😡 Don't delete Symmetra, Make a New Hero instead #SaveSymmetra

Dude it’s HOW she does that is what makes her Symmetra.

I mean Reaper Teleports, if he started Teleporting his Team, it would no longer be the same skill. It would no longer feel like Reaper.

If MCree was changed to projectile from hitscan he’d be Hanzo.

You don’t get to wish away Symmetra’s Deletion from the game.

Read the threads where I talk about how she is fundamentally changing at her core, which makes her an entirely new hero.

You’ve been an immense force in arguing for a correct Bastion rework, I don’t know why you are so blindsided when it comes to Symmetra.

I honestly expected better from your Terranguard.

Please read the above thread.

Do you know where they got that from?

I don’t like the new forums either. You can’t reply twice, so gotta write them novels bruh!

It sounds like you didn’t ready the rest of my opening post where I provided the reasoning for why your reasoning is wrong.

It’s fing fun!!! Dude what are you complaining about. Melee in shooters has always been a blast.

The Energy Sword for example was the SHEEET!

Where the hero is changed so much that they are no longer the same hero. At that point the hero is being deleted.

Read the opening post. Click on the links explaining why this is new a hero.

Yea just kill her instead so she never sees the light of day.

… He says as he covers his ears and shouts LALALA at the top of his lungs.

Dude 9 hrs in quick play is not a lot of time.

Take it from a dedicated no-life 300 hour Sym main. :stuck_out_tongue:

well I wrote the threads in the links, so you got a problem, huh bub?

Then stop being ignorant about the hero. Learn to play them and see how they are useful.

Like it’s not rocket science. Learn to see what the hero does and you won’t think hey are troll pick.

Dude I’d probably like the new Heroshe’s turning into. But that’s my point, it’s a NEW HERO, just add it as a hero 28 or 29 or whatever.

Blizzard is a GIANT in the gaming world. They have enough resources to make a new hero.

They have no excuse for deleting one in the game.

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