๐Ÿงžโ€โ™€ 344 Days Since The Start of this post about Sym (4/10/18)(3/20/19)

383 days later (been disabled from editing): (last post: ๐ŸŸ What I would do If I was in charge of Sym's design, but it's too late now)

Would combine this: ๐Ÿงžโ€โ™€ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier

and this: The DPS Sym Ult, Sym Should have gotten, when she became a DPS

(At this point, another rework is just gonna repeat happen between 2.0 and 3.0, It would force player to restart learning the hero, and a lot of people will feel โ€œhurtโ€ because they basically killed off that heroโ€™s playstyle and abilities they like to us.) (see this ๐Ÿ˜ก Why Sanjay (Symmetra 3.0) is Not Symmetra and Why You Should be Angry)

So basically at this point, we just got to hope another future hero replace โ€œthat which we lost.โ€

(related topic: The problem with Symmetra, rework her or not?)