Lately, the debate about the discrepancy in numbers between Supports, Tanks and DPS is more heated than usual, which is only exaggerated by the fact that our newest support-looking champion is, in fact, another damage dealer. Looking through forums at the time Iâve seen a lot requests about instantly reworking Echo into a healer to create a more even number of choices among the queues, and so as to not overwhelm DPS queue times even more.
However what did catch my interest is that, people who accepted that we will get âanother dps heroâ quickly forwarded suggestions or even literal concepts of reworking specific heros from the dps roster into other categories, such as Mei and Bastion to tank, or Sym and Sombra to support. If your community is that desperate to suggest such actions, then maybe uneven champion amount is quite the problem.
It does seem like a reasonable suggestion from a balance-to-cost standpoint, since most character reworks can create a new healer/tank without introducing many new assets, and thus being more time and cost efficient than creating a new tank/support. It does double its value in creating even number of heroes in roles, since you do remove hero from the most crowded one in addition to gaining one in role that needs it.
Which is why I spent some time to revive my old Supportmetra concept from when Sym 3.0 released, in which I took some time to rethink her place in the game and rebalance her accordingly so as to not make her feel overpowered. Whatâs so appealing about this design concept from developerâs perspective, is that I am going to use all of the assets that existed up to this point among all iterations of Symmetra, so the only animation tweaking would be transitions between certain animations, which is still work, but not as much as creating new animations from scratch.
Letâs go straight to it, starting with this Symâs place in the game.
- Moved back to Support category;
When it comes to this Symâs place in the game, I, obviously, moved her to Support role, because it has the least amount of champions to choose from, and Symâs visual design is very fitting to this category. I refused to move her to Tanks due to her hitbox size. Tanks must be immune to non-ult oneshot potential in this game, and giving 350+ HP to someone of size of Symmetra, is in my eyes, absolutely flawed from start.
This Symmetra intends to fill the âoff-healerâ role, where you give small sustain in exchange of raw utility instead of big heals the main healer role provides. But going beyond the slot role, each hero needs to fill specific unexplored niche or gameplay mechanic, and so does this Symmetra. She fills the often requested âShield-based Supportâ role that noone else really does in the game right, and with Echo not delivering it, maybe itâs time to give this field time to shine.
As for why would you even want this Sym in your composition, she is specifically designed to counter one-shot mechanics, especially ones coming from Flankers and Snipers. One-shots are commonly hated among the community, and part of me believes that is because we donât really have very reliable, consistent counter to it. This gives Sym opportunity to actually be liked in your team comp and shine instead of being just another problematic turret character.
Letâs go over her abilities, starting with most important one, her passive.
Passive: Shield Amplification
Allies within 15m of Symmetra have half of their maximum normal Health converted into Shields;
Being EMPed simply converts these Shields back to Health;
This passive is one of 2 reasons why Symmetra is belonging to this hero role. It provides strong out of combat healing that not only would relieve pressure from your main healer, but also would prevent teammates from the need of finding a health pack. 2.5 seconds of not taking damage will start restoring 30/shields per second, allowing Sym to feel like a healer without actually healing someone. This would be especially powerful with Barrier Tanks, such as Reinhardt, who can keep his shield up until this passive will restore half of his health.
Photon Projector:
Range reduced 12 â 10m;
Ramp up time decreased 1.33 â 1s;
Damage changed: 60 to 120 to 180 â 75 to 90 to 105;
Beam width increased 0.2 â 0.35m
No longer refills ammo on damaging barriers;
Has old beam visuals and can pick up items from the ground again;
Primary fire is intended to be very strong tool in a 1v1 situation. Symmetra needs such a tool due to her Ultimate Ability, which we will talk about in a second. This is why I nerfed both range and max ramp up damage - so that it is rather decent at dueling and no longer snowballs into hexakills. If you notice the damage at starting level is way, way higher than Sym 2.0 was, but instead it ramps way weaker. The time to kill a squishy from level 0 is actually only slightly longer than Sym 3.0 and much faster than 2.0, itâs just that with reduced ammo count and last level damage she isnât going to melt entire enemy team, because that is not intentional design of this rework.
