Zenyatta is interesting because he provides relatively small healing, but brings in utility and damage, and a defensive ult.
If they do revisit Symmetra, I don’t think any Sym main would ever want her to be a main healer, or someone who’s primary job is to heal… No they want her strategic utility and niche but effective damage to be whats brought to the table, with the added benefit of healing. Like a Zenyatta alternative, but melee based.
Her turrets could provide simple decent healing, and maybe some other form of small healing in her kit. And while her dmg should be brought back some because she’s no longer a dps, It should be potent if the enemy is in bad positioning and near her, perhaps lethal but very limited. Utility, whether it’s her tp or a cleanse, have it be something valuable. And she could possibly have a defensive ult, her photon barrier is certainly close to being just that. Maybe it last’s shorter but also provides the team with temp shields, idk.
i’m okay with either off heal or main heal with her at this point
just please make this work correctly, and push harder to make it happen at all
put her in the support category, and help her reach a point to not have consistently an abysmal pickrate due to being a liability to simply exist in this game like her entire history has been
Surprised this game only has Zenyatta as a dps/utility support so far. I mean all new supports have been main healers… (Except Brig, but even then her healing numbers are way higher then Zens)
I get what you mean, but 30hps is going to be pretty hard to beat unless her turrets healed for like 8 hps each lol… Lucio’s amp is 52hps…
I would like if her healing somehow required even less focus then Zen if that’s what you mean. Which I’m pretty sure turrets will do since it’s more like, “You want your healing? Go get it.” lol
It doesn’t have to be her turrets.
I really love TTraw’s concept of photon shields.
Second ability: Photon Shield
Channel Shield Health on ally, similarly to Zarya’s Bubble or Brigitte’s Repair Pack;
25 meters range;
No longers gives 25 permanent Shields;
Now gives 75 Temporary Shields decaying at rate of 25/s;
Each time Shields decay, the ally is healed for 80% of the decayed amount;
Cooldown increased 1 → 3s;
Maybe Sym could have something akin to Harmony Orb, where she can put a dedicated “turret” on an ally that just floats around slowly healing the target and anyone else in proximity.
It could be balanced around the fact that it could be shot at to stop the target from being healed, on top of being a smidge weaker in heals compared to zen.
I think she should have similar neutral healing as Zenyatta, and a non-healing ultimate. Allow her to supplement her healing with turrets, teleporter, and some manner of shielding/mitigation.
inb4 Blizzard decides we need a Main Healer with all the utility in the world and goes down both routes making her OP and nerfed into the ground again doing neither well