They are reworking one of my mains. It’s impossible for me to write anything on the matter that is not biased. I try to be as objective as possible, but there is inherent bias in everything we write about stuff that matter to us.
That is a terrible analogy because you miss the scope of the situation.
NASA sending people to Mars don’t affect my daily life, and it’s very improbable I’ll be involved in the mission in any way. Overwatch is a game I play almost on a daily basis, and Symmetra is a hero I play a lot in all of my gaming sessions.
I’m not complaining about the future. I have other heroes I can play, and for what we read thus far, Sanjay will probably be a fun hero to play.
My complaint is on how Blizzard is dealing with the rework, not the rework itself. I had a similar complaint on Mercy rework because they created a whole new ultimate before trying to balance Resurrection. And I don’t even play Mercy!
It’s a problem with the method, not the goal.
I said one PTR interaction with lots of small changes.
Most of the time, the PTR will involve around 2-3 changes, the it goes live within 2 weeks. The current live patch was refreshing because it made changes to 5 heroes on top of Hanzo rework and a new map, and that was an unusual amount of changes considering Overwatch’s history with their patches.
We get around one patch per month (excluding hotfixes). They are not updating “quickly” compared to how they’ve been updating since launch.