I reverted ramp up time to old value, because weapon that needs aim already has its ramp up time increased automatically, and also reverted the 3.0 beam size nerf, because it will create more straight âaim-to-damageâ ratio on this ramp up weapon. Not only that, Supports in this game usually have easier to land weapons, due to the fact that they still need to not feel entirely defenseless despite their lower maximum damage output, and Supportmetra is following this rule as well.
This is a personal flavour, but I would love if old Sym visuals would came back with the ability to pick-up stuff from the ground. It was a fun, non-balance related gimmick that suited her personality very well, and I wouldnât mind having it back even on version 3.0 of Symmetra (but aim requirement should stay as it is).
Shoot Photon Orbs that pierce enemies;
The longer orbs are held, the bigger they are and the slower they travel;
Now only pierce barriers if fully charged;
Charge time increased 1 â 1.5s;
Damage ramp: 20 â 120 (~75 DPS);
Projectile speed ramp: 40 â 10 m/s;
Smallest orb size increased by 60%;
Biggest orb size increased by 15%
Iâll be honest, I am kind of an addict when it comes to piercing projectiles, my most mains in games usually have projectiles with those properties, because itâs fun. Which is why I was severely disappointed with the fact that sym 3.0 received bootleg Pharah Rockets. Itâs time to get her old weapon back. Obviously, I see how flawed her 2.0 orbs were, where you wouldnât be able to hit a thing past 5 meters, which is why I came up with something that eats the cake and keeps it as well.
Basically, if you want your 2.0 orbs back, you charge her secondary fire fully, because thatâs usually how you used her old secondary fire. The charge time is slightly faster for it too. But now small orbs get to have a purpose they never had, turning them into half-automatic pistol that pierces enemies but not shields and have way faster projectile speed to complement Symmetra at range. I always felt that a character that has her Ultimate Ability gimmick and mechanics needed a long range option so that she can consistently and actively take part in a fight while being in the backline with her ult, and I think those changes to orb size and projectile speed help it not being entirely random unlike 2.0 orbs.
Her orbs of 3.0 version have 0.2 min charge time and 0.063s delay between shots and it is not changing with this concept, and after doing some calculation it ends up in roughly 75 DPS on all charge levels, which is, quite fittingly, her lvl 1 beam damage, so thereâs still incentive to get into melee range when spotting the opportunity.
A good QoL change to the Projectile speed ramp up is to make sure it has 40m/s speed for up to ~0.5s hold time, so as to not make her speed fall off too quickly if you didnât manage to release orbs at earliest time perfectly due to human error so as to not mess up your prediction ability.
First Ability: Photon Barrier
Elliptical shield that moves forward at Symmetraâs run speed;
Cooldown reduced 10 â 6s;
Barrier HP reduced 1000 â 350;
As she is intended to be the Shield-based support, she is getting her amazing 2.0 Photon Barrier back with some tweaking I am explaining right now. This shield was a great ability but it was often criticized on how brief of an impact it had during the match. Sometimes it could stop whole bastion barrage for 7 seconds or even entire pharah ult, but other times it only lasted of quarter of a second where it mattered before shattering on a wall. These tweaks are meant to address that, and give this ability more consistent value. Yes, it will break almost every time you cast it, but you will get it more often, so the value is not only consistent, but also always good for its cooldown value.
This ability would synergize absurdly well with the rest of the kit, and I am going to talk about those interactions in a moment. But most importantly, it gives her additional tool to outplay enemy and thus win her 1v1s more, and also can be used to save an ally if all other tools were not enough.
I would also mention that it would use her current Photon Barrier deploy animation instead of her old one, and thatâs because, as I said, I want to preserve asset creating, as the old cast animation is moving to her next ability.
Second ability: Photon Shield
Channel Shield Health on ally, similarly to Zaryaâs Bubble or Brigitteâs Repair Pack;
25 meters range;
No longers gives 25 permanent Shields;
Now gives 75 Temporary Shields decaying at rate of 25/s;
Each time Shields decay, the ally is healed for 50% of the decayed amount;
Cooldown increased 1 â 3s;
This is the fundamental ability of this rework, and 2nd reason why she is in Support category. As it currently stands, it is intended to be the best ability in her arsenal.
