Fun tweaks for Symmetra to be a better DPS while being similar to 2.0

So, that was just a fun idea I’ve had. What if we switched her Photon Barrier (Ultimate) and her TP ?

Honestly, I like Symmetra being a DPS. Although I’d love her being a Support, that sounds very hard to do, because hear me out: Healing turrets won’t happen.

Since the Devs are most likely wanting to turn all Tanks into Off-Tanks, my idea was to give Symmetra Sigma’s Barrier, and make her 2.0 TP/Shield Gen her new Ultimate. Of course Sigma would have a new ability instead, since they’re planning on reworking all the Tanks and take down Double Shield.

Basically, give her back her 2.0 Projected Barrier, but it’d work exactly like Sigma’s Barrier. It’d have 300 HP and would look like the 2.0 Photon Barrier.

Finally, give her back 2.0’s Ultimate where you can choose between TP and SG. Work exactly like 2.0, with the exact same properties, where it destroys in Escort when a new checkpoint is reached and refunds a part of it, etc.

Also, what if her Sentries were invisible when they are unactive ? When they are thrown, they are visible, but once they’re deployed, they become totally invisible to the enemies (Not allies) and become visible when they are targetting someone.

They become invisible again if they remain unactive for 2,5 seconds.

I don’t know, these are just some fun thoughts I had for Symmetra since I love playing as her. That probably wouldn’t fix the fact she isn’t a great DPS, but that’d be fun. Basically this is Symmetra 2.0 but with a better Photon Barrier.

My other ideas would be that when deals damage with her beam, it regenerates her shield. 10 SPS (Shield Per Second) when it’s Level 1, 15 SPS for Level 2 and 20 SPS for Level 3, makes it easier to stay at close range and deal some decent damages.

Finally, I just wanted to talk about some cosmetics.
First of all:

Give her a Golden Glove

Also, she has a Victory Pose from the Archives Event where she is basically doing her sitting emote but is also reading a book. Could this book be added to her actual sitting emote ? I want her to read a book when she’s sitting, because that’s cool.

Aaaand that’s about it. I like Symmetra as a DPS. Believe it or not, I love her Primary/Secondary Fires, they are not the problem. The problem is that she has no possibility to push the enemies by herself and be less Team-reliant, so with that new shield maybe she will be able to be a bit more pressurizing.

I love her Secondary Fire more though, I think it has a great feeling and I feel like I’m doing a lot of damages with it when I’m hitting the shots. Great to poke shields.

Cheers :smiley:

There are a few problems with her old ultimates that need to be addressed:

  1. Both require Symmetra to disengage from the fight.
  2. Both were niche. SG may be less niche now, but overheal has been problematic so I don’t so it returning permanently.

This sounds more like a quality of life buff. Turrets are rarely placed in the enemy’s direct view (they will be destroyed quickly), and are only ever seen when being shot or when looking for them around corners.

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Well, Symmetra has always been niche overall. Though, for TP, since it lasts indefinitely, she could place it before a fight.

But that’d still be fun lol, at least your Turrets won’t be sniped by an Ashe who stays away from the fight and pokes your Team. It’s in-between QoL buff and actual buff.

I don’t really want Symmetra to become a Support as I said. I don’t think she needs that much to be a bit better. No matter what the Devs do, unless they really make her OP somehow, this wouldn’t fit Symmetra.

She’s always been a more niche character with a quite different playstyle, but that’s whay most people don’t understand. For people: Tank = Shield, DPS = Damage and Support = Heals, meaning that when a Support that does not heal enough (like Zen) then they’re Trash.

When a Tank has no kind of shield (like Hammond) they’re trash.

And finally, when a DPS does something ELSE than big damage (like Symmetra, Sombra, Mei) they’re trash.

So yeah. She sure needs some buff, but I like her kit right now. Although we can confirm that the best addition would be the golden glove