximize this whenever possible.
At high levels, this is difficult and it is the fun of playing Symmetra.
In order to maximize this, Symmetra has two Tools, 1 Photon Barrier and 2 Ults. Both of these allow Symmetra to be more aggressive and more in your face.
Sometimes Photon Barrier allows Symmetra to close the gap betweer her and her target. Sometimes it allows Symmetra to block off line of sight of long range heroes so she can focus on the target in front of her. Sometimes it allows her to immediately nullify lethal cc and damage in order to keep frying her enemies.
Her Ults allow her to go beast and mode because they either mobilize her back to the point quickly or make her tankier so she can hang around the point longer.
Her Turret webs trap enemies and Symmetra pounces on them like a Spider. When set up correctly, they can extremely annoying for Ulting genjis and Soldiers and even completely wreck their Ults.
Her right click orbs create long linear disruption channels and clip enemiesâ health in big chunks or small chunks depending on how much you charge.
A lot of Symmetraâs kit plays on pre-planning and intuition, knowing when people are going to do something and where. And preparing ahead of time, with Turrets or Barrier.
With Symmetraâs âreworkâ (read - replacement), Blizzard is essentially pressing Delete on Symmetra and adding in a new Hero, who I am going to call Sanjay. Sanjay is a completely different hero.
Who is Sanjay?
Primary is a Close-Range beam (not melee). That ramps up in damage, very slowly, twice as long as Symmetra.
Secondary is essentially a Pharah rocket or a no-gravity Zarya Ball. Itâs a Ball that travels quickly in a straight line and explodes on impact.
Ability 1 - The Turrets are throwable but stronger! but also fewer in numbers. This is the only ability that resembles Symmetra (and the only one I want in her rework). The Turrets serve the same function as Symmetraâs Turrets while having more flexible placement range.
Ability 2 - Portal Gun - I am not calling this Teleporter to avoid confusion because Symmetraâs Teleporter continuously reinforces the backbone of your team by bringing back dead teammates and creating flank routes.
Sanjayâs Portal Gun is ONLY there to perform flanks and gives teammates access to inaccessible areas like Mei wall.
Needless to say this provides immense utility to the Team. Without the Team coordinating around it is useless.
But do not mistake it for the Symmetra Teleporter as it does not reinforce the team by bring back dead teammates. It does not have the same functionality as Symmetraâs TP.
Ultimate - Great Wall - Sanjay places a giant Mei wall across the map, splitting off enemies and cutting off large areas on the map for them.
This sounds like an awesome ability honeslty. This is Zone control and Barrier protection turned up to the MAX!
You can use this to initialize a teamfight on the enemy by splitting their team in half.
You can use this to prevent enemies from accessing an area.
Your team can play from behind it, as it serves as a Global Reinhardt Shield⌠I presume.
I havenât played with it but I am giving it the best possible judgement from whatever experience I have to Mei wall and Rein shield.
All in all, I have to say that Sanjayâs design sounds really cool.
Like Brigitte who is another similar hero to Symmetra, Sanjay sounds like he would be a blast to play.
âŚbut he is not Symmetra.
Why Sanjay is not Symmetra
Yes he has a Teleporter but it does not Teleport in the reinforcing way that Symmetra does. Itâs more like Medivhâs Teleporter from HotS.
Yes he has Balls, but it does not pierce enemies like Symmetraâs does. They are more like Zaryaâs Balls in 0G.
Yes he has a Barrier, but he cannot FREQUENTLY block lethal damage and CC with it. It does block those things but only rarely, when you get Ult. And itâs not an offensive ability like Photon Barrier, meaning it is not a gap-closer.
The only thing that matches here is the Turrets. These are the type of Turrets that Symmetra players really wanted because having the ability to cast them at range, allows us to cast them safely, without hopping like a bunny and saves time walking to and from different areas.