If Sym gets moved I am going to need a new DPS main

So I don’t actually stick with one hero and role. Instead I have a main in every role, since I do play all roles.

So my mains currently are:

  • Tank: Zarya
  • DPS: Symmetra
  • Support: Brigitte

However if Symmetra gets moved to support, it will become this:

  • Tank: Zarya
  • DPS: ?
  • Support: Symmetra

Now I am not saying I will never play Sym ever again. I will but I still need a preferred DPS to fill the slot.

I do have some heroes I have been thinking about:

  • Sombra: This was my DPS main during Sym 2.0. However she has not been treated good lately.
  • Ashe: I like Ashe as a character and she is a lot of fun. However she is not really unique and I am not the best Ashe.
  • Sojourn: No reason, I think she is cool. Also she is Canadian and I am a Canadian citizen.

So who do you think should be my replacement DPS?

We have no idea of what her kit will be like, and Symmetra’s potential Rework will be released most likely with Overwatch 2. Why not ? There will be more than 1 Dps though.

I recommend you to try out Echo though, she’s really fun and you might enjoy her !

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So what you are telling me is that the only dps you play is Sym, you can’t play other dps and want her to be in the roster that makes you wait 10+ minutes so you can one trick the most underpowered and easily shut down member of it while simultaniously putting your teams victory in jeopardy?

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Ashe at least you know will probably never be bad or gutted as her kit is super flexible and easy to tune number wise and she’s relatively well liked by the community. Plus, the heroes similar to her have never been too badly treated.

Sojourn looks hella bae though, and if she’s indeed DPS, will probably be another fairly straightforward and therefore likely consistently decent hitscan.

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Have you tried Echo or Torb?

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wait…there’s gonna be a Canadian dps? lets go

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I can’t really recommend anyone to play, but I can recommend you stay away from reaper. You will not have fun being consistently stunned and having almost no escape.

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If you are good with Sym’s tracking I would suggest you try playing tracer. As tracer gets a bit more for her tracking with headshot damage. If you are liking her orb I would suggest Pharah or junkrat. If your tracking and orb is good I would suggest playing heroes that counter the comps you are facing (being versatile). Hitscan seems to dominate the game usually though.

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use briggite as your new dps main if symmetra gets moved to support