Kinda long so if you’re not interested in sym or are a main you’ll probably snore lol but here are my thoughts…
I keep seeing threads and comments on how Sym was always a dps because they could focus down supports or because torb and sym happen to have turrets and he was on defense/dps. I think people fundamentally didnt understand Symmetra’s design philosophy and just flat out played her wrong. They tried to force a dps playstyle on her and then complained that it didnt work.
Let me break it down for you:
Her energy balls were made to deny area. The kills you got on them were more the enemies fault than yours. Why do you think they were so slow and pierced barriers? To deny an area and provide supplementary fire.
Why do you think her sentries were so weak, had a slow and had a short range? Because they were meant to distract, make enemies easier to hit for your team and to be used alternatively as monitors for flanks. Theyre “Sentries” not turrets. Theyre there to stand guard not to kill exactly.
Teleporter was a longer lasting rez. It was made to last through a fight. It was pretty self explanatory support ability. It also was another way she could compensate for not healing by simply bringing you back faster if you died.
Why did her sustain (before launch when she was actually good) recharge? Why was she allowed to give extra health that self healed? Because she was made with the idea of being a pseudo healer. She “healed” you by preventing damage or recovering that health if you lost your own. Say she gave 100 shields and you are a 200hp hero. You get hit by 200 damages worth of things. You survived because of sym and now you gain that 100 hp back bringing you back up to your original state. She was a healer in that sense and its why armor packs arent the same kind of support as photon shields were.
Lastly her ONLY reliable dps ability. Her beam. Her lock on beam had ramp up for a reason. She was meant to help you clean up. To back you up and support you. She couldnt easily run around and kill things because she required ramp up that would realistically come from a teammate taking the heat off of her. Even her primary was made to support.
Do you see a theme? It’s subtly. I’m remembered of a comment Jeff Kaplan had made back before the game came out. A team with a Symmetra has a higher chance of winning. She was supposed to be a very subtle hero. She was a support but didnt heal. She supported through auxiliary gameplay. Essentially buffing your potential.
Now? That probably wouldnt fly. In fact she was already a dead concept when the game shipped and she was nerfed to not gaining ult after she placed a tp and her shields were only 25. Her concept kind of never made it to live, or at least it made it in a gutted state.
Can she be made into a non healing dps through shields again? Now that role queue is a thing maybe since she cant be abused and stacked with TWO healers. Maybe, but I think the more realistic choice would be giving her an off heal to allow her utility support concept to still have a space to exist. In the world of supports having a simple heal lets you be more flexible in gameplay. but thats just my personal thought.