Do you remember the old times where Symmetra had boring, passive ability that could grant a small portion of maximum shields to her chosen ally? This is its reactive, engaging buffed-up cousin that servers Supportmetraâs âanti-one-shotâ design.
To briefly describe this ability, you place 75 Shields on an ally, just like Lucio does with his ult, but single target, and after 1s these shields drop by 25 to 50, then to 25, and down to 0, The cooldown starts the moment you place this ability, so you can then shield them again right after, resulting in 25 shields/sec, which is on levels of Zaryaâs Bubble, but more consistent.
In addition, any leftover shields donât go to waste entirely and instead are converted to health in ratio of 1 to 0.5, rounded down. So if your target takes no damage, he will be healed for 12/sec for 3 seconds. But if shield is damaged, for example, thereâs only 10 shields left, the target will only receive 5 points of healing upon its decay.
This is the reactive part of the healing that she would otherwise lack with her passive ability. An extremely well timed shield will prevent death from things such as Hanzoâs Headshot or Doomfist Punch, and even Widow headshot if Symmetraâs Ult is up. Which elegantly slideshows us to her next ability, her Ultimate.
Ultimate: Shield Generator
Deploy powerful construction that grants your team 75 permanent shields;
HP increased 50 Health, 350 Shields â 500 Health, 150 Shields;
Buff range increased 50 â 60m;
- Now has a visual indicator;
Can be deployed at up to 20m away from Symmetra;
Restores Architechâs Gauntletsâ ammo to enable setting Turrets right after placing Teleporters (about that in a minute);
Her ultimate is simply her old Shield Generator, because it was interesting game mechanics very unique to Sym, and it works with her job design very well, with a lot of tweaks added that will make it less clunky to use.
The increase in range is a small boost that helps on certain maps, such as Volskaya point A attack, where 2.0 SG simply couldnât reach point no matter where you placed the construct. Placing it at range will give you precious seconds off going to backline and covering specific gaps.
The HP change is designed specifically in mind to make your first Ult defence way, way more successful than if you were to defend it consecutive times to make it more consistent in its duration value. Suddenly giving her needed 1v1 tools makes a lot of sense.
Last but not least, it finally gets so much needed QoL changes. Seeing its range and making it visible through walls for your allies is something so obviously needed in a cooperation based video game than I still am wondering how in the world those werenât a thing back in the 2.0 days.
That would be all of the changes, and that would be where her kit could ended. Except.
I am aware many of you would complain, myself included, that Symmetra without her turrets and Teleporter is not Symmetra, because those abilities are iconic to her design. Which is why I have been thinking about the possibilities of introducing them to her kit. This, obviously, will end up with her kit being extremely bloated, so this has to be handled smartly so as to not make her another Briggitte.
A good way to do it is to make them extremely linear 1-purpose abilities that are not working as a general use tools. I was inspired here by Mercy and her Blaster. Her blaster is just another ability she has, but because itâs only used to self defense when noone is near her, or to scare Widowmaker with Valkyrie, it doesnât bloat her kit. Mercy, in fact, has the same number of abilities this Supportmetra would have, but because some of her tools are extremely situational, it works in a rather balanced state.
Fortunately this Supportmetra could use some tools that would help her in 1 specific situation, and that is helping her place/defend her ult. Which is why both Turrets and Teleporter are designed just for that, and will be terrible in every single other situation. Yes, I said it, they are meant to be way weaker than what we used to see in any of her iterations, but thatâs because she will technically have 4 abilities instead of 2. Thatâs how balancing things works most of the time.
Weapon Switch:
Architechâs Gauntlet
Symmetra now has access to second weapon which holds her deployables;
Has switch time of 0.5 second;
Has maximum of 6 ammo;
Has no reload, instead gains 1 ammo every 10s;
All constructions are visible to your allies through walls;
The way I holster these 2 additional abilities is via second weapon that regains ammo every 10 seconds, just like Doomfist. This way, both Teleporter and Turrets will technically share same charges and cooldowns.
This weapon would use her 2.0 turret stance that simply switches the middle holographic image to Teleporter from Turret when she wants to deploy it, which means that I didnât break my promise and all visual assets are already there.
