We already found out that even 2 years after Shield Generator got deleted new heores like Echo and Sigma still recieve “They have a SG”, “I found their SG” and “SG destroyed” voicelines.
For example you can listen to Echo’s voice lines at 20:56
So what does this mean exactly? Are the devs doing this just in case they want to revert Symmetra’s wonderful rework?
My first question is “Why only SG”?
Symmetra used to have two ults. One was the SG and the other one Teleporter but as you can see there are only voicelines about the SG.
If they really want to bring Sym 2.0 back why are there only SG voicelines?
This one could be enough to doubt that Sym 2.0 will make a comeback but it gets more interesting when you look at Echo.
Echo can transform into Symmetra. If there are still new voicelines about an enemy SG why aren’t there any voicelines about Echo placing and defending a SG? It makes no sense to add enemy SG voicelines and zero voicelines about placing one.
The reason might be that SG will return on a future hero whose voicelines arent in the game yet and they’re only adding the enemy SG voicelines because every other hero in the game has them already.
It can be false and there is no logic behind why they only add those specific voicelines about SG but I’m sure they do have plans for it.
I believe they are future proofing in case they want shield generator back for any reason.
Some voice actors are limited on time and so they ask them to voice lines they might need in the future.
Ashe for example has few voice lines because Jennifer Hale is always busy. She would probably be unable to show up for every hero rework or game change.
Maybe they’ll bring the Shield Generator back, but not as a Symmetra ability.
Exactly, they’re saving themselves the trouble if they ever decide to bring it back. Hopefully they do, if not for Symmetra, for another Support hero in the future.
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They could bring shield generator back as PVE ability for OW2.
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Don’t read too much into it.
Very likely they will give it back to Symmetra but for PvE only. Much like how Mei has that snowball ability that allows her to move around damaging enemies while in Cryo Stasis.
That or they will recycle the asset and give it to Null Sector to use as a method of difficulty against players in the PvE.
Given how long some of these heroes have been in development (years and years) it’s not unfeasible to think that they had already cast the actors and had recorded voicelines for them years ago, before any major changes were made.
Additionally, it’s not unfeasible to think that the SIngle-player campaign in Overwatch 2 would have shield generators about in order to create an objective-focused campaign.
Then I would expect to find voicelines about Teleporter too.
That’s what I find so weird. Why only Shield Generator and why only enemy voicelines?
Non relevant question but why isn’t that map in capture the flag anymore?
They were probably recorded while Sym still had her SG.
We know per the VA that the recording was post-Reunion. The SG was already removed at that point.
How do we know this for sure? I’m really curious about whether the voice lines were post or pre rework.
Also, sorry for the necro. The OP is still relevant I guess?