Hello !
Symmetra is the center of attention these days. This post will repertoriate the different Topics made about Symmetra.
You might as well discuss about her here if you want. Have a nice day !
Lately, the debate about the discrepancy in numbers between Supports, Tanks and DPS is more heated than usual, which is only exaggerated by the fact that our newest support-looking champion is, in fact, another damage dealer. Looking through forums at the time I’ve seen a lot requests about instantly reworking Echo into a healer to create a more even number of choices among the queues, and so as to not overwhelm DPS queue times even more.
However what did catch my interest is that, people who a…
The goal of my changes is to bring back certain aspects of her old kit, whilst trying to keep the overall feeling of utility in a rework that gives Symmetra healing capabilities.
Note: These changes are completely open to adjustments or even removal. This is just my “healer focused” rework idea. I will also be creating a “utility focused” rework in the future that has minor healing elements.
Primary Fire
Still a straight beam.
Width doubled.
Ammo increased from 70 to 100.
Ramp up time redu…
Zenyatta is interesting because he provides relatively small healing, but brings in utility and damage, and a defensive ult.
If they do revisit Symmetra, I don’t think any Sym main would ever want her to be a main healer, or someone who’s primary job is to heal… No they want her strategic utility and niche but effective damage to be whats brought to the table, with the added benefit of healing. Like a Zenyatta alternative, but melee based.
Her turrets could provide simple decent healing, and m…
Just wanted to get this off my chest: I don’t like the idea of Symmetra becoming a healer.
I know she started off as a ‘‘support’’, but the thing she was most known for as a support was creating teleporters and applying shields to teammates. (Also, microwaving enemies with her noodle beam and turrets)
But the idea of turning Symmetra into a healer kinda… troubles me.
I’m just afraid they’ll turn her into a healbot, with healing turrets.
I’m also worried about the idea of her becoming ‘‘helpl…
So, that was just a fun idea I’ve had. What if we switched her Photon Barrier (Ultimate) and her TP ?
Honestly, I like Symmetra being a DPS. Although I’d love her being a Support, that sounds very hard to do, because hear me out: Healing turrets won’t happen.
Since the Devs are most likely wanting to turn all Tanks into Off-Tanks, my idea was to give Symmetra Sigma’s Barrier, and make her 2.0 TP/Shield Gen her new Ultimate. Of course Sigma would have a new ability instead, since they’re planni…
I would quite literally rather have symm as a unique and fun new hitscan/ Maybe sniper than a healer. Quite. Literally. I would rather have no beam. No ally aspect. No Barriers/ shields than healer symm.
And I’m an OG 1.0 stan. I’m in the boat of actually not favoring 2.0 because I thought 2.0 was essentially giving up on 1.0. I Like SYMM. I don’t need her to be in a role for her to be her. 2.0 could be a DPS. 2.0 Could be a tank. 1,0 could be either. What made symm is no where near a label. S…
I am not afriad to say it at all and nobody cannot silence me.
I think its a stupid idea to turn her into a healer.
Especially if her turrets heal.
I enjoy being strategic with her and placing turrets in surprise locations to get kills. Its much more satisfying than being a healer.
If you want her back to a support role, fine, but make her bring a ton of utility like Sym 2.0 had.
Sym 2.0 was a great support and honestly all she needed was some extra range and to be able to place turrets fro…
None. Sym as a tank is the only right answer.
Supporting doesn’t have to equal healing. There are plenty of examples in other games where a supportive character gives their teammates temporary HP to actively mitigate incoming damage, rather than sustaining through it. A support that provides a buffer against burst damage would fill a unique niche in the support lineup.
Passive: Architect’s Will
While Symmetra or any of her buildings have shields, their health gains damage resistance equal to half their shield percentage. (e.g., 100% shie…
Give Sym two ak-47’s on each hand, made by hardlight, with aimbot-like precision. Give her infinite ammo, and make each bullet do 70 damage. Give her 100 flying killer birds. Let her anger boil over those who hated her.
On a side note, I hope Sym’s model fits with her size or she gets a 50 hp buff.
Teleporter is useless and making symmetra unable to be good. Actually not so useless, it allows your team to leave spawn faster just by a bit.
Symmetra is a shield buster DPS who should excel at close range the longer she is alive.
Turn her TP into a Personal shield.
Photon Shield
Cooldown 10 seconds
Lasts 10 seconds
100% current HP damage absorbtion cap
Reduces all incoming damage except melee attacks by 50%.
Generates 5/s shield points while damaging a shield or enemy. (Max shield cap 1…
With heroes like McCree, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Ashe being able to oneshot or burst down heroes, do you really think Symmetra can compete with them for a spot on the team?
Her beam is a gimmick. By the time it takes Symmetra to charge her weapon to level 3, she could have been killed by a McCree twice.
Her teleporter is very niche and very team reliant to use consistently. Symmetra’s rework was made with good intentions but it doesn’t fit in modern Overwatch.
I say bring on that healer rework.
