Again, taken from the reddit AMA
htt ps://
Clearly not enough to be a victim of the tp selfdestruct glitch or to notice her massive hitbox
Also they didn’t answer my question and only answered questions about healer Sym
He’s BEEN one for months. He’s said it multiple times, in multiple places, in Discords, in interviews, in the Yule Log stream last December.
He said he ranked up 2 ranks with her when she was OP, etc.
He also mains Rein and Mercy, no aim squad. Now people can’t say he has a skill fetish.
oh no, they can and will.
Yep I saw that. It’s a shame
He can say whatever he wants and there’s no way you can confirm it.
if he doesn’t see how blatantly detrimental the cd mechanic of infinite tp is compared to old 3.0 tp, I won’t consider him a sym main.
anyone that’s actually put in effort to learn sym will know how crucial it is for sym to get uptime. even looking at it from a shallow level, one doesn’t just spike up the down time of a shorter ranged squishy hero’s mobility.
I mean he can say hes a sym main but it really doesn’t mean much
like, can we see his symmetra? can we see his time played?
Come on daddy Jeff, if you play her and love her.
“When she was op” or when he played with pros and got carried.
I asked a question too, it didnt get answered.
tbf there were 4,000 comments, they cant answer all of them
Lately I think that Jeff doesn’t even know what Overwatch 1 is. It’s like those bosses who show up at the company once a year to see how things are going.
When she had the Highest pickrate of all DPS in every rank except Masters (where she was second most picked) and a near 60% winrate, for a solid 2 weeks, because she was incredibly OP. That’s when.
Jeff wasn’t the only one who climbed with her during that period of time…
We know this isn’t the first time he’s made that statement.
Actually she never went above 3.5% pickrate. Was still outdone heavily by Doomfist and McCree. Absolutely busted after the beam changes but they overstepped when they nerfed her ult and turrets.
Overbuff was slow to update as it was such a short time frame, OmnicMeta updates faster and showed her as the highest pickrate in every rank except Masters (Second highest).
He is also a hanzo main
Peoples frustration towards game balance was directed at Jeff for who knows what reason. I never understood it. It was Geoff that was mostly responsible for balance changes. Why are people even obsessed with Jeff so much.
The best part of OW imo