Primary (Turret)
Deploy a Sentry Turret thrown as destroyable projectile that snaps to surface;
Has no cooldown and costs 1 ammo from Architechâs Gauntlet;
HP increased 30 Health â 5 Health + 25 Shields;
Cast time reduced 0.5 â 0.35 s;
Projectile Speed reduced 15 â 10 m/s
Damage per second reduced 40 â 5;
Turret deploy amount increased 3 â 6 turrets;
Turrets slow reduced 20 â 15%;
- This slow effect is now capped at 30%;
Damaged enemies are now affected by teamwide reveal;
- This effect lingers on enemy for 1 additional second;
The goal of these turrets is to simply be a security system and nothing more. They will tell you when flanker is approaching your Shield generator thanks to the reveal effect, and before itâs placed it can be used on any flank route youâre unwilling to scoute yourself. You cannot just throw it in the middle of the fight thanks to the switch time and its squishiness (unless you protect its flight with your synergistic Photon Barrier). The reveal effect might be powerful, but I personally think it would be the most fair reveal in this game.
This is a little stretch from the topic, but I always felt like Widowâs and Hanzoâs reveal are kind of unfair, one lasts eternity and you need to look at game timer to know youâre no longer in its effect, and Hanzo has fast repositioning AoE reveal that is also completely silent for some reason despite having oneshot potential. This is one is more fair: if it hits you, youâre revealed, if it doesnât hit you, you arenât. So you know when you are exposed.
The turrets are not meant to set free autoaim kills for you anymore, which means all the kills are done by your accuracy in the end, while the slow change is meant to encourage spreading your web in pairs of 2. Creating this âsecurity webâ is meant to be fast and effective with its 30% faster cast time.
Once again, good QoL change would be making them visible through walls, so if you are creating a safe-zone, allies would know where they should be going to escape enemies.
Secondary (Teleporter)
Place two-way teleporter between current position and target location;
Has no cooldown, costs 3 ammo instead;
Range reduced 30 â 20m;
HP reduced 50 Health, 250 Shields â 25 Health, 125 Shields;
Now only lasts 15s;
Multiple teleporters can be deployed at the same time;
No longer teleports turrets;
There was always this issue of Sym 2.0. where it always took her a very long time to place her Shield Generator. If only she had some kind of extremely bursty back-and-forth mobility that cannot be used to get away for free and/or during fightâŚ.
When I saw 3.0 Teleporter, I got super excited how they wanted to address her downtime for her Shield Generator. Then devs said they removed SG and I was wondering âThen whatâs the point of such limited movement ability?â.
But thatâs exactly what it is. With those changes, I am giving Symmetra the most bursty amount of mobility in the game. When you get your Ult ready, the idea is to place two Teleporters, place SG, place your Turret nest (or even more Teleporters to go back faster) because placing SG restored all of your Turret ammo, and then go back through the Teleporters for a total of 80m distance moved in span of couple seconds. It does exhaust all of her charges, meaning she wont be able to do it again within next 60 seconds. It can double as taxing you up to a Shield Generator that is about to be attacked.
One additional thing you can do with it is to taxi respawning ally, but that does put your resources on 60s cooldown should you want to use it on your Ultimate or Ultimate Defense.
Its long setup time, limited duration, reduced HP and range make it awful at anything else. Even if you want straight jump to the point, the reduced health means it will be destroyed before you can teleport unless you use your amazing synergy with photon barrier to protect it and delay its death, but that is still only 1 of your teleporters that will be protected by it, and 1 of your defensive abilities gone. So in the end, you can only really use it in your backline, which is what I wanted to achieve.
From a QoL standpoint, the way its placement should work is as follow: When you press Secondary Fire, turret hologram changes to teleporter hologram and placement indicator of Teleporter shows up. On button release you place the teleporter, and pressing Primary while holding Teleporter cancels placement. This is faster, more convenient way to place TP than what we have now.
Thatâs it for the concept idea. I would love you to share your opinions, suggestions, changes, or just flat out complain on how badly designed and balanced this Supportmetra is.
Or⌠just repeat yourself and say how Sym never was a support and is fine where she is, I guess that works too.