Again, taken from the reddit AMA
htt ps://imgur.com/gallery/Z6w5Meg
First off I will say… This is what I want… If you do not want Symmetra as a Support then cool, but do not hate on my ideas for being purely support based. If you do look forward to exploring Symmport, then please leave some feedback, things you liked and disliked etc :))
sorry in advance to people who have already seen me comment these ideas in other thread lol
Symmetra: 100 Shields and 100 Normal HP as it is currently.
Photon Projector and Photon Protector: 100 Ammo
Symmetra’s gun now has 2…
So I don’t actually stick with one hero and role. Instead I have a main in every role, since I do play all roles.
So my mains currently are:
Tank: Zarya
DPS: Symmetra
Support: Brigitte
However if Symmetra gets moved to support, it will become this:
Tank: Zarya
DPS: ?
Support: Symmetra
Now I am not saying I will never play Sym ever again. I will but I still need a preferred DPS to fill the slot.
I do have some heroes I have been thinking about:
Sombra: This was my DPS main durin…
Kinda long so if you’re not interested in sym or are a main you’ll probably snore lol but here are my thoughts…
I keep seeing threads and comments on how Sym was always a dps because they could focus down supports or because torb and sym happen to have turrets and he was on defense/dps. I think people fundamentally didnt understand Symmetra’s design philosophy and just flat out played her wrong. They tried to force a dps playstyle on her and then complained that it didnt work.
Let me break it …
So the teleporter functions the same way it does now, but an extra teleporter appears in spawn. This means Symmetra can taxi a teammate back to the fight without having to leave the TP at spawn or disengage from the fight.
I’ll try to add here the posts that will be added in the future and that are worth being read, however if you feel like sharing a Topic that you think deserves some more attention, go ahead !
Oh if you want an actual Supportmetra thread of me I’ll give it to you just gimme a sec
Since everyone else is doing it, I might as well do it for fun.
New Passive - Photon Shield
Everyone within 30 meters of Symmetra will have half of their base&armor health converted to shield health
Photon Projector (Primary Fire)
Damage decreased from 60/120/180 to 50/100/150
Photon Projector (Secondary Fire)
Reverted to Symmetra 2.0
Sentry Turrets
Heals allies by 30 per second
Immediately locks on to lowest target and cannot lock on to another target for 3 seconds or unti…
It’s pretty outdated and wouldn’t work well considering what blizzard said in the ama but here you go
I made two topics about Sym, if that is ok.
So Sym might get reworked again with healing. While I like her as a DPS, I am also open to her having healing. However some believe she should stay a DPS while others believe she has to be a support.
Thus I fear there is going to be a big civil war between Sym players who like her as a DPS and those that like her as a support.
I got too much stuff to say so I just made this to summarize what I fear:
Personally I think both have their pros and …
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Thanks for consilidating our feedback into one megathread. If a developer stumbles across this, it’ll be much easier for them to see.
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Yesssss flood the forum with our Symmetra threads! Mwahahaha!
This is my 2nd rework for Symmetra.
While the first concept was based on a very cool rework concept made by TTraw the second rework will focus Symmetra 1.0.
Passive: Shield Aura
Symmetra and allies within a 30 meters range with recieve 25 permanent shield health.
First ability: Photon Shields
No longer gives 25 permanent shields.
Now gives temporary shields based on how much HP are missing. (A Roadhog with 130 HP will get 470 shields. A Brig with 245 HP will get 5 shields. A Genji wit…
This is my 3rd concept about reworking Symmetra. My previous ones can be found here and here. Let’s get started:
Passive: Shield Aura
Allies within 20m of Symmetra gain 25 permanent shields.
Primary: Photon Projector
Damage reduced from 30/60/120 to 30/60/90
Secondary: Photon Projector
Charge time reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds
First ability: Photon barrier
Cooldown reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds
HP reduced from 1050 to 350
Size increased by 15%
Press E again t…
This concept is highly inspired by TTraw’s rework for Symmetra. I recommend to take a look at his ideas first.
I think it’s actually really hard to rework Symmetra into a support again. During her lifespawn she recieved so many new abilities which makes it difficult to create a Symmetra for everyone.
A second important aspect is to make Symmetra more active. Sym 2.0 is often seen as too passive because she didn’t have supporting abilites beside her ults which were objects. You place…
We already found out that even 2 years after Shield Generator got deleted new heores like Echo and Sigma still recieve “They have a SG”, “I found their SG” and “SG destroyed” voicelines.
For example you can listen to Echo’s voice lines at 20:56
[Overwatch - ALL Echo Voicelines! | Including Duplicate, Archives, and Unused lines!]
So what does this mean exactly? Are the devs doing this just in case they want to revert Symmetra’s wonderful rework?
My first question is “Why only SG”? …
Remember this one? We were so hyped about her rework because we thought she would be finally become a decent support hero.
Devs: No
Time to accept she’s a walking failure right now. Her pickrate is worse than Sym 2.0 and she’s even more niche than before. Rework her back into a support asap. You don’t want her to be a DPS. Since her rework there was only one week of her being not trash and you nerfed her to the ground.
Primary: You don’t want her…
Good idea, I cant wait for this to become another megathread with amazing ideas thats going to be ignored by the devs!
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