First off I will say… This is what I want… If you do not want Symmetra as a Support then cool, but do not hate on my ideas for being purely support based. If you do look forward to exploring Symmport, then please leave some feedback, things you liked and disliked etc :))
sorry in advance to people who have already seen me comment these ideas in other thread lol
Symmetra: 100 Shields and 100 Normal HP as it is currently.
Photon Projector and Photon Protector: 100 Ammo
Symmetra’s gun now has 2 input modes that can be switched as if you were switching guns, 1 deals damage and the other heals. Has a 0.4 second delay when switching.
Primary Fire Beam: 50/75/100 DPS or 40/60/80 HPS. Takes 1.5 seconds of full active connection to ramp up a level, will begin dropping after 2 seconds disconnected.
Secondary Fire AoE: 90 Max Damage or 70 Max Healing. Takes 1 second to fully charge an orb.
Teleporter: Functions exactly as live, but now cooldown begins counting down and freezes at 6 seconds.
Turrets: Cooldown remains 10 seconds but turret number increased to 4. The turret placed will correspond to Symmetra’s current gun input mode. The turrets will grant 20DPS or 20HPS but their health is increased to 50 and the cast and deploy time is significantly sped up.
Photon Barrier: Remains the same.
Some things to note: I think the idea of a passive or ultimate adjustment could also be explored. Active connection on the beam means that symmetra’s primary fire will only ramp up if her allies are actually being healed. The input delay mode, which also affects turrets, will also mean that symmetra maintains the need to plan and be methodical. And of course numbers would likely be adjusted for balance.
But anyways, hope you enjoyed the read :))
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I really like all of the ideas except I think 50 HPS damage turrets are too much.
I also think for a passive she could get an AoE passive where all nearby allies get like 25 permanent shield HP while in 35m range.
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I don’t think making symmetra’s primary a heal is a good idea, it would be extremly cluncky.
Also since you’re nerfing the primary fire damage you either need to Drastically reduce symmetra’ hitbox or give her auto lock, the way she aims now wouldn’t work with that low amount of damage
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Yeah but they deal half the dmg… They die to splash dmg on live right now, which is why they are so bad.
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Yeah that’s a good point, I could definitely see the health being lowered, but as someone has just said I thought of it as compensation for the lower values. :))
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Oh I didn’t realize you had nerfed the DPS, that’s fine with me!
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I could definitely see the value/ ramp etc being adjusted. But combined with turrets and utility I believe this would be a fine support primary if we also consider supports like lucio and zen healing.
I generally am against a hero having weapon swapping like torb or mercy. It feels clunky and disconnected form the design of every other hero.
I think I’d prefer to bring back the hologram animation from her old sentries again to have her left or right click depending on what building you want to build. Also that animation was cool lol.
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That’s understandable. I think the main reason people think they feel clunky is the lengthy cast times, Symmetra’s could always be decreased.
My original idea was to have it function similar to lucio crossfade, swapping between damage/utility and healing is already popular this way… The gun swap is merely meant to be a mode swap like lucio’s so I probably should have worded it better
Maybe shift switches from heals to damage and her sentries and tp can be both moved to E and be bound to left and right mouse click much like moiras orbs?
Might feel a little similar to Lucios shift but they do use tech made by the same company.
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I used to say the Moira idea all the time but people seemed to like the current idea from discussions I’ve had lol, i’m impartial.
Also the similarity with Lucio corresponding with Lore is actually an amazing detail, nice spot there!
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